• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Primitive Screwhead

Favorite characters:
- Shawn Odessa, aka 'Savior of Innocence' from Drew's WEG Star Wars campaign. A pure 'take no prisoners' bounty hunter whose connections often enabled the group to get what they needed when they needed it.

- Blain Deathedge, originally a PC in Shadowrun (1e) and translated to CP2020 before becoming an NPC in CP2020 and Star Wars. He was an elite second story thief...who ended up succombing to cyberphychosis and my group had to hunt him down.

- Cutter, my first 3e character and a stress test of the multi-class system. Barbarian 2, Fighter 2, Bard 2, Deepwood Sniper 2, Rogue 1 .. with plans on being the first illiterate Arcane Archer at level 10!

Favorite campaigns:
Drew's Star Wars. I hope our group eventually gets back together so we can defeat Exar Kune before he obliterates the New Republic!
Ira's Aliens campaign (FASA).
Critter's GURPS Western!
'Head-Hunters Club' Top-Secret campaign. The ultimate 'kill the informants and interrogate the hired help' blood bath disguised as clandestine operations' game!
Twin Cities, MN


