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Recent content by stuffnsuch

  1. S

    D&D General what are druids?

    I'm very curious about your darker druid subclasses if you've ever posted them anywhere
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    D&D 5E Would appreciate any input on a homebrew feat - Wild Shape Adept

    Balance, basically. With 2 WShapes per SRest it's almost always guaranteed that you'll have a WShape resource spare for your subclass ability. By limiting the additional use to a RP/utilty beast shape your DM still at least has a chance of having you run out of combat uses if they so chose e.g...
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    D&D 5E Would appreciate any input on a homebrew feat - Wild Shape Adept

    Hi all. Many druid subclasses now have a powerful alternate use for their Wild Shape resource. This is great for those who have no interest in Wild Shape, but for those who do enjoy being a CR 0 tiny beast purely for RP or utility it is now far more expensive and you could easily run out of...
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    D&D 5E Best druid class for this modified version of gritty realism?

    Yes, there will be times where we're facing multiple encounters every day for 3/4/5 days and won't be able to Long Rest until we're in a safe settlement with no time time pressures
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    D&D 5E Best druid class for this modified version of gritty realism?

    Encounter frequency can vary between a few days stuck in a dungeon, to a few days exploring a city with one encounter per day, however as the narrative deepens everything starts getting very time sensitive so we won't often be able to hang out for 3 days to rest/prep
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    D&D 5E Best druid class for this modified version of gritty realism?

    It's true that battlefield manoeuvrability stays useful all the way to level 20. But equally, so does scouting/sneaking/flying as a bug so, in GR, I'm wary of subclasses that double dip the WShape resource. Especially if all the subclass abilities rely on it. You're right that 2hrs per day is a...
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    D&D 5E Best druid class for this modified version of gritty realism?

    Starting at Level 6 Short Rest is 8hrs rest somewhere reasonably safe, Long Rest is after 3 such nights. So extra weight is given to any ability that gives you resourceless abilities, extra castings, etc I have plenty of backstory and character ideas covering each subclass but looking at them...
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    D&D 5E Advice on balancing a homebrew channel divinity

    I'm playing a Twilight Cleric and I'm not a huge fan of the CD (loads of temp HP; Frightened and Charmed conditions easily thwarted]. I'm aware of the myriad ways it can be tweaked but it's more an issue with it not suiting the character I'm playing so my DM and I are looking at ideas to replace...
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    D&D 5E The New Tiers Ranked

    This was linked to via reddit and I think it's a thoroughly interesting read, can't wait to read what you think about SCAG/XAN'S
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    D&D 5E Psychic Class

    Oh cool! Can't wait
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    D&D 5E Psychic Class

    Meditative Recovery Can I check that this ability was intended to be double the strength of a wizard's Arcane Recovery which uses half their wizard level in order to balance out their Discipline Understanding mechanic?
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    D&D 5E Tempest Cleric stat advice

    Hi there I have a level 1 High Elf (+2 DEX, +1 INT) Tempest Cleric who has only had one game so far and I'd like some help with his stats. By rearranging my original Point Buy I've realised I can get +2 INT at the cost of -1 CON With point buy I had gone for: 9, 16, 15, 10, 15, 8 which with...
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    D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

    luckily I have the colourful sheet in my DMsguild library but not the classic/simple grey design, has that been taken down too?
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    D&D 5E [5e] Melee Tempest Cleric: STR or DEX?

    Can I ask how you arranged your stats? Do you tend to use your weapon in melee still?