• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by woefulhc

  1. woefulhc

    Is TTRPGing an "Expensive Hobby"

    I would say, "No." That isn't to say it is everyone's or even most people's budget. A couple going to a movie and getting drinks/snacks there can easily run $50. Typically that is roughly 2-3 hours of entertainment for 2 people. While my Dungeon Fantasy RPG boxed set ran $80 and the kickstarter...
  2. woefulhc

    What TTRPGs have the best tactical combat rules?

    I'll toss in my $0.02. I think GURPS. In part because the base version allow and supports from theater of the mind up to where terrain, facing position and team work are deciding factors in a battle. Because of the modular design, it works to use any of those levels of tactics. Most of the...
  3. woefulhc

    Best Supporting Actors — an OSE character collection

    I'll note that this is Doug's 16th crowdfunding project. He has delivered on all of them. The quality is consistently good for writing, art work, and publishing for both the pdf and physical products. This is not the sort of kickstarter where you need to question if you get the stuff. The only...
  4. woefulhc

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Skeletons killed, concussion summons zombies
  5. woefulhc

    Nightmare Fuel — Three New Monster Books for DFRPG

    A few notes on this project (which I have also backed). This is something like Doug's 16th or 17th crowdfunding project. All previous ones have delivered, except the OSE which he is in the process of shipping now. The books have high production value. The editing is good. The art is amazing...
  6. woefulhc

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Dragon, demon died, not PCs
  7. woefulhc

    D&D General Goodman Games To Reincarnate Jennell Jaquays' Caverns of Thracia

    If the Caverns kickstarter is anything like the Dark Tower one, you will have the option of 5e, DCC or both.
  8. woefulhc

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    No game. 2/3 players canceled
  9. woefulhc

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    game replaced by space munchkin
  10. woefulhc

    Commentary thread for that “Describe your game in five words” thread.

    Clearly I've been off the site for a while. I was running I Smell A Rat for the DFRPG game I have in a FLGS. It was initially intended as a one shot demo back in mid May. I had enough people ask if I was running the next week that agreed to do so. This Monday will be the second week we don't...
  11. woefulhc

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    glory-mad bully slain in duel
  12. woefulhc

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Saw two rooms this week
  13. woefulhc

    Can you name a good fantasy TTRPG that's not D&D?

    I'll add that I used the Delvers To Grow DFRPG supplement to run a pick up game (!) in a local game store back in May. That game is still going strong and adding a new player or character is like 15 minutes rather than the typical hour plus to make a GURPS character. For both DFRPG and GURPS...
  14. woefulhc

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    enjoyed participating in spring festival
  15. woefulhc

    Kickstarter musings

    From reading the thread (and talking to some other backers of KS projects that I have backed), there seems to be a number of different flavors of how people want updates. Personally, I want them as often as you've got them, up to once per day. Others prefer a weekly or monthly cadence. This...