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Recent content by Psychotic Jim

  1. Psychotic Jim

    Obscure Easter Egg/Deity Reference Made in a 3.0 FR Product? (Into the Dragon's Lair Spoilers)

    I was looking over this recently, and I think I found an implicit reference to Vecna in an early 3e Forgotten Realms product. Into the Dragon's Lair describes
  2. Psychotic Jim

    D&D 5E What's the rush? Has the "here and now" been replaced by the "next level" attitude?

    This is an interesting perspective I'd like to highlight. A lot of other people are throwing around the term "instant gratification". If there's always a focus on "what's next" or long-term planning on levels of progression, etc., then logically that's not truly a focus on instant...
  3. Psychotic Jim

    Pathfinder 1E What are the best "undead" modules?

    Do you care if they involved a large number of undead that would make things difficult for a single player (ghoul paralysis, mummy paralyzing fear, level drain, etc)? And do you mind if they're part of a loosely aligned series of modules (in that they follow each other chronically and related...
  4. Psychotic Jim

    Looking for adventure....while crossing the open sea

    There was a very brief adventure (more like an encounter) that I enjoyed running way back in the day of 3.0 D&D. It was in the "En Route" encounter sourcebook on from Atlas Games. It involves a whole bunch of animals being randomly summoned on the ship. The source is a magical idol gone awry...
  5. Psychotic Jim

    Pathfinder 1E Marriage Issue (Aka Wife from Cheliax)

    You know what has me curious now, is how did the grandfather approve of the to-be bride? What's he have to gain from this? Or is he charmed/dominated/coerced?
  6. Psychotic Jim

    Mutants and Masterminds?

    You may want to check out the Gamemaster's guide (it's filled with all sorts of villainy goodness). The The Atomic Think Tank • View forum - Roll Call also is good for fishing around for fanmade/converted heroes and villains (lots!)
  7. Psychotic Jim

    Druids in Sigil? Help!

    Oh, on summoning, it's almost been my opinion that Sigil almost has its own little personal Astral Plane, since you can still teleport around Sigl (so long as you don't teleport into or out of it). in 3e they had the astral construct psionic power, which created a construct from astral matter. I...
  8. Psychotic Jim

    Druids in Sigil? Help!

    I think in a place like Sigil, you could also have druids, rangers, and the like tending to parks, wildlife refuges, private menageries, and the like. Places for animals of dead worlds to live, living in isolated environments where the likelihood of them surviving and contaminating other...
  9. Psychotic Jim

    Gavel Kreed and the lumber consortium

    Rogues aren't proficient in breastplate by default, so you'd have to take a feat for Armor Proficiency (medium)- I'd suggest dropping it down to a chain shirt (remember in PF even with a mithral brestplate you take the Armor check penalties to attack rolls if you're not proficient in the armor)...
  10. Psychotic Jim

    What can I use instead of kobolds, goblins & orcs?

    Awakened animals gathered together and led by evil druids who worship ancient and unknowable primordial powers of nature. Also throw in some vegepygmies, thornies, and russet molds for fun. Give the evil druids the Verminheart feat (or better yet make them mite druids!) to really bug out your...
  11. Psychotic Jim

    Combining Chimera Cove (LB2) with Tammeraut's Fate (Dungeon 106)

    So in the near future I was thinking about running the pathfinder module Treasure of Chimera Cove (LB2) for my group. However, I'm also quite fond of Tammeraut's Fate (from Dungeon magazine 106). Does anybody have any thoughts on combining these? I thought they might work well together...
  12. Psychotic Jim

    Looking for a monster.

    Hmm, what immediately comes to mind is the Neogi Old Master (originally from Spelljammer 2e.) I think they have a 3.5 version of it in Lords of Madness. Basically, its premise is that as a neogi grows old it bloats out to immense proportions and goes senile. the other neogi drug it and implant...
  13. Psychotic Jim

    Large flying animal below 8 HD?

    Yeah, a dire bat's prolly gonna be your best bet there.
  14. Psychotic Jim

    A Post-Zeus Greek Pantheon

    A good idea, but I think it'd have to be pretty extraordinary circumstances for this to happen, something on the equivalent level the Norse Ragnarok. One of the common threads of Greek Mythology is that you can't escape destiny, and hubris comes from people thinking they're greater than gods...
  15. Psychotic Jim

    D&D 3E/3.5 3e Wotc NPC Index (revived)

    Dragonlance Campaign Setting CR 11; Alhana Starbreeze; elf, Silvanesti; noble 4/fighter 7; NG; p. 143 CR 12; Linsha Majere; human; mystic 1/fighter 2/rogue 3/knight of the crown 1/knight of the sword 3/knight of the rose 2; LG; p. 163-164 CR 7; Gilthas, Speak of the Sun and Stars, "the Puppet...