• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Tsuga C

  1. T

    Player Core and Gamemaster Core Remastered Review

    No ability scores? Big no thank you, thanks. This has drifted too far away from my comfort zone. I'm old enough that I am happily settled in my preferences and those largely hit their limits with D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder 1.
  2. T

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour - (Updated 14February2024)

    Congratulations on your planar aspect/avatar being featured on the cover of "Turn of Fortune's Wheel". I do hope they did not nerf your exemplary Lothiness in the adventure.
  3. T

    Planescape Planescape Pre-order Page Shows Off The Books!

    That's the maddening part of their sloth. The work has already been done and done quite lavishly, in fact. All they would have to do is update the number crunching and some tertiary and quaternary elements of various planes of existence and their inhabitants to merge smoothly with the latest...
  4. T

    Planescape Planescape Pre-order Page Shows Off The Books!

    Hmm, yes and no. It's tough to choose between two options when you are only presented with one of them for review. I believe if more people today were exposed to and had direct knowledge of the lore and the richness of what was developed for AD&D and 2E, a sizeable percentage of current players...
  5. T

    Planescape Planescape Pre-order Page Shows Off The Books!

    That only works if the masses genuinely enjoy the fast-food/food truck dishes they are offering. In this case, nostalgia is appropriate as the lore of AD&D and 2E hugely outclasses what they are doing today. I want a five-course meal, not roach coach grab 'n' go mediocrity.
  6. T

    Planescape Planescape Pre-order Page Shows Off The Books!

    And the pre-order for hardcopy sets begins when?
  7. T

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour - (Updated 14February2024)

    Which of these possibilities might it be? a) When your enemy is blind to the fact that they are doing something self-destructive or that will present you with an opportunity to strike at them, do not interfere. b) You need time to muster resources to deal with the problem, so you bide your time...
  8. T

    D&D (2024) One D&D Permanently Removes The Term 'Race'

    A species may have several races/breeds/subspecies, extant or extinct, which qualify as members of said species. I had no problem--still don't, to be honest--with the term race being used as a synonym for species by Tolkien because the orcs were altered and corrupted elves and all (humans...
  9. T

    Worlds of Design: Golden Rules for RPGs

    Oh, Rule #2 made a regular appearance at my table back in the day. Players: Well, we can do that because our characters are speshullllll. Me: We're all special in our own minds, NPCs included.
  10. T

    Planescape 5 New D&D Books Coming in 2023 -- Including Planescape!

    Yes, really. I'm largely a grognard, a legacy content-liker in all its various manifestations. If I enjoyed the original form of ABcdEF, then the reimagining and remaking of it into AbCdeF--updated for a new generation!--has all the appeal of fingernails on a chalkboard.
  11. T

    Planescape 5 New D&D Books Coming in 2023 -- Including Planescape!

    Praise day at even, a wife when dead, a weapon when tried, a maid when married, ice when ’tis crossed, and ale when ’tis drunk.----Havamal The original made such a powerful impression that I think caution is due, lest we find the "updated and improved" version more honestly described as...
  12. T

    D&D (2024) 'One D&D' Takes 5E to New & Digital Places

    Two steps forward, five steps backwards.
  13. T

    D&D (2024) 'One D&D' Takes 5E to New & Digital Places

    Two steps forward, five steps backwards.
  14. T

    Worlds of Design: RPG Gods - Benign or Malign?

    How do your deities regard and interact with the denizens of the Outer Planes, the planes of belief to which souls and spirits travel after shuffling off their mortal coil? Is the relationship between them congenial, neutral, or antagonistic?
  15. T

    Worlds of Design: Making an Adventure “Believable”

    "Believable" adventures must be cut from a consistent cloth and they must not strain my credulity. The former mandates maintaining verisimilitude via internal consistency and the latter means placing low to low-medium limits on the fantastical elements of the campaign. The milieu of "A Song of...