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Recent content by WotC_Dave

  1. W


    Thanks for the kind words, folks. They mean a great deal. And my wife was reading over my shoulder, and they cheered her up _immensely_. I can confirm the essential truth of what's been reported, and I am indeed one of the ones let go today. When you're in the midst of the process, you don't...
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    Knowledge of Real World Places Only Through Gaming

    I've never been to Poland, but I know its basic city/road geography like the back of my hand. Heck, it would be easier for me to name cities on the way from Lodz to Krakow than it would be to name cities on the way from, say, Atlanta to Houston. Thank you, Twilight: 2000! (And the fact that...
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    D&D 4E Dave Noonan on his 4e Playtest

    XP budget is certainly how I'm doing adventure design right now. It's not completely rigorous, because an individual monster indeed gets "so easy that it ain't worth it" and "so hard that it ain't worth it." That window of "levels you can use this individual monster as a part of your encounter"...
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    D&D 4E Dave Noonan on his 4e Playtest

    If you take out "rapidly" and replace it with "incrementally and gradually" in both cases, I agree. But I'm curious: Why do you regard the falloff (on both the easy and hard side) as rapid? Why isn't it working out that way at my table? Why does the accuracy of the xp/monster mean "less...
  5. W

    D&D 4E Dave Noonan on his 4e Playtest

    Heck, more info? I can help with that. Boom! --Dave.
  6. W

    Tieflings are Draenai

    First, class of '88! Second... FOR THE HORDE! --Dave.
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    London Dungeon on 3rd November

    We kept 'em there until midnight, so I'll bet they went home and crashed. But I think everyone had a good time--and the London Dungeon is a fun place to play D&D, to be sure. Expect reports from them soon, I'd think. --Dave.
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    D&D 4E A suggested update to the 4e Info Page

    I think the "amp;" part of those URLs might be wrong. When I click on those links, I get no blog entries from me. But I put something up there pretty much every day. Weird. I'm staring at all my blog posts, though, when I use the same URL but omit the "amp;" I suppose as long as my mom can...
  9. W

    Are there any Seattle gamers out there?

    Wizards of the Coast, too. We're based here. --Dave.
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    Dave Noonan's reading list (& Maneuver Warfare in D&D)

    OK, I admit it, you got me, Fathead...I actually went back through my blog entries, asking myself, "I didn't really cite the Babysitters Club, did I?" And that's a good idea, Olgar. I'll do a blog entry in the next few days about good nonfiction books for dudes who think about D&D a lot. --Dave.
  11. W

    New Podcast...

    It drives me a little bonkers that the vast majority of Eberron has far less population density than Mongolia. So I'm with you there. In my own game, I hand-wave it, but that works only because I'm the only guy who cares. --Dave.
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    D&D 4E David Noonan on 4E "Cloudwatching" (Added Dave's newest comment from his blog)

    Mike and I have recorded another podcast, but it hasn't "aired" yet. It's still being engineered. Yes, I wish we could crank them out faster. --Dave.
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    D&D 4E David Noonan on 4E "Cloudwatching" (Added Dave's newest comment from his blog)

    Really? You should read the whole blog entry. I've been ridiculously happy all day. As for the patronizing thing, well, that wasn't my intent. And it's embarrassing when you write for a living and can't get your point across properly. Sorry about that. Lemme try again: The game is coming out...
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    The D&D Podcast wants your questions

    When's the next episode coming out? Good question. I don't know exactly. It usually takes a few days to do the engineering and postproduction stuff on the podcasts. We record them in one take, usually. But Mike swears like a sailor, and I have long digressions where I speak in a little girl...
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    The D&D Podcast wants your questions

    Good questions, all. So good, in fact, that you should send them to dndfeedback@wizards.com. (I'll admit it: I'm not going to have time for a leisurely surf of the boards before we hit the studio tomorrow.) And one further note: We're going to prioritize questions about the 4e D&D game itself...