• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Sejs

  1. Sejs

    Armor Spikes: Unpractical?

    Actually, against an animal with appropriate animal-level intelligence, they do precicely enough damage to prevent the predator from killing the wearer. Unless the predator is otherwise motivated: protecting territory, young, starving, etc - it sends a very clear message: Ow. My food is...
  2. Sejs

    Why does D&D have bears?

    Three words: Saga of Ryzom.
  3. Sejs

    Law vs. Chaos - the forgotten conflict

    Much though I might catch flak for referencing World of Warcraft... I actually very much like how they handled the conflict between the (elemental) Old Gods and the Titans in that setting. Very quintessential Law versus Chaos sort of thing.
  4. Sejs

    Flanking with a ranged weapon?

    An invisible, non-hostile ally with a weapon in hand, and who happens to be on the opposite side of an enemy from you grants you a flanking bonus, despite the fact that neither you, nor the enemy have any idea that he's there. An illusion of a menacing orc wielding an axe, who just happens to...
  5. Sejs

    The Trouble With Union

    Bill: *sees Tom eating a bagel* Hey Tom, you get that from that new bakery down the street? Tom: *nods, munching away happily* Bill: How is it? Tom: *swallowing* Epic.
  6. Sejs

    The Trouble With Union

    Suggestion to redeem Union: Union. The city. The entire city. Is alive. It's a transcendental pan-dimensional living entity. Ancient and alien but without malice. In fact the city itself is only marginally aware of its own existance, barely able to comprehend of the idea of things beyond...
  7. Sejs

    [Intellectual challenge] Justify a paladin being a member of a thieves' guild

    I think therein lies the issue. They were the authority, but I definitely wouldn't say that they were the legitimate authority. They came to power by nefarious means, and used the authority they had in an abusive and selfish fashion. So you could easily have a situation where a paladin...
  8. Sejs

    Skill Based System for Fantasy

  9. Sejs

    Bestow Greater Curse - How does someone with 1 Int/Wis/ or Cha act?

    An Int of 1 or 2 means you're completely and utterly animalistic in your perception and understanding. You think of things in very basic, emotional terms. You are incapable of long-term planning and anything more than vague association. Party = family. Startling things are dangerous. Fight...
  10. Sejs

    Forgotten Realms: Tyr and the head-on-a-spike

    Tyr, as the god of justice, wouldn't care either way. He'd be fine with both answers. Justice was dealt with when the goblin raiders were killed for their transgressions. All that's being argued over here is how to deal with the corpses afterwards. The god wouldn't take sides. Both...
  11. Sejs

    The Trouble With Union

    Simply put: Union kills achievement.
  12. Sejs

    Warlocks, Eldritch Blast & Rapid Shot Feat/Metamagic

    1. No. Rapid Shot does not work with an Eldritch Blast. 2. Yes. Quicken Spell-Like Ability would allow you to make one quickened eldritch blast, and one normal eldritch blast in a round a total of 3/day. The Eldritch Glaive blast shape invocation from Dragon Magic would allow you to use your...
  13. Sejs

    Tricked Out Warmage Build?

    I don't think I could make the ideological shift from being a mage that specializes in blowing stuff up to being a mage that serves rainbows. I don't care if they're actually coatl. I don't care if it's chock full of oodles of noodles of power. I just can't bring myself to do it.
  14. Sejs

    Dragon Disciple: good for a Duskblade?

    True Strike - not a bard spell.
  15. Sejs

    Dragon Disciple: good for a Duskblade?

    Dragon Disciple would be better for a Duskblade than it would be for a Sorcerer. Mind you, Dragon Disciple is egregiously horrible for a Sorcerer, so that's not exactly saying much. If your goal is to be a Duskblade, taking levels in Dragon Disciple would not be a particularly wise choice. If...