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Recent content by Roudi

  1. Roudi

    Help! Ever buy my stuff from the ENGS?

    Thanks, Alzrius!
  2. Roudi

    Long time, no post.

    The past 1.5 years has been... crazy. Being in national (and sometimes international) news media was among the weirdest things that have ever happened to me. How very... specific?
  3. Roudi

    Help! Ever buy my stuff from the ENGS?

    I managed to find a list of everything I published on ENGS. If you bought any of the following PDFs, please get in touch: Unnatural Watches Action Maneuvers: Fall-Over Dodge Action Maneuvers: Wall-Jumping Action Maneuvers: Wall-Running Action Maneuvers: Up-The-Walls Backflip Action Maneuvers...
  4. Roudi

    Help! Ever buy my stuff from the ENGS?

    EN World, I need your help. Remember the short-lived EN Game Store? I used to sell my wares there under the Gallantry Productions label; I'm honestly not sure how many products I had for sale in the end, but I do know many of them were the small Pick 'n' Mix PDFs. Unfortunately, everything I've...
  5. Roudi

    Long time, no post.

    Hello, ENWorld! It's David S Gallant; I used to be fairly active on these boards between 2003-2008 as Roudi, back when there used to be a "d20 modern/future/other" section. So, um, hi! If any of you remember me, you might recall that I used to be a writer of small supplements back when the OGL...
  6. Roudi

    A Taste of Tesla's Legacy

    Dannyalcatraz has it right in his second post. G.T. Edison is not his uncle, Thomas. As far as the setting goes, none of the history is changed; Tesla and Edison were still at odds, both lived and died as we all know they did (insofar as we know anything about Tesla's mysterious death). It just...
  7. Roudi

    A Taste of Tesla's Legacy

    Yeah. It's an old draft, so it's my bad, not intentional.
  8. Roudi

    A Taste of Tesla's Legacy

    Join date in your profile: August 2005. Date of my second-to-last post: April 2005. Yep, you definitely joined after. No worries, there's a ton to digest, and it barely scratches the surface of what I had stored away in old documents.
  9. Roudi

    A Taste of Tesla's Legacy

    Hi folks. You might remember me from 2005-2006, back when I did things that mattered. I'm here to say that work has resumed on Tesla's Legacy. It will be out this year (2009). It will be compatible with multiple RPG systems. Unfortunately that's about all I can say for now. EDIT: Err. This...
  10. Roudi

    Roudi is Staff?

    Oh right! I was posting ENGS news back in the day. No worries about fixing it timely; not like I'm posting or anything. Just thought I'd bring it to your attention. Also I needed to see if there was a paycheck involved, and collect the back-pay if at all possible ;)
  11. Roudi

    Roudi is Staff?

    Not quite sure what brought me back to the board after such an absence, but I've happened to notice my avatar currently wears an "EN Staff" frame. Not that I mind it, but how did an absentee troublemaker like myself earn a staff position? BTW, good to see you all again, hope you all are well.
  12. Roudi

    Canada portrayed negatively in games?

    In regards to this thread being moved to Off-Topic... What, it took four fricken months to decide that this didn't belong in the original section? 1) It's a discussion of Canada in RPGs. Therefore, it's a gaming topic. 2) It's a discussion of a modern nation in modern and futuristic...
  13. Roudi

    RPGObjects First Podcast!

    Holy crapandahalf, I'm gonna need a longer commute just to get enough time to listen to all these podcasts! Speaking of, I need to get my sexy voice and nonsequiter banter back on the air. The world needs more of me, IYKWIMAITYDBHEIDK.
  14. Roudi

    Bowser just divided by zero...

    So I'm playing Super Mario Galaxy, facing Bowser in one of his levels (Dark Matter Factory, or something). He's kicking my butt, but I'm starting to turn it around. Suddenly he does one of his super-leaps, but rather than landing back on the planetoid, he skims the edge and goes sailing off into...