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Recent content by Voranzovin

  1. V

    D&D 5E The Magical Martial

    I think I can possibly help you with that. To me, this looks like a pretty classic enlightenment vs romanticism issue. The kind of fantasy you're interested in is rooted in a modern view of the world. In the reality of the 21st century, we know how physical laws work (to a point). We have data...
  2. V

    D&D (2024) Comeliness and Representation in Recent DnD Art

    As I understand it, it's the other way around. Sentience is defined as the ability to perceive or feel things. Dogs are almost certainly sentient, as are pretty much all other mammals and large swaths of the rest of the animal kingdom. Sapience is the ability to reason abstractly, which dogs...
  3. V

    D&D General When Did Digital Art Become A Thing?

    Please forgive my pedantry, but my area of expertise has been mentioned on the internet and I cannot restrain myself! The Rescuers Down Under was for the most part not drawn digitally--it was drawn on tracing paper, as animated films had been for almost a hundred years at that point. It was...
  4. V

    D&D 5E We Would Hate A BG3 Campaign

    I'm sorry, no. People suffering from mental health problems, including social anxiety, can't just decide to turn them off. If they could, believe me, they would. Then there wouldn't be any need for therapy or psychiatric medication and no one would ever be depressed. How much do you think that...
  5. V

    RPG Evolution: The Superman Problem

    I'm playing a Cambion in a Dnd game right now, who's character concept might be described as "what if a teenage Joan Jett was also Hellboy?" I built her as a Tiefling with the Infernal Constitution feat and Barbarian/Path of the Beast reflavored as demonic powers. Accordingly, while she isn't...
  6. V

    D&D General What is player agency to you?

    Yes to the first, no to the second. DMing Dungeon World is indeed more, for lack of a better term, PC-centric then your average game of Dnd. If you're into doing comprehensive world building that doesn't exist specifically to put pressure on the PCs then yeah, it's probably not the game for...
  7. V

    D&D General What is player agency to you?

    So I think I should preamble here by noting that I'm very much not trying to take a side in the gaming culture war going on in this thread, although, by virtue of being someone who likes pbta games, I suppose I can't avoid being assigned one by default. I nevertheless wish to stress that I am...
  8. V

    D&D General Fighting Law and Order

    My business partner uses emacs in Evil Mode, so the emacs and vi people both hate him. I use vscode, as is appropriate for anyone who isn't an ancient relic of a forgotten age.
  9. V

    D&D General Fighting Law and Order

    Yes. They're called programmers. To observe, try asking about object oriented vs functional programming on stack overflow. It will make anything ever seen on these boards look like a polite conversation over afternoon tea. Yes. Yes it does.
  10. V

    D&D 5E Spellcasting Using the Recharge Mechanic

    My biggest question is how it would function out of combat. As written, it can't take more then six rounds to get a spell back, right? So in combat a spellcaster's abilities would be significantly curtailed, but out of combat they can spam their most powerful spells every 36 seconds (with an...
  11. V

    WotC WotC's Chris Perkins On D&D's Inclusivity Processes Going Forward

    It's actually quite complex. It was often assumed that the Mods supported the King, since they were so well dressed, but when someone asked King George whether he was a mod or a rocker he actually claimed to be a "mocker," which has confused historians ever since. That's how King George ended up...
  12. V

    D&D General How many books/authors of the original AD&D Bibliography have you read? Do you feel you see D&D differently than people who have not read any?

    I’ve read maybe half of the listed authors and works, but I don’t think they’ve had much effect on my conception of Dnd. If I try to tease apart the various things that have inspired characters, campaigns, and the general tone of the game for me, it would be more like Dumas (and the many...
  13. V

    D&D 5E Should D&D be easier to learn? If so, how would you do it?

    There are some simple things I think they could do that wouldn't really remove any existing complexity from the game, but would make it more approachable for first-time players. Get rid of ability scores. They are an endless source of confusion for new players, and don't actually do much of...
  14. V

    D&D General What's the DC for a fighter to heal their ally with a prayer?

    I think the implications of this are interesting, particularly in my world. Conventionally, gods have an inherent alignment, while humanoids have a very mutable one. I'm playing with inverting this: humanoids still have a mutable alignment, which is descriptive rather then prescriptive, but gods...
  15. V

    D&D 5E [+] Questions for zero character death players and DMs…

    Another thing I appreciate about deathless games is that they let you take the kid gloves off. When I DM conventional games, I always sweat over the difficulty of encounters, because while death is explicitly on the table, I don't want it to be a frequent occurrence. This tends to lead to...