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Talking Gaming With Satine Phoenix, Part One

Satine Phoenix might be the most recognizable woman in the game industry. Her popular video series GM Tips, regularly has about 100,000 views per episode. She's a GM for D&D's official Twitch channel, where she co-created Maze Arcana and DMs the popular Sirens of the Realms stream, in addition to her career as a model. artist and cosplayer. She also created both DrawMelt and DnDMelt at...

Satine Phoenix might be the most recognizable woman in the game industry. Her popular video series GM Tips, regularly has about 100,000 views per episode. She's a GM for D&D's official Twitch channel, where she co-created Maze Arcana and DMs the popular Sirens of the Realms stream, in addition to her career as a model. artist and cosplayer. She also created both DrawMelt and DnDMelt at Meltdown Comics in Hollywood, founded CelebrityChariD20 and co-created the graphic novel series New Praetorians, and among other projects. With so much going on and convention season starting, Satine was gracious enough to carve some time out of her busy schedule to talk about gaming.


As expected, Satine is a gamer through and through. "Gaming is in my blood," she said. "I've been obsessed with board, card and RPG games since I was a tiny elfling. Some of us are just wired for it."

As a multi-talented Renaissance woman, it would be easy for her work in art, comic books, etc. to dominate her schedule, but Satine makes time for gaming, on and off camera, for a very simple yet important reason. "It's all about Play," she said. "Creating stories whether it's in art or comics, novels or tabletop games, it's all equally play to me. Tabletop games are the best because I get to play with others. We make stories and adventure deep into new experiences as a team."

"As a player," Satine continued, "I enjoy being surprised and working out puzzles with my friends. As a GM I enjoy providing a playpen for my friends' imaginations. It is escapism, it's creativity in storytelling without the restraints a company puts on you, it's making new experiences, it's staying young. I'm in it for all of the reasons!"

Satine Sirens Realms.jpg

The definition of a "good" game session can vary widely but at its core it's about creating an experience so since she's a celebrity GM it made sense to ask Satine how she tries to create a good session for public or private games. "I ask the players a lot of questions about their character and the team as a whole before the game even starts. I let the players tell me why they are together, other experiences their group has had, things they lost, how they worked through things together," she said. "It takes at least a half an hour of talking and coming up with backstory together to form a bond. The players are more attached to the experiences (instead of their characters) this way. They actually seem to be more willing to sacrifice themselves for one another when I use this method of pre-bonding."

When it comes to introducing new people to RPGs, Satine says, "There is not a one-size-fits-all method. As a GM, I find it works best to talk to the player and ask them what they want out of the game, what kind of expectations they have. After listening to them I explain how I approach the game and the table specific rules. Be clear with your expectations. Clear communication is the key to a happy table."

Gaming has been more than fun or a career for Satine. It's also been helping her heal from serious issues, as she's going to explain in her upcoming book, Mirror Into the Maze. "It's part autobiography, part workbook on how to overcome PTSD by playing D&D. It's my journey in overcoming my childhood trauma by creating the character that would allow me to defeat my own monsters from 8 years old into the woman I am today."

Speaking of women, Satine has some advice for women in the industry: "Do by doing. Don't let anyone tell you 'you can't' because the truth is: You can."

contributed by Beth Rimmels

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Beth Rimmels

Beth Rimmels


Thank you for sharing. I don't watch or following any of these platforms, so it is nice for me to get in touch with broader community with articles like this. And I think there a few helpful DMing nuggets in there to boot!

Queer Venger

Dungeon Master is my Daddy
She brings the sexy back into D&D, we need more sexy in D&D ;-)
Met her at Origins, she is a great ambassador for D&D and table top gaming, particularly empowering for female and gender questioning players.


I'm honestly surprised she's gotten so much backing from the professional community (and the official twitch channel) due to her.. Background.. But good for her. If they don't care and she can keep her career and enjoyment of D&D moving forward, I'm happy for her.
All kinds love games.

Von Ether

I get the impression that she has a real passion for the hobby to the point that she wants to help build the community. More power to her!


The Laughing One
She brings the sexy back into D&D, we need more sexy in D&D ;-)
Met her at Origins, she is a great ambassador for D&D and table top gaming, particularly empowering for female and gender questioning players.

Do we really...



People feeling sexy, empowered and comfortable with themselves is always a positive... BUT most of the RPG community certainly doesn't feel that way and certainly don't look like that!

And when I read of a name like Satine Phoenix I think that must surely be a... And guess what... The same reaction would have happened if it was a male with the handle like Jaxx Hefty Hammer... Just how is the average female (playing RPGs) going to identify with a model/actress/stripper/pornstar? Just how many guys are identifying with Vin Diesel just because he's a good looking actor playing D&D? They are welcomed because good looking succesful people can also be nerds at their core.

Just how many 'average' looking people are there on the Geek & Sundry shows? Are there any ugly people on there? Now compare that to the faces of the visitors at cons like GenCon... It's a business that is pulling on certain 'strings' with it's fan base and it certainly NOT identifying with the people on the shows...

While the photo, and model on that photo are beautiful, no contention there. If you want people to look beyond your sexiness, maybe take a photo that isn't over the top... I don't see photo's of Matt Colville in a loincloth, a mullet and a big... Sword... Promoting his KS for his book/stream. If he did, how many would take that seriously?

As for her background *shrugs* she didn't harm anyone (who didn't want it ;-) so that's not our business imho. But I could see parents not wanting 'their' girl taking her as a role model.

Never heard of her before, on the Youtube channel she has a pleasant voice and gives decent advise, although maybe a little bit heavy on the acting side for my tastes (as far as I saw).


Well, that was fun
Staff member
People feeling sexy, empowered and comfortable with themselves is always a positive... BUT most of the RPG community certainly doesn't feel that way and certainly don't look like that!

And when I read of a name like Satine Phoenix I think that must surely be a... And guess what... The same reaction would have happened if it was a male with the handle like Jaxx Hefty Hammer... Just how is the average female (playing RPGs) going to identify with a model/actress/stripper/pornstar? Just how many guys are identifying with Vin Diesel just because he's a good looking actor playing D&D? They are welcomed because good looking succesful people can also be nerds at their core.

Just how many 'average' looking people are there on the Geek & Sundry shows? Are there any ugly people on there? Now compare that to the faces of the visitors at cons like GenCon... It's a business that is pulling on certain 'strings' with it's fan base and it certainly NOT identifying with the people on the shows...

While the photo, and model on that photo are beautiful, no contention there. If you want people to look beyond your sexiness, maybe take a photo that isn't over the top... I don't see photo's of Matt Colville in a loincloth, a mullet and a big... Sword... Promoting his KS for his book/stream. If he did, how many would take that seriously?

As for her background *shrugs* she didn't harm anyone (who didn't want it ;-) so that's not our business imho. But I could see parents not wanting 'their' girl taking her as a role model.

Really? You're shaming her for her appearance and name? EN World is an inclusive community. That means not shaming women because of how they look. This post is not acceptable.
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First Post
Satine Phoenix might be the most recognizable woman in the game industry.

Who? Superlatives like this aren't really useful. Really, there is a bigger wider world of gaming outside the small 'we produce and/or podcasts' world.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
[/COLOR]Who? Superlatives like this aren't really useful. Really, there is a bigger wider world of gaming outside the small 'we produce and/or podcasts' world.

You are severely underestimating the size of that "youtube and/or podcasts" world. I wouldn't necessarily agree with the superlative either but it also wouldn't be wrong to say that she's a significant and extremely popular individual within the industry.

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