• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E [Legendary Games] Aegis of Empires Adventure Path and the new Legendary Loot Patreon!


The second half of the amazing Aegis of Empires Adventure Path is underway with Legend of the Burning Star! This massive adventure is over 100 pages of urban intrigue, sinister secrets, murder, madness, mayhem, and the beginnings of an epic wilderness journey to the Wizard's Wall and beyond! Explore the Lost Lands as your heroes follow the trail of a long-lost legendary treasure and uncover a conspiracy that threatens to shake the foundations of the Lost Lands! This 10th-level adventure is available right now at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Paizo, DrivethruRPG, and Amazon!

AE4 - Legend of the Burning Star 5E cover.jpg

Adventure #5 in the series, Race for Shataakh-Ulm, is even bigger, between 160 and 176 pages between the three versions, and it's already gone out to our Kickstarter backers, with the final adventure in the saga, Knight Fall in Old Curgantium, on its way in November, followed by the massive compilation version! We are excited and delighted to be getting this incredible adventure saga out to you in record time! You can check out the entire Aegis of Empires Adventure Path right now on DrivethruRPG, and you can still preorder the entire saga on Backerkit!

We've also created an all-new 5E-focused Patreon called Legendary Loot, that is all 5th Edition, all the time, featuring magnificent magic items, marvelous monsters, spectacular spells, and so much more! This week kicks off with a killer collection of Halloween-themed items and additions for your 5E campaign, like the perfect spells for a haunted house, a literal bogeyman, and items like a witch's broom, werewolf cape, and sack of gluttony! Every one is beautifully illustrated, with magic item cards, monthly PDFs, searchable database, and more! Check it all out with Patron levels as low as $3 a month!

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