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Recent content by Xlon

  1. Screenshot (544).png

    Screenshot (544).png

  2. Xlon

    Star Wars Empire at War: The Grand AAR

    Log 1: First Taste of Combat I didn’t truly understand just how splintered the Republic had become until I arrived at Kuat. Sure, while on the trip I read about how Republic Sector Forces in the Outer Rim were being overrun by Separatist fleets and armies, but seeing the updated galactic...
  3. Xlon

    Star Wars Empire at War: The Grand AAR

    All good! Just inviting people to interact and suggest stuff is all.
  4. Xlon

    Star Wars Empire at War: The Grand AAR

    I'm using the thread to post about my Empire at War game in a creative and more roleplay-oriented way. I've played this game for a few years, and I enjoy writing, so I thought I'd combine the two.
  5. Xlon

    Star Wars Empire at War: The Grand AAR

    Hello! I took a look around that forum and it didn't seem to be precisely what I have in mind for this thread. Thanks for the suggestion though!
  6. Xlon

    Star Wars Empire at War: The Grand AAR

    Log 0: A Command of My Own I think everyone had the same amount of shock that the Galaxy was engulfed in a war, no matter how they found out. Whether it be through a HoloNet News article, one of the many speeches given by senators, both Republic and Separatist alike, or word of mouth, we were...
  7. Xlon

    Star Wars Empire at War: The Grand AAR

    Hello there! I may be new to this community, but I entered it with a purpose: to begin a Grand Empire At War AAR Campaign. Now, what exactly does this entail? Well, thanks to the extremely active modding community for this game, we have mods spanning 3 major eras in the Star Wars universe. As...