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D&D Playtester for WoTC since 2012
Originally posted by Plaguescarred1:

LordofShadow wrote:Then is it possible to request for someone to make a Rogue Tiefling level 1 please???
Here's a tiefling rogue i made quick, I left most details out so you can fill in;  

1st-level Tiefling Rogue
Medium Male Humanoid

Armor Class 16 (studded leather)
Hit Points 10 (1d8)
Speed 30 ft.
Sense Darvision 60'   15 14 13 12 10 8  int 1 CHA 2
Str 8 (-1)  Dex 15 (+2)  Con 14 (+2)
Int 11 (+0)  Wis 12 (+1)  Cha 15 (+2)
Alignment Neutral 
Languages Common, Infernal
Hellish Resistance
Infernal Legacy: Tthaumaturgy (at-will)
Background Urchin [City Secrets]
   Personality Traits: I bluntly say what other people are hinting at or hiding.
   Ideal: Retribution. The rich need to be shown what life and death are like in the gutters.
   Bond: No one else should have to endure the hardships I’ve been through.
   Flaw: I will never fully trust anyone other than myself.
Proficiency (+2)
  Tools: Thieve's Tool*, Disguise Kit
  Saving Throws: Dexterity +4, Intelligence +2
Skill Acobatics +4, Athletics +1, Deception +4, Sleight of Hands +4, Perception +3, Stealth +6*
Sneak Attack (1d6)
Melee Attacks— Short Sword: +4 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). 
Hit: 1d6+2 piercing damage / 1d6 piercing damage
Ranged Attack—Shortbow: +4 to hit (range 80/320 ft; one creature).
Hit:  1d6+2 piercing damage
Equipment: 2 shortsword, shortbow, 20 arrows, studded leather armor, backpack, bedroll, mess kit, 50 feet of hempen rope, tinderbox, 10 torch, ration 10 days, waterskin, winter blanket, small knife, a map o f the city you grew up in, a pet mouse, a token to remember your parents by, a set o f common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp
Kezefiël [IK-zef-YELL] is a dark figure that grew up on the foggy back alleys of a southern city. Being an urchin, he didn't know his parents and life was not kind to him as he had to steal to survive when lies wouldn't do it. Kezefiël has black raggy hair he keeps long long enought to hide the marks on his head from the horns that were removed during teenage to help hide his fiendish lineage. He has long clawed hands and his face bears tattooes of unknown origin. He has yellow eyes and pointy ears revealing an unhuman inheritance that keep everyone guessing. What are is origins, where he come from and what he does in the middle of the night is a mystery to everyone.

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Magic Wordsmith
Originally posted by iserith:


Tailor Swift

4th-level Wood Elf Monk 3 / Sorcerer 1
Medium Female Humanoid
Armor Class
18 (stylish clothes)
Hit Points 28 (4d8+5)
Speed 55 feet (!)
Sense Darkvision 60 feet

Str 8 (-1) Dex 17 (+3) Con 12 (+1)
Int 10 (+1) Wis 15 (+2) Cha 13 (+1)

Alignment Chaotic Good
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven

Background – Guild Artisan (Tailor)
Feature: Guild Membership
Proficiencies (+2)
Tools: Tailor's kit, acoustic guitar
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Fey Ancestry
Keen Senses
Mask of the Wild
Draconic Ancestry (Bronze)
Draconic Resilience
Martial Arts
Ki (3 points)
Deflect Missiles
Monastic Tradition: Way of the Open Hand
Feat: Mobile

Acrobatics +5, Insight +4, Perception +4, Persuasion +3, Stealth +5

Crewel (shortsword)
+5 to hit, 1d6+3 piercing finesse
Unarmed Strike
+5 to hit, 1d4+3 bludgeoning

Magic Ability: CHA
MAM: +3
Save DC: 11
mage hand, mending, prestidigitation, true strike.
Spells Known (3): expeditious retreat, shield.
Spells Slots: 2 (1st)

Several sets of fashionable clothing of her own creation, a tailor's kit, a letter of introduction from the Guild of the Needle Pulling Thread, belt pouch, a shortsword she calls "Crewel," an explorer's pack, a small cloth doll skewered with needles (trinket), and 15 gp.

Traits: “I'm well known for my work, and I want to make sure everyone appreciates it. I'm always taken aback when people haven't heard of me."
Ideal: Freedom. Everybody should be free to pursue his or her own livelihood. (Chaotic)
Bond: “I owe my guild a great debt for forging me into the person I am today."
Flaw: “I trust other people too much and this often leads to heartbreak."

A member of an outcast family of wood elves that dared to mingle with bronze dragons centuries ago, Tailor Swift followed in the tradition of her family and became a great artisan and a skilled warrior. Her speed is unrivaled, imbued as he is by the power of the bronze dragon's lightning. With a combination of ki and magic, she strikes fear into the hearts of those who would stifle freedom of expression and the liberty that all beings are granted by their creators. In addition to being an amazing seamstress and martial artist, Tailor is an amateur singer and musician, playing sad ballads on her guitar, singing of her many lost loves who she has either outlived or who have broken her heart.
Last edited:


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Originally posted by Pramxnim:


10th-level Human Barbarian 6 / Rogue 4
Medium Female Humanoid
Armor Class
 15 (No Armor)
Hit Points 97 (6d12+4d6+30)
Speed 40 feet

Str 20 (+5)  Dex 14 (+2)  Con 16 (+3)
Int 10 (+0)  Wis 10 (+0)   Cha  8 (-1)
Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarvish
Background – Outlander (Bounty Hunter)
      Feature: Wanderer
Proficiencies (+4)
     Tools: bone flute, Thieves' Tools, Disguise Kit, Poisoner's Kit
     Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Bonus Feat: Tavern Brawler
Bonus Skill: Insight
Rage (4/day)
Unarmored Defense
Reckless Attack
Danger Sense
Spirit Seeker
Totem Spirit (Bear)
Aspect of the Beast (Eagle)
Sneak Attack (+3d6)
Expertise (Stealth, Athletics)
Thieves' Cant
Cunning Action
Athletics +13, Insight +4, Nature +4, Perception +4, Stealth +10, Survival +4
Greatsword (2-handed)
+9 to hit, 2d6+5 slashing
Unarmed Strike
+9 to hit, 1d4+5 bludgeoning
+9 to hit, 1d8+5 piercing finesse
Set of fur clothing, set of thieves' tools, belt pouch, an explorer's pack, a silver skull the size of a coin (trinket) and Antonio the riding horse.
Traits: "I watch over my friends as if they were a litter of newborn pups". "I once ran twenty-five miles without stopping to warn my clan of an approaching orc horde. I'd do it again if I had to"
Ideal: "Life is like the season, in constant change, and we must change with it" (Chaotic)
Bond: “I owe my guild a great debt for forging me into the person I am today."
Flaw: “Don't expect me to save those who can't save themselves. It is nature's way that the strong thrive and the weak perish"
The Lady Odara joined the Monster Hunter League after her village was almost wiped out by a dragon attack. Daughter to the chieftain of her tribe, Odara is a Lady only in name, and few dare to use that title in her presence, lest they incur her wrath.
Some say Odara's eyes weren't always red, but that the blood of her preys soaked the irises crimson. Men are intimidated by her fierce look and her monstrous strength, but some women swoon over her tall figure and broad shoulders. Odara would rather let those women fall to the ground than catch them, for she does not bother with the weak. "Survival of the fittest" is what she believes in, a lesson carved into her memories when the dragon destroyed her village.


D&D Playtester for WoTC since 2012
Originally posted by Plaguescarred1:


Lizardmen Monk 2/Paladin 1 (Human Variant)
Medium Male Humanoid

Armor Class 15 (shield)
Hit Points 19 
Speed 40 ft.
Sense Normal     
Str 13 (+1) Dex 16 (+3)  Con 10 (+0)
Int 08 (-1)  Wis 14 (+2)  Cha 13 (+1)
Alignment Lawful Good
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish
Background Sage [Researcher]
  Specialty: Scribe
  Personality Trait: I’m used to helping out those who aren’t as smart as I am, and I patiently explain anything and everything to others.
  Ideal: Might. Knowledge. The path to power and self-improvement is through knowledge.
  Bond: My life’s work is a series of tomes related to a specific field of lore.
   Flaw: Unlocking an ancient mystery is worth the price of acivilization.
Proficiency (+2)
   Tools: Artisant Tool (Calligrapher's supplies)
   Saving Throws: Strenght +3, Dexterity +5
Skill Acrobatics+5, Arcana +1, History +1, Persuasion +3, Stealth +5
Feat Inspiring Leader
Unarmed Strike 
Unarmored Defense
Martial Arts
Unarmored Movement
Divine Sense
Lay on Hands
Melee Attack— Unarmed Strike: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). 
Hit: 1d4+3 bludgeoning damage 
Melee Attack—Short Sword: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). 
Hit:  1d6+3 piercing damage    
Ranged Attack—Longbow: +5 to hit (range 150/600 ft.; one creature). 
Hit:  1d8+3 piercing damage    
Equipment: shield, short sword, longbow, quiver with 30 arrows, bone necklace, a bottle of black ink, a quill, a small knife, a letter from a dead colleague posing a question you have not yet been able to answer, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp
Wrecan [REC-ann] is a venerable, half-blind lizardmen with gray to brown scales, reaching nearly 7 feet tall with a tail extending 4 feet. No one is sure which patch of swamp or marsh he was born into as he has travelled a lot but it is presumed that Wrecan was member of a more advanced tribe which traded with humankind due to his sophisticated speech and vast knowledge. Fluent in Common, Wrecan was said to have negotiated treaties on behalf of his people in the past and is a remarkable communicatior and diplomate. One particular note is that his inspiration never seems to expand when dealt with. It is also said that his teachings and wisdom can still be found in a remote cave but the way to reach it can be difficult. One of last appearance was when he helped adventurers fighting the Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle in an abandoned temple called Fane of the Sun Swallower, which was built by worshipers of the sun god Amaunator long ago, lying deep in the Lizard Marsh near Daggerford in the Dessarin Valley. There in the throne room of the lizard queen Vethka he was found cowering behind her throne after her defeat, saying he was pressed into serving Vethka as her advisor on pain of death. Wrecan was terrified of Vethka, believing she had demonic blood in her veins and accepted to help guide the adventurers deeper in the Fane in exchange for protection, since his fighting days are behind him but knew the layout. After leaving the Lizard marsh, no one knows where he went or what he did. A bard's tale sings that he joined The Ancient and is revered as a Paladin of the Old Faith, a wise and a sage. Some say he finally passed away under a cypress though his final resting place was never found, while others says rumors from all corners of Faerun has sighting of a lizardman matching Wrecan's description often helping folks before disappearing again....


D&D Playtester for WoTC since 2012
Originally posted by Plaguescarred1:


Gorik Ungart
1st-level Half-Dwarf Fighter (Half-Orc)
Medium Male Humanoid

Armor Class 16 (scale mail)
Hit Points 12 (1d10)
Speed 30 ft.
Sense darvision 60 ft.   
Str 16 (+3)  Dex 14 (+2)  Con 14 (+2)
Int 12 (+1)  Wis 13 (+1)  Cha 12 (+1)
Alignment neutral good
Languages dwarvish, common
Relentless Endurance
Savage Attack
Background Criminal [Criminal Contact]
  Specialty: Thug (Enforcer variant)
   Personality Trait: I blow up at the slightest insult.
   Ideal: People. I’m loyal to my friends, not to any ideals, and everyone else can take a trip down the Styx for all I care.
   Bond: I love of alcohol a little too much.
   Flaw: I'm feared in the keep for my hot temper.
Proficiency (+2)
   Tools: Gaming set (Dragonchess), Thieves' Tools
   Saving Throws: Strenght +5, Constitution +4
Skill Acrobatics +4, Athletic +2, Deception +3, Intimidation +3
Great Weapon Fighting Style
Second Wind (1/rest)
Melee Attack— Maul: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). 
Hit: 2d6+3 bludgeoning damage 
Ranged Attack—Spear: +5 to hit (range 20/60 ft; one creature). 
Hit:  1d6+3 piercing damage  
Equipment: Scalemail, maul, 2 spears, explorer's pack: backpack, bedroll, mess kit, hempen rope 50 ft, tinderbox, 10 torch, ration 10 days, waterskin, half of a set of manacles, net, crowbar, a set of dark common clothes including a hood, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp
Gorik [GO-rick] was born in Keep Havenskull 30 winters ago after an Orc raid left his mother, Qwynn Ungart, pregnant. Not to dishonor the Ungart clan, the patriarch allowed the young dwarven mother to carry the pregnancy to term and keep the child. Unfortunately she died while giving birth to this boulder of a baby, but Gorik was raised like any member of the clan. Taller than most dwarves, towering over 5 feet and weighting a massive 200 lb, Gorik is bald and covered of tribal tattoo of his clan history which he values highly (his ideal). He also wears a ragged grey beard. Gorik rapidly became the black sheep of his clan after gaining a bad reputation. Brutish and rowdy, especially when intoxicated, he will fight just about anyone and this caused him to visit the dungeon on several occasions. He has a ''visitor’s bracelet'' he claims, keeping half of a set of manacles. He gets a tattoo on his body and face every time he's been locked-up. Gorik is feared in the keep for his hot temper (his flaw) and love of alcohol (his bond), making things degenerating quickly quite often. Yet he still remains a loyal mercenary, willing to risk danger for gold and glory that can be counted on when the need arise. He volunteered to investigate the recent disappearances at the Crumbler Canyon mines with members of his clan.


D&D Playtester for WoTC since 2012
Originally posted by Plaguescarred1:


Welky Ungart
1st-level Dwarf Rogue 
Medium Famale Humanoid

Armor Class 15 (studded leather)
Hit Points 11 (1d8)
Speed 25 ft.
Sense Darkvision 60 ft.  
Str 18 (+4)  Dex 16 (+3)  Con 14 (+2)
Int 07 (-2)  Wis 14 (+2)  Cha 11 (+0)
Alignment neutral good
Languages dwarvish, common, undercommon, thieves' cant
Dwarven Resilience
Dwarven Toughness
Background Outlander [Wanderer]
   Origin: Bounty Hunter
   Personality Traits: I know a story relevant to almost every situation.
   Ideal: People. I like seeing the smiles on people’s faces when I perform. That’s all that matters.
   Bond: I want to be famous, whatever it takes.
   Flaw: A scandal prevents me from ever going home again. That kind of trouble seems to follow me around.
Proficiency (+2)
  Tools: Artisant's Tools (Smith's Tools), Thieve's Tool*, Musical Instrument (Horn)
  Saving Throws: Dexterity +5, Intelligence +0
Skill Acobatics +5, Athletics +6, Deception +3, Intimidation+2, Persuasion +2, Stealth +7*, Survival +4
Sneak Attack (1d6)
Melee Attacks— Dagger +6 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). 
Hit: 1d4+4 piercing damage / 1d4 piercing damage
Ranged Attack—Hand Crossbow: +5 to hit (range 80/320 ft; one creature). 
Hit:  1d6+3 piercing damage
Equipment: Studded leather armor, 3 daggers, collection of "wanted" broadchseets, hand crossbow, thieve's tools, crowbar, 2 sets of manacles, net, explorer's pack: backpack, bedroll, mess kit, hempen rope 50 ft, tinderbox, 10 torch, ration 10 days, waterskin, staff, a hunting trap, a trophy from an animal you killed (lock of hair from previous bounty), a set of traveler’s clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp
Welky [Welk-E] was born in Keep Havenskull a little over 25 winters ago. Sister to Gorik and cousin to Ragnar, this dwarven is a hard woman of a kind. She is well versed in many skills and has built a reputation for herself as a determined Bounty Hunter ready to pursue a quarry as far as hell. She doesn't do it for money, but pride, which she shows a lot. Welky is also an experts in all things mechanical and is adept at disarming traps, locks and other complex devices with a certain ease. She also like to delve into old ruins when off duty, exploring lost place and broken keeps of fallen kingdoms. Welky is short and stocky and has brown hair and usually keep her beard shaved. She wields 2 daggers and wears reinforced leather armor. She wears the typical facial makeup female dwarves often wear in Havenskull, tribal dethek runic markings relating to the history and achievements of the Ungart clan. Having recently heard of the interrupted activity in the Crumbler Canyon, she want to catch her current bounty before joining the expedition to investigate. She thinks her fighting and exploration skills could certainly help, not to mention she has family working in the mine, uncle Judlynn "Ol'J" Ungart, for which she worries and fears for the worse.


D&D Playtester for WoTC since 2012
Originally posted by Plaguescarred1:


Najiira Hal-Amsah
1st-level Human Bard 
Medium Female Humanoid

Armor Class 15 (studded leather armor)
Hit Points 10 (1d8)
Speed 30 ft.
Sense normal
Str 11 (+0)  Dex 17 (+3)  Con 14 (+2)
Int 12 (+1)  Wis 11 (+0)  Cha 14 (+2)
Alignment lawful good
Languages common, draconic, dwarvish, undercommun
Background Sage [Researcher]
   Specialty: Researcher
   Personality Traits: There’s nothing I like more than a good mystery.
   Ideal: Self-Improvement. The goal of a life of study is the betterment of oneself.
   Bond: I've been searching my whole life for the answer to a certain question.
   Flaw: I am easily distracted by the promise of information.
Proficiency (+2)
  Tools: Musical Instruments (lute, flute, horn), Thieve's Tool, Gaming Set (dice)
  Saving Throws: Dexterity +5, Charisma +4
Skill Arcana +3, History +3, Investigation +3, Medecine +2, Nature +3
Spellcasting (Save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks)
  Cantrip (at-will) -  light, vicious mockery
  1st Level (2/day) - comprehend language, detect magic, cure wounds, thunderwave
Bardic Inspiration
Melee Attacks— Rapier: +5 to hit (reach 5 ft.; one creature). 
Hit: 1d8+3 piercing damage 
Ranged Attack—Hand Crossbow: +5 to hit (range 30/120 ft; one creature). 
Hit:  1d6+3 piercing damage 
Ranged Attack—Vicious Mockery DC 12 Wisdom saving throw (range 60 ft; one creature). 
Hit:  1d4 psychic damage and disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn.
Equipment: Studded leather armor, rapier, hand crossbow, component pouch, explorer's pack: backpack, bedroll, mess kit, hempen rope 50 ft, tinderbox, 10 torch, ration 10 days, waterskin, musical instrument (buzuq), bottle of black ink, a quill, a small knife, a letter from a dead colleague posing a question you have not yet been able to answer, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp
Najiira [Na-G-E-ra] is a strinkingly beautiful vistani woman of 30 years old with long black flowing hair and dark piercing eyes. She was born in the southern land in a beddine tribe of Moujahiira nomad roaming the hot desert. Well versed in many languages, she spearks with an accent that shows her origins. Najiira loves tattoos and get one every new places she goes, and her latest on a cheek is a spiral shaped dwarvish rune called Gorak'Zagaz which roughly translate as magical sage. She is a wanderer constantly moving from one place to another to learn people customs and habbits, and bringing her exotic music and stories to them. She is a sage and chronicler fond of magic and has travelled a lot despite her age to study arcana phenomenon anywhere. Najiira recently arrived in Havenskull to perfect her dwarvish and started studying the dwarves arstistry craftmanship influenced by dwarven clerical magic and rapidly became accepted in the community with her medecine skills and extensive knowledge and became attached with one clan in particular that hosted her, the Ungart. After hearring news of the recent disappearances at the Crumbler Canyon mine, she is looking for ways to join the expedition and investigate as she thinks sinister forces might be behind, - and possibly magic - and she also want to help the clan hosting her in any way she can as they have relative missing.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Originally posted by cowleymen:

Rhogar "Tempest" Norixius
3rd level Dragonborn Paladian 2/ Barbarian 1
Armor Class 17 (Breastplate, shield)
Hit Points 26 (2d10/1d12 +1)
Speed 30 ft.
Sense normal
Str 16(+3)  Dex 13 (+1)  Con 12 (+1)
Int  8(-1)  Wis 10 (+0)  Cha 16 (+3)
Alignment lawful good
Languages common, draconic, celestial, infernal 
Draconic Ancestery: bronze
Breath weapon: Lightning, 5x30 line
Damage Resistance: Lightning
Background: Acoylte 
Proficiency (+2)
  Saving Throws: Wisdom +2 Charisma +5
Skill Athletics, Medicine, Insight, Religion
Divine Sense 3/day
Lay on Hands 10 hp
Fighting style Dueling
Divine Smite
Spellcasting (Save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks)
 1st Level (2/day) -  Cure Wounds, Divine Favor, Heroism, Thunderous Smite
Rage 2/day +2 damage
Melee Attacks—Battleaxe +5 to hit, 1d8+5/+7 rage damage
Ranged Attack—Javelin +5 to hit, 1d6+3 damage
Equipment: Breastplate, shield, battleaxe, five javelins, explorer's pack, holy symbol,  a prayer book, 5 sticks o f incense, vestments, a set o f common clothes, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp
Story to Come soon!!!!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Originally posted by mikelzap:

Here is a neverwinter guard I made for my campaign to... discipline some of the players for fighting with weapons in city limits. I expanded on him more than I normally would a NPC because I started really liking the "Half-Orc/fighter" combination. Stats are rolled except for height/weight they are beefed up a lil because I'm the DM and I can do that! :D
Gro Smosh Blu-Smith
3rd level Half-Orc Fighter
Age: 26 Height: 6' Weight: 280
Eyes: left black, right green Skin: Gray, Hair: black
Armor Class: 19 (Chainmail, shield)
Hit Points: 22 (3d10)
Speed: 30 ft.
Str 18 (+4)  Dex 12 (+1)  Con 14 (+2)
Int  11 (-1)  Wis 11 (0)  Cha 11 (0)
Alignment: lawful
Languages: common and Orc
Background: Outlander
Personality Trait: I’m driven by a wanderlust that led me away from home.
Ideals: It is each person’s responsibility to make the most happiness for the whole tribe.
Bonds: I am the last of my tribe, and it is up to me to ensure their names enter legend.
Flaws: I remember every insult I’ve received and nurse a silent resentment toward anyone who’s ever wronged me.
Proficiency (+2)
Armor: All
Weapon: Simple weapons and Martial weapons
Tools: Drum
Saving Throws: Strength +6, Constitution +4
Skill: Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Survival

Fighting style: defense
Traits: Second Wind, Action Surge
Martial Archetype: Champion
Other Traits: Improved Critical, Relentless Endurance, Darkvision, Savage Attacks
Melee Attacks: Battleaxe +6 to hit, 1d8 Slashing
Ranged Attack: Handaxe (30/120) +6 to hit, 1d6 slashing damage
Equipment: Chainmail, shield, battleaxe, two handaxes, explorer's pack.
Gro was part of a Half-Orc town of bastard outcasts. His grandparents were exiled 53 years before his birth. His Grandfather was a blacksmith and traded often with Human settlements and took the name Smith as a way to create credibility.
Gro's father died before he could teach him the ways of smithcraft and Gro was less than adept to try himself. This was hard on Gro and he traveled to Neverwinter to find work and a purpose.
He found work in the Neverwinter guard service and protected the streets and adventurers from ruffians, bandits, goblins, and the like. This has been a good outlet for Gro as he's always felt he had some anger to take out on others.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Originally posted by BRJN:

Erev’yn Meliamne
(L1 version posted above.)
5th-Level Wood Elf (Monk4/Rogue1)
Medium Male Humanoid

Armour Class 16 (Unarmored Defense)
Hit Points 29 (5d8+5)
Speed 45 feet
Sense Darkvision 60’
STR 13 (+1)   DEX 17 (+3)   CON 12 (+1)
INT  8 (-1)      WIS 17 (+3)    CHA 8 (-1)
Alignment Neutral Good
Languages Common, Elvish, Giant (or Draconic for HotDQ / RoT)
Background – Merchant Guild
    Feature: Guild Member
Racial: Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, Fleet of Foot, Mask of the Wild, Trance
Proficiency (+2)
   Tools: Cartographer’s Tools
   Weapons: longbow, shortbow, longsword, shortsword, simple weapons
   Saving Throws: STR, DEX
Class Features: Unarmored Defense, Martial Arts, Sneak Attack, Expertise, Thieves' Cant, Ki (save DCs 14), Unarmored Movement, Way of the Open Hand, Deflect Missile (1d10+7 HP), Slow Fall (20 HP)
Feat: Observant
Athletic +3, Acrobat +5, Insight (or Stealth) +9, Medicine +5, Perception +9, Stealth (or Insight) +5
Passive Perception  24  Passive Investigation 18
Shortsword (disassembled pair of scissors)
+6 to hit, 1d4+3 slashing
Unarmed strike
+6 to hit, 1d4+3 bludgeoning
Dart (knitting needles)
+6 to hit, 1d4+3 piercing, range (20/60)
Cartographer’s Tools, Explorer’s Pack, Travellers’ clothes, 10 Darts, Shortsword, Letter of Introduction from Guild, Trinket: Gemstone / Lump of Coal, 15 GP on belt pouch
Special: the trinket is ki-sensitive.  Anybody who can see it as a gemstone (cut obsidian) has ki potential.  Anybody who sees it as a lump of coal, doesn't.  When Erevyn has ki to expend, the gem has several highlights within.
Magic Weapon: Brass Knuckles +1 (stats not included with Unarmed Strike above); description obvious
Personality: Erev’yn ran the Original Marathon.  At need, he would do it again.  Getting information into hands capable of exploiting it, can be a matter of life and death.
Personality: Erev’yn can quote - or misquote - words of wisdom for almost any occasion.  One day he will attain the wisdom to craft his own pithy quotes.
Ideal: Erev’yn aspires to increase wealth – for himself, his suppliers, his customers, and the population in general.  This is not greed, which is the desire to possess wealth owned by others.
Bond: It is Erev’yn’s duty to locate qualified (ki-potential) youth to recruit to the monastery.  For now, this means "wear a necklace."
Flaw: Erev’yn despises a fair fight; better to ambush or outnumber, and destroy, your enemies.  "A fair fight" is usually destructive of resources, compared to a quick victory (or decision to avoid fighting).
Standing 4 1/2 feet tall and weighing barely 100 pounds (small for an elf), Erev'yn sports lilac eyes, treebark-brown skin, and dark brown hair (which turns light brown when he has gotten too much sunshine).
Erev’yn is the son of a Weaver’s Guild member.  As a teen, he was picked to join a Merchant’s Guild.  His parents were pleased with this, seeing it as an improvement to his status in life.  The guild is legitimate and above-board; it also is used as cover by a monastery of devotees to Auppenser, the long-lost god of psionics and wealth.  The devotees became interested in him because he displayed signs of ki potential.  Ki is somehow related to psionics; the nature of the connection is still a matter of study and debate.  Erev'yn's talents make him a good scout for a travelling caravan.  (He is supposed to report back information, not fight dangers himself.)  Most guild members are aware of the devotees, but are not conversant with the nature or purpose of the organization; when asked members might reply 'they venerate Auppenser, the ancient god of plenty' .  Normal guild members seek to improve their lifestyle; the monks appreciate high quality and the finer things in life, but recognize that “all things in moderation” is the best life.

Voidrunner's Codex

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