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Recent content by RaceBannon42

  1. RaceBannon42

    [April] What are you reading?

    Well I got sucked into playing World of Warcraft so thats really cut into my reading time. I finished up The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie. The first book of The First Law series. I had to order it from the UK as it hasnt been published in the US yet. PYR is slated to publish it later this...
  2. RaceBannon42

    Which book series should I start?

    Wolfe is very cerebral. I thought the Wizard Knight was great, but its definately not for everyone. Williams, I've met and is a really nice guy. I've heard lots of good things about hi, but also that his books tend to have a rather glacial pace to them. I've only read one of his Novellas. I...
  3. RaceBannon42

    Anyone else wait for a series to end.

    To each their own, but I feel such an arbitrary limitation deprives you of some great reading. Can it get frustrating waiting for the next installment? Sure. But the anticipation and speculation can be a lot of fun too.
  4. RaceBannon42

    Hugo nominees

    I was disapointed that Lies of Locke Lamora, and The Thousandfold Thought didn't make the cut. I also nominated Infoquake. I'm pulling for Blindsight of those on the final ballot.
  5. RaceBannon42

    Like 300? Please read this.

    Well both are fiction. Both depict the battle of Thermopylea. I havent read the 300 graphic novel, but as I understand it the movie is pretty faithful to it. with the exception of an expanded role for Queen Gorgo in the movie. The movie focuses almost exclusively on the Spartans with just a...
  6. RaceBannon42

    [March] What are you reading?

    Well Bakker is working on the Aspect-Emperor, which is set 20 years after TTT, so while the trilogy is completed, we will see more in this world.
  7. RaceBannon42

    [March] What are you reading?

    I finished up my advanced review copy of Brasyl by Ian McDonald last week. It was mind blowing. I expect it will be a Hugo nominee. I'll post a full review closer to its May release. After reading that I needed something easier. Having watched 300 the previos weekend, I thought it a good time...
  8. RaceBannon42

    Like 300? Please read this.

    I finished this up last night, and it was indeed a wonderfull novel. Very immersive, with buttloads of Spartan Bad Assery. My only complaint was the lack of page time for Leon Donkey-Dick. :p Full review in my blog
  9. RaceBannon42

    Like 300? Please read this.

    Thanks! I finished up Brasyl yesterday. I should have a review up a bit closer to its May release. It was mind blowing. I was lost about 75% of the time, but McDonald is amazing. Got through the first chapter of Gates last night. Looks like it should be a relatively quick read.
  10. RaceBannon42

    Like 300? Please read this.

    This book is at the top of my to be read pile.
  11. RaceBannon42

    New A Song of Ice and Fire Update: still not done

    George is a great guy. I've been to 3 cons where he has been at and the Martin fan club the Bwb usually throws a pretty good party here is a photo of George with some of the Bwb post hugo awards at LA con last year. http://www.flickr.com/photos/bwbevent/229775730/
  12. RaceBannon42

    [Feb] What are you reading?

    Finished up Howard Who? by Howard Waldrop. Its a short story collection, and short fiction isnt really my thing. They are over by the time I get into them. I'm much more of a fan of novels. Still it was very well written. Very diverse stories. I also read Supreme Power Vol 2 HC which is a...
  13. RaceBannon42

    New A Song of Ice and Fire Update: still not done

    You mean he's not a monkey chained to his desk forced to perform for our enjoyment? ADWD will be done when its done, I'll read it, and I'll enjoy it. I like the fact that George is accessable. Its great to sit down with the guy , have a drink with him, and talk about the upcoming NFL draft. Is...
  14. RaceBannon42

    "Hail, Dungeon Master"

    Found it on AOL videos. http://us.video.aol.com/video.index.adp?pls=video.category.1577.1669269&startid=1669269&mode=1#