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[4e] [ePoL] Heroic Souls RG


This is the character thread for the Heroic Souls game running in the PbP section of the boards. (It was called ePoL for extreme Points-of-Light originally).

All characters are 1st level (human or half-elf) 4e characters using the point buy system from the PhB (25 points).

[sblock=The Heroes]
Heian (Human Paladin)
undecided (Human swordmage)
Champy (fungi-man defender) - NPC

Eldan (Half Elf Warlord)

Neeloo (Human Feylock) - player disappeared - probably going to be an npc
Silvi (Human ranger) - player disappeared - probably going to be an npc

Quinn (Human Wizard)

WD's illusionist (Human Wizard using WotC Illusionist Powers)
Karothen (wizard) -- may return later
Verulo (rogue)-- (no word unfortunately)

OOC thread
IC thread

[sblock=Party passives and initiative]
Eldan 10 - low light
Heian 12 - low light
Neeloo 12 (b/c Jack of All Trades)
Quinn 12
Silvi 17
Champy 11

Perception line

Eldan 13
Heian 19 (!)
Neeloo 15
Quinn 17
Silvi 12
Champy 11

Insight line

Initiative (includes +2 for Eldan)
Eldan +3
Heian +2
Neeloo +0
Quinn +2
Silvi +3
Champy +3 (will just go with Eldan)

Initiative line


[sblock=Combat Stats]
Eldan 27/13
Perception: 10 Insight: 13
AC 17 Fortitude 14 Reflex 12 Will 14

Heian 27/13
Perception: 12 Insight: 19
AC 20 Fortitude 14 Reflex 11 Will 15

Neeloo 27/13
Perception: 12 Insight: 15
AC 14 Fortitude 13 Reflex 15 Will 16

Quinn 24/12
Perception: 12 Insight: 12
AC 15 Fortitude 14 Reflex 14 Will 16

Silvi 28/14
Perception: 17 Insight: 12
AC 17 Fortitude 16 Reflex 16 Will 13
Resist 5 fire

Champy 33/16
Perception: 11 Insight: 1
AC 17 Fortitude 15 Reflex 11 Will 12
+2 saves vs ongoing damage

[sblock=Heroic Soul List]
??? - Eldan
Traits: Always a warrior and leader of men, usually an elf and male

The Fey Queen - Neeloo
Traits: Invariably connected to the fey in one way or another. Usually female

??? - Heian
Traits: Usually a divine warrior. Often protects The Fey Queen

The Hidden Mentor (Other possibilties) - Quinn, others (current IC thread)
Traits: An extremely knowledgeable hs, usually a teacher, frequently teaches the Fixer and the Geeche's HS
Player: Vosa Vosa

Silvi - none specific yet
Traits: Finds the unfindable; others ;)

Inactive PCs

??? - Verulo
Traits: Often a rogue, assumes different roles and identities easily. Alternates between tricking and assisting to The Fixer

??? -
Player:Walking Dad

The Fixer - Karothen, Kurakree , the Fixer
Traits: Initially a weak, but perceptive mage; frequently fearful. Invariably falls in love with Jeillia's HS and ???

never really appeared in play... not sure if this character exists
??? - Alexander

??? - The Geeche, an unnamed boy and a halfling wizard who studied with Kurakree
Traits: No longer mortal; usually a shadow mage/summoner

The Shifting Bulwark - Khazeen
Traits: No longer mortal; gender and race changed, always a warrior and protector, frequently coincided with the Fey Queen

??? - Jeillia, (others, see old IC thread)
Traits: Always strongly connected with the gods, always female, usually a sibling or relation of Eldan's HS, often loved by The Fixer

??? - Champy
Traits: A warrior, tightly linked with Eldan's HS.

??? - ;)
Traits: A transmuter; The other side of the love triangle between the Fixer and Jeillia's heroic soul

The Changing Dancer - Zihir (in the past age), currently ??? (if s/he still exists)
Traits: Possibly the most "unfixed" of all the heroic souls; the dancer has been profoundly idiosyncratic in almost every way (power level, affiliation, race, class, gender) -- when powerful s/he is often vexed or bound (once, famously as a djinn in a bottle) when she is weak s/he is often free and possessed of great agency. Historically the dancer seems to incarnate most powerfully during periods of chaos, and most weakly during periods of order (though exceptions, naturally, have existed).

Others of course.
[sblock=Unusual Items (Geeche given and otherwise]
  • Eldan - Redclaw
    Helmet (Geeche)
  • Heian - Ata
    The Padlock
  • Neeloo - SarahReq
    the silver key
  • Quinn - Vosa Vosa
    Has own pebble
    Old Gran's book
  • Silvi - Rayex
    The Blue Feather
  • ??? - WD
  • Verulo
    Karothen's Angel Statue
    The mirror
[sblock=House Rules]Flaming spheres (from the power) do full damage (not half damage) to swarms; despite being ranged.[/sblock]

Fight 1 vs the Exiled (shadow creatures) on the bank of the river.
Creature XP: 700/7 = 100
Per PC situational bonus +50
Total: 150

Fight 2 The fungal guardpost
Using 5 PCs
Creature XP: 452/5=90ish
doubled since the layout was to their disadvantage
Total: 180[/sblock]


  • Eldan_Helmet.jpg
    15.2 KB · Views: 219
  • heian_Padlock.jpg
    40.3 KB · Views: 244
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First Post
Male Half-Elf Warlord
Alignment: Good
Deity: --
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 185 lbs
Hair: Light brown, unruly curls
Eyes: green
Skin: Tan
Age: 19
XP: 0

Str: 16 (+3)
Dex: 10 (+0)
Con: 15 (+2) +2 Racial
Int: 12 (+1)
Wis: 12 (+1)
Cha: 17 (+3) +2 Racial

Hit Points: 27 Bloodied: 13
Healing Surge: 6 Surges per day: 8
Initiative: +2 (+0 Dex, +2 Warlord)
Speed: 6
Perception: 10 Insight: 10 Low-Light Vision
Action Points: 1

AC 17 Fortitude 14 Reflex 12 Will 14

Basic Melee Attack: +6 (longsword) Damage: 1d8+4 Versatile
Basic Ranged Attack: +5 (Javelin) Damage: 1d6+3 Heavy Thrown, 10/20

Diplomacy	        +10 (+5 Trained, +3 Cha, +2 Racial)
Endurance		+7  (+5 Trained, +2 Con)
Insight			+3  (+1 Wis, +2 Racial)
Athletics	        +8  (+5 Trained, +3 Str)
Heal			+6  (+5 Trained, +1 Wis)

Weapon Focus (Heavy Blades)


Class and Racial abilities:
Half-Elven Dilettante (Cleave)
Dual Heritage
Group Diplomacy (+1)
Combat Leader (+2 Init)
Inspiring Presence (3 HP)
Inspiring Word

Furious Smash (At-Will Attack, Standard, Small damage, ally gets bonus on attack and damage)
+6 vs. Fort, 3 damage, ally gets +3 to hit and damage

Viper's Strike (At-Will Attack, Standard, Target open to ally's attack)
+6 vs. AC, 1d8+4 damage, If target shifts, ally gets Opp. Att.

Inspiring Word (Encounter, Minor, Burst 5, Healing Surge)
Target spends healing surge, regains +1d6 HP

Guarding Attack (Encounter Attack, Standard, strong attack, ally gets AC boost)
+6 vs. AC, 2d8+4 damage, ally gets +4 AC vs. target

Cleave (Encounter Attack, Standard, attack and hit secondary target)
+6 vs. AC, 1d8+4 and adjacent enemy takes 3 damage

Bastion of Defense (Daily Attack, Standard, Strong Attack, Allies get def boost)
+6 vs AC, 3d8+4 damage, allies within 5 squares get +1 to all defenses
Effect--Allies within 5 squares get 8 temporary HP

Longsword 15 gp
Chainmail 40 gp
Light Shield 5 gp
2 Javelins 10 gp
Standard Adventurer's kit 15 gp

Money: 15 gp
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First Post
Ok, here's Heian how he would be at 1st level. I slightly modified the background to fit the new feel.

Heian, half-elf paladin 1
Str 16
Dex 10
Con 12 (+2 half-elf)
Int 8
Wis 15
Cha 18 (+2 half-elf)

HP: 27
Healing surges/day: 11

AC: 10 (20 with plate armor and heavy shield)
Ref:11 (13 with heavy shield)

Init:+0 Senses: Low-light vision, perception:12 insight:19
Speed:6 (5 with plate armor)
Languages: Common,-,-
Alignment: Good

Class features: channel divinity
divine challenge
lay on hands

Skills (*trained,°-2 with plate armor, -4 with heavy shield):
Acrobatics° +0
Arcana -1
Athletics° +3
Bluff +4
Diplomacy* +11 (group diplomacy 10 squares +1)
Dungeoneering +2
Endurance° +1
Heal* +6
History -1
Insight* +9
Intimidate +4
Nature +2
Perception +2
Religion* +7
Stealth° +0
Streetwise +4
Thievery° +0

Feats (*bonus): Human perseverance

Basic attack: longsword +6 vs Ac 1d8+3 dmg
javelin +5 vs AC 1d6+3 dmg rng 10/20
-at will: Holy strike
Enfeebling strike
Divine challenge
Lay on hands 2/day

-encounter:piercing smite
Divine mettle//Divine strenght
Furious smash (warlord at-will)

-daily: Paladin's judgement

Equipment: 2 javelins

Background: Heian is a barely 6-foot-tall man with long brown hair and green eyes. He's a 20 years old half-elf in a village of humans. Actually, he doesn't even know what a half-elf is, or an elf, really. He just knows he's always been different from the other kids. He has always had a sort of empathic feeling that everyone else in the village seemed to lack. Once as a child he asked his mother why he didn't have a father while all the other children did, and he got slapped in the face (this would be one of the exceedingly rare occasions in which a villager wins over the daze), so he never asked again. Heian is a hunter; he isn't particularly good at hiding from his preys, but he knows quite well the surroundings of the village and has a good javelin throw. His neighborough, a weird, gruff man taught him a little of the art of swordsmanship (i figure him as a man not very influenced by the daze, who could have had theheroic soul but in the end surrendered to the daze). He's taciturn, but more often than not his soul is a storm of thought and unexpressed feelings, that for reasons he feels are wrong he cannot spit out. The strongest source of this turmoil are the eyes of NeeLoo, a girl living in the village. He feels she's different. He knows she fells the same about him too. They've exchanged a few words, as normal in a small settlement, but no more. But the looks they exchange seem something almost alien in the everyday life of the village.

Heian has an outstanding (relatively to his environment) ability to understand others and has always easily developped strong affections and protective feelings towards others, but his openly sociable behaviour was strongly discouraged by his mother during his childhood years, so he is mostly on his own despite his desire for human interaction. Farlarn owns a couple of swords and shields, with which he lets Heian train, so he has a good understanding of armed combat.

Relationships: See NeeLoo

Hooks: Maybe the man who taught him to hunt, Farlarn; NeeLoo.

[sblock=what Heian received from the Geeche]padlock.jpgA golden rusty padlock (no key)[/sblock]
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First Post
Female Human Warlock; Fey Pact
Alignment: Good
Deity: --
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 98 lbs
Hair: White, short
Eyes: Very Pale Blue
Skin: Pale
Age: 16
XP: 0

Str: 8 (-1)
Con:15 (+2)
Dex: 10 (+0)
Int: 16 (+3)
Wis: 10 (+0)
Cha: 18 (+4)

Hit Points: 27 Bloodied: 13
Healing Surge: 6 Surges per day: 8
Initiative: 0
Speed: 6
Perception: 12 Insight: 15
Action Points: 1

AC 14 Fortitude 13 Reflex 15 Will 16

Basic Melee (punch) Attack: -1 Damage: 1d4-1
Basic Ranged (Eldritch Blast) Attack: +4 Damage: 1d10+4

Arcana +8
Insight +5
Intimidate +9
Bluff +9
History +8
+2 all untrained

Improved Misty Step (+2 squares using pact boon)
Jack of all Trades (+2 to all untrained skills)


Class and Racial abilities:
+2 to 1 ability score
Bonus At-Will
Bonus Feat
Bonus Skill
Human Defence Bonus
Warlock Defence Bonus
Fey Pact, Misty step. (When an enemy under your warlock's curse is reduced to 0hp or fewer, you can immediately teleport 3 squares (5 with improved) as a free action.)
Prime Shot
Shadow Walk
Warlock's Curse (1d6)

At Wills:

Eldritch Blast, standard, Range 10
+4 vs Reflex, 1d10+4

EyeBite, standard, psychic, range 10
+4 vs will, 1d6+4. effect: You are invisible to the target until the start of your next turn

Dire Radiance, standard, fear, range 10
+2 vs fortitude. 1d6+2 radiant. effect: if the target moves nearer to you on its next turn, it takes an extra 1d6+2.


WitchFire, standard, fire, range 10
+4 vs reflex, 2d6+4 fire. effect: targettakes -5 to attack rolls until the end of my next turn.


Curse of the Dark Dream, standard, psychic, range 10
+4 vs will, 3d8+4 psychic. effect: you slide the target 3 squares
sustain minor: you slide the target 1 square, whether you hit or miss (save ends)

simple clothes AC 0

capacity: 0/90lb



level 2:
feat: Skill Focus: Bluff or intimidate...
Utility Power:
Beguiling Tongue (Minor, Arcane, Encounter)
+5 to next bluff, diplomacy, or intimidate check

level 3:
Encounter Power:
Otherwind Stride (standard, arcane) Close burst 1
charisma vs fortitude. 1d8+charisma. target is immobilized (save ends)
effect: teleport 5+int squares

Feat: Linguist (Draconic, Supernal, Primordial)
Ability score: +1 charisma. +1 inteligence

Daily Power:
Crown of Madness (Standard, Arcane) 10
Charisma vs Will
Hit: 2d6+Charisma Psychic
Miss: half
sustain minor: target makes a basic melee attack against an adjacent ally.

Feat: Ritual Caster
Utility Power:
Fey Switch (Move, Arcane, Encounter) 10
Switch position with a willing ally.

level 7:
Encounter Power:
Mire the Mind (Standard, Arcane) 10
Charisma vs Will.
Hit: 1d10+charisma Psychic. You and all allies in range are invisible to the target until the end of your next turn.

level 8:
feat: Human Perseverance
Ability score: +1 charisma, +1 inteligence

level 9:
Daily Power:
Curse of the Black Frost (Standard, Arcane) 10
Charisma vs Reflex
Hit: 2d8+charisma Cold.
Effect: if the target moves for any reason, it takes 1d8 cold damage. (save ends) if the target saves, you cannot sustain.
Sustain Minor: Target takes 2d8 cold damage.

Level 10:
feat: Action Surge
Utility Power:
Shielding Shades (Reaction, Arcane, Daily)
Reduce Attacker's damage to 0

Level 11:
Ability Scores: +1 to all
Paragon Path Feature: FeyTouched
Feytouched Action:
+4 to attack rolls when using an action point.
Slashing Wake:
Ennemies take Int mod damage when you teleport.
Encounter Power:
Will of the Feywild (Standard, Arcane) 10
Charisma Vs Will
Hit: 2d8 + charisma Psychic. Teleport the target 5 squares and it makes a basic melee attack against a target of my choice.
Effect: the target is dazed until the end of its next turn

Level 12
feat: Twofold Curse

Utility Power:
Twilight Teleport (Free, Arcane, Daily) 20
Trigger: An ennemy affected by my curse falls to 0hp
effect: me or an ally teleport to its location

Level 13
Encounter Power/ Replaces ?

Level 14
Feat: Mettle
Ability Scores: +1 to Charisma and Inteligence

Level 15
Daily Power - Replaces Crown of Madness
Curse of the Golden Mist (Standard, Arcane) 10
Charisma vs Will
Hit: target loses its next standard action
Sustain Standard: Charisma vs will.
Hit: target loses its next standard action. On a Miss, the power ends.

Level 16
Feat: Iron Will
Paragon Path Feature:
Patron's Favor.
Instead of using Misty step, roll 1d6:
1 or 2: misty step.
3: immediately make a saving throw
4: teleport 10 squares as a free action
5: +2 speed until the end of my next turn
6: roll d8 instead of d6 for curse damage until the end of the encounter
Utility Power:
Infuriating Evasiveness (Move, Arcane, Encounter)
You become Invisible and teleport 4 squares. you are invisible until the end of your next turn

Level 17:
Encounter Power; Replaces ?

Level 18:
Feat: Psychic Lock
Ability Scores: +1 to Charisma and Inteligence

Level 19:
Daily Power- Replaces: Curse of the Black Frost
Wrath of Acamar (standard, Arcane) 10
Charisma vs Reflex
Hit: 4d10+charisma necrotic. target disapears into starry realms (save ends)
special: while in the starry realm, target takes 1d10 necrotic damage)

Level 20:
feat: Action Recovery
Paragon Power:
Whipers of the Fey (Standard, Arcane, Daily) Close Burst 5
Each Enemy in Burst
Charisma vs Will
Hit: Target must make a basic attack against its nearest ally. if it cannot make the attack, it takes 2d8+cha psychic.
Effect: after the attack, the target is dazed (save ends)

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Voda Vosa

First Post
Appearance: Quinn is a middle age man, with quite long beard, and strains of with hairs in his black haired head. He wears a yellow and grey robe, simple and resilient. His eyes are black and his teeth not as with as he would like.

Background: Quinn had an unstoppable hunger for knowledge, when he was a kid, always looking for something new to learn, someplace new to go, until he found the strange boundaries of the town. All his wishes of explorations where hindered by this invisible wall, that stopped the kid from venturing further. “There must be an explanation!” he thought, and started a frenetic search for it. Many years he spent looking at the figures in the old texts, familiarizing with the shapes and draw contained in some of them, but unable to understand anything.
As a clever young man, he continued the search for an explanation, going to the edge of the town, analyzing what he can. But nothing seemed to work. Caught by the feeling of defeat, Quinn lock his knowledge in a vault in his head, and became introverted, not very sociable. He didn’t form a family, and his neibours didn’t like him so much. Time passed, but one night, a man knock his door, and what he brought with him, a little statue, and a few words, dispelled some of the mist that cloud Quinns mind. He was eager to join these people, he wanted to know.

Your Family/Neighbors: Just a few neibours, an old women, who used to care and play with him as a child, and a family, that doesn’t pay much attention to the old Quinn.
How do you spend your days (when you're dazed): Quinn works at the growers dome, but he's not particularly good at it.

Instead he often finds himself wandering the corridors and starting at the strange twisting writings that line the walls.

Sometimes he'll spend hours standing in front of the great doors. They are strange doors, with no handle or keyhole and seams so tight that even a single hair can't pass through them. And they are covered with runes that glow when touched.
(there are several doors like this within the complex and the nearby tower)

Children sometimes like to come to the doors and play, if you touch the runes for long enough something happens (usually you get shocked, but occasionally something else happens, like your nose turns a different color for a minute, or a little butterfly appears).

Quinn was very very good at this as a child, famous because, no matter how much he touched the door he never seemed to get shocked.
He could even remember the patterns to certain combinations (some prestidigitation effects).
But he could never get the doors open either and, as he grew to adulthood and fell under the daze, he found that it was too difficult to remember the patterns.

So he could only come to the door to stare.

Quinns tends to feel more intelligent, and superior in that way.
Some things you're good at: Fast reader, he catch the basic idea from a text with awesome speed.
Hooks: Teacher. Master. Mentor (?)

Childhood experiences: Above explained, excepting the pebble. Quinn conserved it, and made a necklace out of it, that still hangs from his neck.

Quinn, Human wizard
Str 10
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 18 (+2 from race choice)
Wis 14
Cha 9

HP: 24
Healing surges/day: 8

AC: 14 (15 with staff)

Init:+2 Senses: perception:12
Languages: Common, elven, ?
Alignment: Unaligned

Deity: -
Class features:
Arcane implements Mastery (staff), Cantrips, Ritual casting, Spellbook.

Skills (*trained)
Arcana* +9
Athletics +2
Bluff -1
Diplomacy -1
Dungeoneering* +7
Endurance +2
Heal +2
History* +9
Insight* +7
Intimidate -1
Nature* +7
Perception +2
Religion +4
Stealth +2
Streetwise -1
Thievery +2

Feats (2): Improved initiative, expanded spellbook.

Basic attack: quarterstaff +2 1d8 dmg

Powers (3/1/2/0)
Cantrips: ghost sound, light, mage hand, and prestidigitatio
At-will powers: Magic Missile, Thunderwave, Ray of frost.
Encounter Powers: Force Orb
Daily Powers: Sleep, flaming sphere

Long grey and yellow robe


Verulo the NPC rogue has been shamelessly stolen from Zweischneid's character in another thread.

Verulo Human Rogue 1
(he acts as if he were an Eladrin due to the power of his HS, but appears human and isn't considered a fey).

Is an unremarkable looking fellow of slender build and unremarkable features. When no-one seems to be looking at him he has a sinister sort of aspect.
[U]Ability scores[/U]
Strength     : [B]14 (+2)[/B]     Hit points : [B]26[/B]
Constitution : [B]14 (+2)[/B]     Bloodied   : [B]13[/B] 
Dexterity    : [B]18 (+4) [/B]    Surges     : [B] 6[/B]
Intelligence : [B]10 [/B]         Surges/day : [B] 8[/B]     
Wisdom       : [B]10 [/B]         Initiative : [B]+4[/B]
Charisma     : [B]13 (+1) [/B]     

Armour class : [B]16 [/B]
Fortitude    : [B]12[/B] 
Reflex       : [B]16[/B] 
Will         : [B]12 (17 vs. charm effect)[/B]

Acrobatics (Dex): [B]+ 9 [/B] (trained)
Athletics  (Str): [B]+ 7 [/B] (trained)
Arcana     (Int): [B]+ 2 [/B] (+2 racial)
Bluff      (Cha): [B]+ 6 [/B] (trained)
History    (Int): [B]+ 2 [/B] (+2 racial)
Intimidate (Cha): [B]+ 7 [/B] (trained, Student of the Sword)
Perception (Wis): [B]+ 5 [/B] (trained, Eldarin education)
Stealth    (Dex): [B]+ 9 [/B] (trained)
Streetwise (Cha): [B]+ 6 [/B] (trained)
Thievery   (Dex): [B]+ 9 [/B] (trained)
Common, Elven

Racial traits
Eldarin education; eldarin WP; eldarin will; fey origin; trance; fey step

Class features
Brutal scoundrel, first strike, rogue weapon talent, sneak attack (2d6 +2)

Student of the Sword (Fighter multi-class)
-- +1 to attack/encounter with one-handed weapon, target marked --

Weapon Proficiency:
Dagger, hand crossbow, longsword, shuriken, sling, short sword, spear

Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Low-light[/sblock][sblock=Powers]
Basic attack
Short sword
:bmelee: Attack: +5 vs. AC; Damage: 1d6 +2

:ranged: Attack: +7 vs. AC; Damage: 1d6 + 4
Deft Strike (Class)
:melee: Standard Action; Attack: +7 vs. AC Damage: 1d6 +4

Riposte Strike (Class)
:melee: Standard Action; Attack: +7 vs. AC Damage: 1d6 +4
-- riposte if attacked next turn --​

Fey Step (Race)
With a step, you vanish from one place and appear in another.
Teleportation, Move action, Personal​

Dazing Strike (Class)
:melee: Standard Action, Attack: +7 vs. AC Damage: 1d6 +4
--- target dazed ---​
Easy target (Class)
:melee: Standard Action; Attack: +7 vs. AC Damage: 2d6 +4
--- target is slowed and grants combat advantage ---​
30 gp. 

[U]Equipment           Price    Weight    Other[/U]
Leather armour      25 gp    15 lb.    Light armour
Short sword         10 gp     2 lb. 
Dagger               1 gp     1 lb.    Off-hand, light thrown
Shuriken (20)        4 gp     4 lb.    light thrown

Adventurer's kit    28 gp    30 lb.    
  Backpack           2 gp     2 lb.
  Bedroll            1 sp     5 lb.
  Flint & Steel      1 gp      -
  Pouch, belt        1 gp   1/2 lb.
  Rations, trail     5 gp    10 lb.    10 days
  Rope, silk        10 gp     5 lb.    50 ft.
  Sunrod (4)         8 gp     4 lb.   
  Waterskin          1 gp     4 lb.      

Climber's kit        2 gp    11 lb.    +2 for climbing    
  Grappling hook     1 gp     4 lb.
  Hammer             5 sp     2 lb.
  Pitons (10)        5 sp     5 lb. 

[B]Total               70 gp    65 lb.[/B]

Normal load:    130 lb.
Heavy load:     260 lb.
Max. drag load: 650 lb.


Temporary Silvi
[sblock=Original App]Name: Silvi

Color: Thinking magenta

Race: Human

Class: Ranger

Appearance: Standing just about 5 feet tall, Silvi is shorter than average. Her eyes are dark blue, almost violet, and her hair is dark brown and hangs to her shoulders.

Family & Neighbors: Lives with her mother Elna, and her father Stant. Her older sister Lini, lives in a big house on the edge of the brambles, tending to animals.

Spend your days: Taking care of the message, playing with the kids, taking care of the animals with Lini and spending time in Linis garden.

Relationships: TBD

Skills: Tending to injured animals, tracking and moving silently, everything thats needed to capture injured animals, so they can get better at Lini's.

Every day is the same. She wakes up, get dressed, eat breakfast. Then it is time to prepare the message and send it. Silvi's father always prepare the message. He takes a tiny slip of paper, rolls it and put it into a tiny tube, which he then ties to one of the pidgeon's legs. Then Silvi would take the pidgeon to the roof and send it away.
She had the rest of her day to play and do what she liked. As long as she was home before dark, so she could welcome the pidgeon back. She would wait on the roof for the sun to go down, and just as the last rays of daylight hit her face, the pidgeon would land silently on her shoulder. She then takes the tiny tube with her, and hand it to her father. Who then removes the tiny slip of paper, and put it in a big iron-bound chest, without looking at it.
In the back room, there is already seven chests filled with slips of paper that the pidgeon had brought back.

After she left home every morning, after the message was sent, she always pays a visit to her older sister, Limi, who lived by the edge of the brambles. Lini was where all the kids brought the animals who needed help. Birds with injured wings, cats with scratches, Lini would take them all in, and in a day or two they would be good as new. Lini also kept a beautful garden, full of flowers. Especially those in the back, those at the edge of the garden. Sometimes, Silvi would walk among those flowers, picking one here, and one there. And once or twice, she had gone further.

Having payed her sister a wisit, playing a while with the animals currently being tended, and taking a walk in the gardens, Silvi headed out in the vilage, and spent her days with the other kids. Also spends much time searching for any injured animals like cats, dogs, rats and birds, so she can take them to Lini and make them better again. Untill it was time to get home again, ofcourse.

One day, in Lini's garden, she had found a beautiful glowing rock. It pulsated with a silver'ish light, but when she showed the stone to Lini, she only said "it is only a pebble, Silvi. Throw it away." But she didnt. She kept it, and treasured it. With time, the temptation grew too fierce though, and one night, right before she had to go home to take in the message, she put her treasure in The Geeche's bucket. In return, the bucket held a bright blue feather. Bigger than any she had ever seen before, almost a foot long.
When she came home to take in the message, something weird happened. She was too late, and her father was mad at her. "You were too late, Silvi! Now we won't have any message to put in the chest for today. Do you know what that means?" He had almost yelled at her. Silvi didn't know what that meant, and said so. At that her father fell silent. He frowned and looked out of the window for a while, before he turned back to Silvi and said, with a smile. "Let's eat supper, then it's time for bed."

Hooks: edited by graf:
Sister Lini's animal shelter
The Snake
Seek the trail from BGEs (?)


[sblock=Silvi crunch]
Female human ranger
Height: 5´ 1''
Weight: 110 lb.
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Dark blue/violet
Age: 17
XP: 0

Str: 18 (+4) +2racial
Con: 11 (+0)
Dex: 16 (+3)
Int: 10 (+0)
Wis: 14 (+2)
Cha: 10 (+0)

Hit Points: 28 Bloodied: 14
Healing Surge: 7 Surges per day: 6
Initiative: 3
Speed: 6
Action Points: 1

AC 17
Fortitude 16
Reflex 16
Will 13

Scimitar (main hand): +6, 1d8+5, High Crit
Scimitar (off hand): +6, 1d8+4, High Crit.
+1d6 dmg to Quarry target.


At-Will Powers:
Careful Attack (Standard action, 1 creature)
+8 vs AC, 1d8 damage.

Hit and Run (Standard action, 1 creature)
+6 vs AC, 1d8+4 damage.
Effect: If you move in same turn, leaving the first square of target do not provoke an OA.

Twin Strike (Stardard action, 1 or 2 creature.)
+6 vs AC x2, 1d8 per attack.

Encounter Powers:
Dire Wolverine Strike (Standard Action, Close burst 1, each enemy in burst)
+6 vs AC, 1d8+5 damage

Daily Powers:
Sudden Strike (Standard action, 1 creature)
+6 vs AC (offhand), 1d8 (offhand).
Effect: Shift 1 square, makes secondary attack.
+6 vs AC (main hand), 2d8+4 (main hand), and target is weakened.

Nature 7
Acrobatics 8
Athletics 9
Endurance 5
Perception 7
Stealth 8

Human Bonus: Two-Weapon Fighting.
Ranger Bonus: Thoughness.
Level 1: Two-Weapon defense.


Hide Armor
Scimitar x2

Class features:
Fighting Style: Two-Blade
Hunters Quarry: 1/turn minor action to designate nearest enemy as target. +1d6 dmg /round to quarry.
[sblock=When Silvi met Big Green Eyes.]
She had often wondered if she would ever meet Big Green Eyes. All the other kids had. Atleast, they said they had. Some times, when lying on her back, in her sisters garden, she would make up fantasies about meeting Big Green Eyes. One such day, not a particularly fine day, she saw a kitten just outside the garden, at the edge of the brambles. The cat looked at her for a long time, before it turned and headed into the brambles. She didn't know why, but she knew she had to follow it. Later, she would tell herself it was because she thought it was injured in some way, but in her heart she knew it wasnt, not really.

Playing hide and go seek with the cat for a long while, she all but lost sight of it. And then she realized, she was lost, as well. She wasn't affraid though. She knew how to follow the trails of animals, surely she would be able to follow her own trail. It was not hard to find, and she started back-tracking. However, every few minutes she would find herself back when she started. When she was at the brink of despairing, a voice from behind. "You are lost, little one." She turned around, but couldn't see anything. Again, from behind her "You are not as lost as you think. Follow the trail, little one. Follow the trail, and you will find your way out. Of everything."

When Silvi turned around again, she could see her sisters house. She never went back into the brambles. She didn't know why, but she knew in her heart, that she had already gotten any answers she might seek. Find the trail.[/sblock]
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Champy the fungal fighter

Champy (Fungi Fighter )
He has traveled no small amount of distance to join his battle brother.[/sblock]

[sblock=Stat Block]Champy Level 1 Fungi Fighter
Initiative +1; Senses Perception +1 Insight +1
HP 33; Bloodied 16; Healing Surge 8; Surges Per Day 13
AC 17; Fort 15, Ref 11, Will 12
Speed 5
Action Points 1 (generally spends whenever Eldan spends)
:bmelee: Maul(standard; at-will) ✦ Weapon
+6 vs AC; 2d6+3 damage

:melee: Sure Strike(standard; at-will) ✦ Martial, Weapon
+8 vs AC; 2d6 damage

:melee: Cleave(standard; at-will) ✦ Martial, Weapon
+6 vs AC; 4d6 + 3 damage, and an enemy adjacent to it takes 3 damage.
would have preferred tide of iron, but he's not a shield wielder; cleave is simpler anyway...

:melee: Covering Attack (standard; encounter) ✦ Martial, Weapon
+6 vs AC; 4d6 + 3 damage, and an ally adjacent to the target can shift 2 squares.

:melee: Comeback Strike (standard; daily) ✦ Healing, Martial, Reliable, Weapon
+6 vs AC; 4d6 + 3 damage, and it can spend a healing surge.

Hunter's Quarry (minor action; Encounter) ✦Martial
You designate the creature closest to you as your quarry. You do an extra 1d6 points of damage to that creature if you hit them.

Fungal Resolve(minor; Encounter) ✦ Healing.
Effect:It gains a number of temporary hit points equal to 3. It may make an immediate saving throw against one effect that inflicts ongoing damage and can be ended with a save. In addition, if it is bloodied it regains hit points equal to 3.

Devoted Defender (Immediate Interrupt; daily) ✦ Martial.
:close: Burst 1 Trigger: An adjacent ally is hit by a melee or a ranged attack Effect: It is hit by the attack instead.
this is a freebie I gave it as a DM....
Alignment Unaligned; Languages Common (sorta)
Str 16 (+3) Dex 12 (+1) Con 18 (+4)
Int 6 (-2) Wis 13 (+1) Cha 6 (-2)

Acrobatics +1u, Athletics +8 Endurance +10*, Intimidate +10*, Insight +1u, Perception +1u, Nature +6*
u = Untrained Skill | no skill adjustment for scale
*=+2 racial bonus | * = creature of nature
Feat: Skill Training: Nature
Gear: Petrified wooden club [Maul]


[sblock=fighter features memo]
  • Combat Challenge
    Every time it attacks an enemy, whether the attack hits or misses, it can choose to mark that target. The mark lasts until the end of your next turn. While a target is marked, it takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls for any attack that doesn’t include you as a target. A creature can be subject to only one mark at a time. A new mark supersedes a mark that was already in place.
    In addition, whenever a marked enemy that is adjacent to you shifts or makes an attack that does not include you, you can make a melee basic attack against that enemy as an immediate interrupt.
  • Combat Superiority
    You gain a bonus to opportunity attacks equal to +1 [wis]. An enemy struck by its opportunity attack stops moving, if a move provoked the attack. If it still has actions remaining, it can use them to resume moving.
  • Fighter Weapon Talent
    +1 to hit with two handed weapons

[sblock=Fungi-man features memo]Speed 6 but always considered to be wearing the highest armor its proficient with (scale, right now)
Languages: Common
Skill Bonus: +2 Endurance, +2 Intimidate
Construct: You have the construct keyword, so you are considered to be a construct for effects that relate to that keyword.
Sentient Plant: As a sentient plant, you have the following traits.
✦ You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against ongoing damage.
✦ You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe, but this doesn’t render you immune to any effect.
✦ Rather than sleep, sentient plants spend 4 hours refraining from any strenuous activity. You need to spend 4 hours in this state to gain the same benefits other races gain from taking a 6-hour extended rest. While resting in this low-exertion state, you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.
✦ When reduced to 0 hit points, you are less likely to die. When you make a death saving throw, you can take the better of your die roll or 10. You still die at the normal negative hit point total.
Plant Mind: You gain a +1 racial bonus to your Will defense.
Creature of Nature: You can use your wisdom modifier instead of your intelligence modifier when you roll Nature skill checks.
Naturally Armored: Your skin and flesh are considered to be the equivalent of a normal, non-magical suit of the best armor you are able to wear. You can never "remove" this armor, or wear armor of any sort.
Fungal Resolve: You can use fungal resolve as an encounter power.[/sblock]

[sblock=Appearance]A toadstool grew legs and arms and is now standing in front of you. It looks like its been through a lot, with long scars across its body. It looks only vaguely humanoid with puffy three fingered hands and no toes to speak of. It's eyes are little more than recesses and it's rudimentary mouth doesn't look like it actually connects to any sort of breathing organs; it's just a depression in the white flesh. Its sort of creepy the way the pseudo-orifice writhes when it tries to speak.
It's "armed" with a large piece of petrified wood. [/sblock]
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