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Drowquest [4e] Raiding the Road (Hiatus)


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[sblock=ooc]I see what you did now. No prob. Yes, renau is right I was referring to the penalty from the poison and CA were negating each other.[/sblock]

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OOC: [sblock]
An immediate reaction may change much of what was declared this round,
triggered either by Djaar or Nashquari. I guess Ill wait till Monday, to see if Djaar hits him first.

As a side note, Drow sleeping poison has the following effects: Numbness, weakness, unconsciousness. The drow mercenaries use it when possible, and you would all be familiar with it.
Granting saves does not speed this process. (per beneficial bonus saves house rule)


First Post
Djaar repeats the same attack pattern against the undead, this time with better results: the blade seems to have cut deeply in the unsensitive flesh of the once-Caliban.

[sblock=actions]standard:piercing strike 24 vs Ref, 15 dmg[/sblock]


Round 3: Revised

Djarr’s blade cuts deep into the undead’s broken back.
The creature twists and a cracking splintering sound is heard as its abused back finally breaks in two. Shards of bone and undead flesh go flying everywhere tearing through everyone except the spider who is out of the area and Nashquari & Javlix who with cover from allies manage to duck out of the way.

Then the torso lunges forward into Vorgrym’s legs and bowls him over, knocking him prone in the space it previously occupied ( F10). Caliban now twists into an upright position

OOC: Caliban swaps place with the target, does not provoke OAs. Caliban is no longer considered prone.
If you act after Djaar you can change your actions, but if you use the same power, refer to the previous roll.

(HIT) Djaar 9
Caliban’s Reaction (hp -69) Bloodied
--(HIT) Drjaar 17, vorgrym 15, rantyr 15, dris 13 (vs Reflex: 5 damage)
--(MISS) nashqui 7, Javlix 11
Javlix 22
Nashquari 20
Vorgrym 16
Rantyr 13
Drisdhaun 13
Undead Caliban 12


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As the torso of the creature lurches towards him, Javliex can't help but yelp in surprise! "Whoa! Look out! Body on the move!" He quickly signals to Saereth, and the spider skitters down the wall to move in behind the undead, setting up a flank with him. The beastmaster then pulls his large falchion out from behind him and takes several wide swing, trying to cut his quarry. (Circling Strike: +8 vs AC (with combat advantage); 2d4+3 damage +1d8 Hunter's Quarry)

[sblock= Javilex & Saereth: ]Javilex Ahr

Initiative +2
Senses Darkvision; Passive Insight 12, Passive Perception 17
HP 26; Bloodied 13; Healing Surge 6; Surges Per Day 8
AC 15; Fort 14, Ref 13, Will 12
Speed 6; Action Points 1

Circling Strike
Hit And Run
Enclose The Prey
Cloud of Darkness
Partnered Savaging

Str 16 (+3) Dex 15 (+2) Wis 14 (+2)
Con 14 (+2) Int 10 (+0) Cha 10 (+0)
Trained Skills Acrobatics +6, Athletics +7,
Dungeoneering +7, Perception +7, Stealth +8


Saereth - Giant Tarantula (Spider)

HP 22; Bloodied 11; Healing Surge 5;
AC 15; Fort 12, Ref 13, Will 13
Speed 6
Str 14 (+2) Dex 16 (+3) Wis 12 (+1)
Con 12 (+1) Int 6 (-2) Cha 6 (-2)
Trained Skills Athletics +7, Stealth +8



Drisdhaun is now bloodied.

My action remains the same.

Drisdhaun skirts the undead, movind to D10 and unleashes a vipers strike (16vs Ac, 4 Damage)

He then takes the chance to peer down the tunnel to see if anything has been disturbed by the skirmish (Perception=11)

ooc, if Calibans movement was a shift, Vipers Strike and Vorgrym's Combat challenge would have activated

Drisdhaun - Male Drow Resourceful Warlord 1
Initiative: +2, Passive Perception: 9, Passive Insight: 9 Darkvision
AC: 16 Fort: 14 Reflex: 12 Will: 14
HP: 11/22 Surges: 6/7 Surge Value: 5
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: used
Powers -
Opening Shove
Vipers Strike

Hammer Formation
Cloud of Darkness or Darkfire

Inspiring Word
Inspiring Word
Bastion of Defense


First Post

Vorgrym stands after the explosion of flesh. He strikes out at the undead torso with his blades once more.

[sblock=ooc]Same actions as before, though the attacks are at -2 to hit because of a lack of Caliban being prone. I used dual strike again, including the penalty and combat adv so it evens out. 16 and 19 to hit. 5 damage from each. Roll Lookup

Save for poison: 3, fail. Roll Lookup
I need healing!

[sblock=Combat Block]
Initiative +3
Senses Darkvision; Passive Insight 12, Passive Perception 12
HP 16/27; Bloodied 13; Healing Surge 6 ; Surges Per Day 10
AC 18; Fort 15, Ref 14, Will 12
Speed 6
Action Points 1
:melee:Dual Strike(standard; at-will) ✦ Martial, Weapon
+8/+6 Main and Off-hand vs AC. 1d6+3/1d4+2 damage.
:melee:Footwork Lure (standard; at-will) ✦ Martial, Weapon
+8 vs AC; 1d6+6 damage and Vorgrym can shift one square and slide the target into the space Vorgrym left.
:melee:Distracting Spate(standard; encounter) ✦ Martial, Weapon
+8 vs AC. Hit: 2d6+9 and the target grants combat advantage to Vorgrym until the end of his next turn.
:melee:Lasting Threat (standard; daily) ✦ Reliable, Martial, Weapon)
+8vs AC; 3d6+6 and the target is marked until the end of the encounter or until Vorgrym is knocked unconscious. No mark can supercede this one.
Cloud of Darkness(minor; encounter)✦Close Burst 1
Effect: The burst creates a cloud of darkness that remains in place until the end of Vorgrym's next turn. The cloud blocks line of sight, squares within are totally obscured and creatures within are blinded until they exit. Vorgrym is immune to these effects.
Darkfire(minor; encounter) ✦Range 10; 1 creature
+6 vs Reflex; Until the end of Vorgrym's next turn all attacks against the target have combat advantage and the target can't benefit from concealment or invisibility [/sblock]


The spider can’t shift into the difficult terrain, and instead moves into the spot.
Javlix’s sword smashes down on the undead, OOC 17+6=23vAC, (10dmg)
Images of a Drow priestess striking Caliban finally brings a reaction, the creature flinches away from the illusion, Vorgrym hits once scoring its desiccated flesh. The numbness spreads further and weakens Vorgyrm. Rantyr’s bolt misses again.
Beaten to the flank Drisdaum sword misses. There does not seem to be any movement in the tunnel.
Caliban stabs Vorgyrm, leaving him clinging to life, as his claw flails vainly at Javlix

OOC: the spider is into D10, Caliban's movement was defined as a 'swap' which does not provoke.

(HIT) Djaar 9
(HIT) Javlix 22
(CRIT) Nashquari 20
(1 HIT) Vorgrym 16
(MISS) Rantyr 13
(MISS) Drisdhaun 13
Undead Caliban 12 (99dmg, 17 hp remaining)
--Voygrym AC 24 = 10 damage; Javlix AC 8
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