• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Rebel Mage

  1. Rebel Mage

    Voidrunner Introducing the Voidrunner’s Codex!

    I believe this was already answered in Discord, but for other people reading: Seems to be 4 June now, judging by the sidebar on the site.
  2. Rebel Mage

    3PP Release New 3PP release: Manual of Adventurous Resources: Complete! AVAILABLE NOW!

    I'd put this in the necromancy school. (Then again, I'd place healing spells in the necromancy school in general, and I don't agree with when it changed to non-necromancy. That might've been 3e?)
  3. Rebel Mage

    Level Up (A5E) Why is non-magical flying so limited for PCs?

    I ran a game back in D&D5E with an aarakocra PC. I realised that at-will flight could easily work around a lot of things (like being chased by guards, could just run away), and working around all that just wasn't fun. With every scene or puzzle you create, you have to take another dimension into...
  4. Rebel Mage

    Level Up (A5E) Why is non-magical flying so limited for PCs?

    Level Up 2nd Edition: Even More Advanced 5th Edition
  5. Rebel Mage

    Level Up (A5E) Why is non-magical flying so limited for PCs?

    As a game master, I know I could work with unlimited flight. I just don't find it fun. I don't want to add that dimension to my game prep. And that's honestly as good a reason as any to not have it. Because a game master is a player, too, and should have fun.
  6. Rebel Mage

    Level Up (A5E) 3pp/GPG Traditions?

    You could try looking at the A5e data sheet; it has a tab on maneuvers and their traditions.
  7. Rebel Mage

    Level Up (A5E) Planestrider: Choose A Page And I'll Post It!

    Aw, man, now realising there's a page I'm curious about but I "wasted" my chance by asking for what someone else wanted. Page 241 has a "carrionette" which is also a monster in AD&D2E/D&D5E, and it'll be in an adventure I'll be running soon (The Created), and I'm curious whether the name being...
  8. Rebel Mage

    3PP Release Would you buy archetypes for 3rd party classes?

    What, you guys don't have nearly all third party A5E products? :P
  9. Rebel Mage

    3PP Release New release: Thematic Toolkit: Carry the Darkness

    That's from Heroes Old and New by Roll Them Bones Gaming: https://preview.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/415185/Heroes-Old-and-New
  10. Rebel Mage

    Tabletop Adaptation of Video Game Boyfriend Dungeon Lands on DriveThruRPG

    Yep, and I'm happy for those that like the systems, more power to you, many games for you to love. I'm just sad because it just doesn't work for me. For PbtA, it just feels too restrictive and too free simultaneously. I've played Mörk Borg only once, so don't have as strong opinions on it, but I...
  11. Rebel Mage

    Tabletop Adaptation of Video Game Boyfriend Dungeon Lands on DriveThruRPG

    Aw, man, when I heard there'd be a TTRPG based on Boyfriend Dungeon, I was excited, because I love that game, but seeing that it's PbtA makes me sad. Might still check it out, but... That's really not my style.
  12. Rebel Mage

    Here They Are! Your 10 Most Anticipated TTRPGs For 2024!

    Ohh, two of my three votes made it on there! My votes went to Cohors Cthulhu, Pendragon, and Triangle Agency, but if I'd had more votes, I would've voted for SotWW as well.
  13. Rebel Mage

    Level Up (A5E) 'AI' Update to the Level Up Compatibility Logo License

    Could you use art in the public domain, or creative commons art? That way, you don't have to step into that potentially immoral area that could have people turning away from your creations.