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[4e] [ePoL] Heroic Souls IC (R6 Heian > Monsters > Eldan&Champy > Quinn > Silvi > )


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Afraid of what he will find when he gets there, Eldan runs acros the clearing, motioning for champy to follow. As he goes, he draws his sword.

[sblock=ooc] Standard Action: Run
Move Action: Run
Minor Action: draw sword

It wasn't a bad plan, Atan. It was an unlucky roll for Silvi.[/sblock]

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[sblock=OOC: I say...]
...always act in character. If I want to get rid of Silvi I'll get rid of her in a far less subtle manner. ;)

And rc is right. It was a move that included a degree of risk and offered a degree of reward. She rolled badly, but if you'd gone up there and there had been a dozen people your position would be much worse.

You placed one party member (an NPC) in peril as part of a gamble to ensure the whole party didn't, potentially, get wiped out.

Obviously I knew there were three people and a swarm up there. But you couldn't have.

Unless you decided to meta-game and say 1st level encounter = 500 xp. The two guards are soldiers so they're 200~250 xp > can only be 250 ~ 300 xp up top.
You didn't meta game (which is wise since I sometimes veer from the script anyway). Good for you :) .[/sblock]

Primed for action Eldan bolts down the trail and into the clearing with Champy following behind as quickly as the fungi man's awkward little legs can carry him.
[sblock=Champy's speed]Champy's basically a warforged in scale armor. Cause I thought it was closest to a plant-man. So he doesn't have scale armor on, per se, but he's acts just like someone in heavy armor complete with -1 to speed.
If he ever gets an armor proficiency feat I'll upgrade him to plate.[/sblock]

Quinn prompts into motion, walking hasty in front of Silvi he holds his staff with both hands, and hits the ground in front of him, pronouncing ancient words. "Phonos relampagus!"
As he pronounced this words a floating rune appears at the top of his simple mud staff, and a whip-crack of sonic power lashes up from the ground, pushing the crawling creatures backwards.
The blast also catches the fungal guardsman [17] knocking the creature to the ground and it does not rise.

The sonic energy drives the air around the bearded man into a swirl, ruffling his robes and beard in a magnificent manner.

Taking advantage of the cover provided by Quinn Silvi slips into the underbrush and.... she's gone. Heian and Quinn are sure she can't have gotten far but... you have no idea where she is.
[move:stand standard: move & stealth] [Stealth=[URL="http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1740827/"]27[/URL]] [Weakness save=FAIL]


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I don't think I can cut that with a sword says Heian grinding his teeth. He comes out from cover anyway and approaches the swarm, slashing in a wide sweeping motion with his sword, and, angrily shouts: Get Away!!

[sblock=ooc]Heian moves down-leftx2,left. Minor to divine challenge the swarm(-2 to hit and 7 dmg if it attacks any other but Heian) standard: Enfeebling Strike 16vs AC, 7 dmg, if it hits, -2 to attack rolls (total -4 vs other than Heian)[/sblock]

Opportunity/basic attack: +6 vs AC; 1d8+3[/sblock]
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Heian fails to land a blow on the swarming fungi.

A squat fungi-man with an impressive looking crown on its head appears above you, standing at the top of the cliff overlooking the clearing. It points at Heian and fires a blast of red, withering energy at the paladin.

The blast staggers the paladin [15vsRef|7DAM&weakened (save ends)]

The fungal warrior at the base of the ramp charges Eldan; the warrior handily dodge's it's petrified wood club [MISS].

Another moves down to the base of the ramp, and Heian can see a fourth further up the ramp.

The swarm seethes around Heian with a malignant will, and pulls the paladin from his feet [minor: Pull down HIT (22vsfort) > Heian knocked prone)
✦ You grant combat advantage to enemies making melee attacks against you.
✦ You get a +2 bonus to all defenses against ranged attacks from nonadjacent enemies.
✦ You’re lying on the ground. (If you’re flying, you safely descend a distance equal to your fly speed. If you don’t reach the ground, you fall.)
✦ You take a –2 penalty to attack rolls.[/sblock]

The swarm surges over the paladin attempting to consume his flesh; his proximity to the floor provides it's many mouths with ample opportunities to begin a meal [standard:swarm of mouths > 25vsAC|16DAM]
[sblock=Swarm of Mouths]Extra damage vs prone targets.[/sblock]
[sblock=Aura:Swarm Attack]the demonic fungal swarm makes a basic
attack as a free action against each enemy that begins its turn in
the aura
:bmelee:Swarm of Mouths
+8 vs. AC; 1d10 + 4 damage, or 2d10 + 4 damage against a
prone target.[/sblock]
Silvi 1/28
-weakened (save ends)

Heian 4/27
-weakened (save ends)


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Voda Vosa

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"Heian!" Quinn screams "You nasty pieces of living mud, I'll burn your soul!" The wizard begins to move his hands over his head, where strange runes begin to shape . With the command "Sorcha magna" a sphere of fire appears next to the fungal creature, burning it with it's scorching proximity.
Flaming sphere: Attk: 23 ; Dmg: 9


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Seeing Heian pulled to the ground, Eldan grimaces in frustration, but forces himself to focus on the closer threat. He steps to the side and motions Champy to stand opposite, then swings his sword sharply at the fungal warrior, missing widely, but forcing it off balance.

[sblock=ooc] Move Action: shift one square E
Standard action: Viper's Strike vs. fungal warrior 1, hits AC 8 for 12 damage, but if the target shifts before the end of my next turn, Champy gets an OA. [/sblock]


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[sblock=whoa!] Damn! Heian's going to take damage from the area attack...so... I'll post what heian does if they miss him, 'cause if the hit he'll be unconscious[/sblock]

Heian is still shocked by the sudden attack, and barely manages to stand up and retreat from the vicious creatures. He grimaces as he tries to regain composure and gathers his strenght.

[sblock=actions]move:stand up; minor: shifts right; standard: second wind, regain 6 hp and +2 to all defenses[/sblock]

Opportunity/basic attack: +6 vs AC; 1d8+3

(Heian's Reflex defense is 13, not 11, since he has a heavy shield equipped)
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[sblock=whoa indeed]For the record the creature is a second level monster from the MM, I just mucked about with the names, fx and keywords.
But yeah... that was a lot of damage.[/sblock]

Eldan sets the Fungal Warrior up and Champy knocks him down [HIT].

The words "Sorcha magna" seem to swirl around Quinn like a living thing before coalescing into a flaming sphere and incinerating a chunk of the swarm [DAM9*].
--[Swarm Bloodied]
[sblock=* Technically]The sphere is a ranged attack so it's supposed to do half damage, but it's "obvious" (to me anyway) that the flaming aura means its more like a an area attack and should do full damage to the swarm.

I suppose this is our first house rule.[/sblock]
[sblock=Where do you want the sphere?]I put it where I was sure it wouldn't burn Heian, but it can be anywhere you want of course[/sblock]

Heian manages to shake off most of the swarm [Aura:Miss] and stands [move] and uses a healing surge [standard].
[sblock=OOC shifting with minors]You -can't- shift with a minor right?
(Unless you're a kobold.... ;) )

You can use a standard to shift with an action point.

> (Heian's Reflex defense is 13, not 11, since he has a heavy shield equipped)
I have this correct on my sheet. Thanks for the heads up though.[/sblock]

Heian also shakes off the effect of the shamans blast.

Silvi slips deeper into the wood, approaching the cliff wall and takes a moment to steady herself [move & standard: second wind]. She fails to shake off the weakness [FAIL].

Silvi 8/28
+2 defenses til R3 action
-weakened (save ends)

Heian 10/27
+2 defenses til R3 action
-weakened (save ends) -> successful SAVE at end of action on round two(DM rolled)



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First Post
[sblock=needlefangs] Yeah, I almost wiped out the other party in my In Defiance of Dragons campaign with one of those swarms. Of course the guard drakes holding up the defender didn't help much. But still, they are nasty stuff for 2nd level.[/sblock]

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