• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

RPG Crowdfunding News – Death Divers, The Ooze and You!, and more

These RPG crowdfunding projects end by November 12th. We’ve switched formats to reduce quoting as I give quick takes on these RPGs from Evil Hat, Jetpack7, and more. So, let’s dive in.

These RPG crowdfunding projects end by November 12th. We’ve switched formats to reduce quoting as I give quick takes on these RPGs from Evil Hat, Jetpack7, and more. So, let’s dive in.

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Thirsty Sword Lesbians from Evil Hat Productions :apocw:
  • END DATE: Thu, November 12 2020 4:00 PM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): Powered by the Apocalypse
  • PROJECT TYPE: Core rulebook
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $15 for the PDF and POD versions of the book
  • NOTE: Interview coming soon
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN?: Celebrate love, swords, flirting, queer people, and roleplaying that doesn’t require you to reduce an enemy to zero HP in April Kit Walsh’s Thirsty Sword Lesbians. Published by Evil Hat Productions, April brings this Powered by the Apocalypse RPG to any lively table that is in need of amazing adventures. Specifically, queer tales that deal in mystery, relationships, intrigue, and revolution told by engaged gaymers and gamers alike. Looking for connections and an open fantasy experience, Thirsty Sword Lesbians has you covered!

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Death Divers: A Heroic Dark Setting from Will Power Games
  • END DATE: Tue, November 10 2020 10:52 AM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): An original system
  • PROJECT TYPE: Core rulebook
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $30 for the PDF and POD versions of both books
  • TRY BEFORE YOU BUY: Heroic Dark (Early Edition) for free at DriveThruRPG
  • NOTE: Interview coming at d20 Radio on October 22nd
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN?: Dustin DePenning delivers Death Divers! Synthicide, Dustin’s first RPG is a winning sci-fi experience with genius game design. I’ve campaigned in it and want to return to the system for more. On the strength of that game, I playtested Heroic Dark, Dustin DePenning’s current RPG, at Gen Con 2019. It was a great time. The sci-fi setting is table-sourced and the adventures grow from there. This campaign provides both the core rulebook (130 pages) and a separate campaign setting (140 pages) for you to create your world or use the Death Divers setting. But, don’t take my word for it, try out the free early edition of Heroic Dark and see if it’s right for you.

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The Ooze And You! from AAminis :dndnext: :pf:
  • END DATE: Fri, November 6 2020 6:07 AM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): Pathfinder 2e and Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition
  • PROJECT TYPE: Sourcebook
  • TRY BEFORE YOU BUY: The Ooze And You! is free at DriveThruRPG
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN?: Your PF2e and D&D5e gaming tables need more oozes, that’s nearly a scientific certainty. This project adds five oozes with stats for both systems in a 50 plus page book. Not enough to tempt you? Here’s what the free preview shares: oozes as pets, leveling oozes, uses for oozes [Say that out loud five times!], and, of course, a sampling of oozes like Giant Amoeba and Magma Ooze. The Ooze and You! is the sourcebook you need to realize your Ooze World campaign! How many oozes does your game need? Comment your number below.

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SINS: Manifest Destiny from First Falling Leaf
  • END DATE: Fri, November 6 2020 8:03 AM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): An original system
  • PROJECT TYPE: Sourcebook
  • AWARDS: UK Games Expo 2018 Best New RPG
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: £30 + S/H for the PDF and print copies of the game
  • WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN?: SINS is an indie horror RPG set in the post-apocalyptic future as you use terrible powers to face the undead Brood. It’s a dark setting that uses a fluid, original system to power it. If it sounds good but you’d like to know more, if you were among the 800,000 backers of Itch.io’s Bundle for Racial Justice, the core rulebook is among the 1,700 items you purchased, and it’s worth a read. Through this Kickstarter, SINS: Manifest Destiny is the first expansion to the line. It advances the setting’s timeline by twenty years, details the organizations along the East Coast of the US, provides more equipment, vehicle rules, challenges, a solid sounding bestiary, scenarios, and more. If you want to expand your SINS, this is how to do it without regrets.

Egg Embry participates in the OneBookShelf Affiliate Program and is an Amazon Associate. These programs provide advertising fees by linking to DriveThruRPG and Amazon.

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Egg Embry

Egg Embry

Bonus Content:

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Blackstorm Realms: A 5th Edition Setting from Jetpack7 :dndnext:
  • END DATE: Fri, November 6 2020 10:00 PM EST.
  • SYSTEM(S): Dungeons & Dragons 5e
  • PROJECT TYPE: Sourcebook
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $85 + $8 US S/H for the PDF, boxed set, dice, 28 page adventure, GM screen, and digital bundles
WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN?: A sword and sorcery setting for Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition from Jetpack7? Why wouldn’t I cover this? This world is a sandbox for your sandbox as it allows you to connect campaign settings seamlessly. The boxed set gives you three new connected settings, rules for traveling between realms, new character customization options using their Aparatum system, and a galaxy-spanning mystery to solve. With Jetpack7, I expect the art to blow my hair back, and this boxed set promises to be no exception.


Bonus Content:
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Putrescence Regnant from Exalted Funeral
  • END DATE: Fri, October 30 2020 12:00 PM EDT.
  • PROJECT TYPE: Adventure and vinyl LP
  • MOST POPULAR PLEDGE: $25 + S/H for the PDF and physical versions of the vinyl album
WHY SPOTLIGHT THIS CAMPAIGN?: Another RPG album in the same vein as Ancient Undead Spider Wizard, this project offers a dungeon crawl and an album of dark, ambient metal. Mix that with the anything goes style of MÖRK BORG and you’re going to get the adventure and its soundtrack of noise!


Egg, I follow your column religiously to see what's new, but the new briefer style makes it more difficult to tell which products I might be interested in.

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