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Recent content by theridion

  1. T

    Orange County, CA --- Group

    Long term OC group in southern california. We are currently looking for players in the area, but groups/DM's, whoever, E-mail and get in touch. Always looking to know more d&d'ers in the area. Most of us in the group have been playing 3rd edition since it came out. Current group is looking...
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    DM Ruling: Telekinesis and Alchemist's Fire

    you have to use general knowledge on this... firstly, all 200 flasks must be within 10 feet of eachother... and i would say they have to be spread out, and all ready to be hurled in waves... if you have a big clump of them in a bag, i would rule that only a fraction of them would hit the...
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    Sneak Attacks!

    - you can only get ranged sneak attacks on opponents caught flat footed, or, if they are flanked and you fire into the melee... - secondly, about the dagger thrower, two weapon combat does not count for thrown weapons, only melee.
  4. T

    Remind me again why this is a bad idea.

    If you want this guy to be a big, dumb fighter...(low skills), then you run a straight fighter, you put him in the armor YOU feel he'd have, and you give him his weapon and his few skills... NO, it isn't min/maxed, and yes, if you wanted him to have some high skills and sneak attack bonuses...
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    Ready Action to Move with Creature

    doubly so, i think it is rule's coherant... as part of an action on your turn, you can normall drop your "partial action" for a move equivalent action... as i believe it was posted on the boards here... if you have 10 points on a turn, a full round action takes 10, a partial action takes 5, and...
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    odd idea

    well, logically, it doesn't make sense... hitting a weapon, let alone BREAKING a weapon, is a very difficult combat manuver... not to mention spinning, hitting, and breaking possibly 8 different weapons on opponents(who aren't all holding their weapons out to be broken like a bunch of newbie...
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    Double Weapons-What's the Point?

    xarlem- sundering rules apply to destroying a weapon. i.e. your longsword breaks in half... it really would be a DM call, but if you've ever cracked a wooden shaft, you'll notice it splinters.. it wouldn't form two axes directly in the middle, but instead, the wood shatters, one of the heads...
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    is it possible to have a xbow loaded?

    i don't think its feasable to have a crossbow readied 24/7, but like mentioned, we usually play where, when going into danger, characters can have a crossbow string pulled back, with no dart in it... then, when swapped to, a character can throw in a bolt quickly(part of the move equivalent...
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    Official FAQ

    where can i find it? i've found a few things listed on the wizards sites as FAQ's for the books, but there are there other FAQ's? can i have some links?
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    Please rate the Dirty Fighting feat

    improved dirty fighting? i have not seen that in the FAQ for sword and fist, and i can't find it in there now. can you give me a link to find it or the official faq or list the feat hear?
  11. T

    Are Spells Balanced by Level?

    sleep is one of the best 1st level spells for low levels... and i really would have a hard time finding a better 1st level spell for a 1st level caster.
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    DMs - do you enforce spellbook rules?

    I don't like the cost listed in the book. I don't like it because it only hurts low level wizards(usually). Here's my point- wizards are usually the weakest first level characters. at best, you have a spell focused enchanter who can sleep all the goblins you run into, but for the most...
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    Hypnotic Pattern

    agreed, hopefully someone who knows how this spell should work will post!
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    Hypnotic Pattern

    i understand that aspect, but you didn't fully comprehend my question. hypnotism doesn't include "heedless of all else" as stayed for hypnotic pattern. hypnotism also has certain cases in which the spell effects are negated, such as, "obvious threats", which is not stated in hypnotic...
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    Quintessential Fighter/Arms & Armor/Sword & Fist: What books are you using?

    i was merely remarking at the people saying it probably wasn't good because another mongoose publishing book they read wasn't to their liking. i would hate to see people disregard this book before even reading it, just because some people dont' think they'll like it. sword and fist was ok...