• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Novak

  1. N

    a5e.tools A5E Character Builder Development Timeline

    Why is this like pulling teeth? I am trying to find out if you have done any single thing or made any progress at all on this pledge. I have to assume, beyond all the flippant smiles and deflections, that you haven't.
  2. N

    a5e.tools A5E Character Builder Development Timeline

    What phase of the timeline are we in?
  3. N

    a5e.tools A5E Character Builder Development Timeline

    So it's about six moths later. Any updates that anyone would care to share? @Morrus
  4. N

    Level Up (A5E) Gritty Realism

    Magic items charging: I am inclined to say yes. But that's the sort of thing I'm asking about.
  5. N

    Level Up (A5E) Gritty Realism

    First, sorry, I meant to get back to this before now, but it was a busy week at work. Second, let's not harp on the semantics of the phrase "gritty realism" or the individual words in the phrase. I'm using the term to mean nothing other than the rules changes for rests and recharges above, and...
  6. N

    Level Up (A5E) Gritty Realism

    What makes you say this? Not trying to be argumentative, just trying to understand the reasoning because this would seem to undermine at least half the technique of Gritty Realism.
  7. N

    Level Up (A5E) Gritty Realism

    Vanilla 5e has an optional rule, "Gritty Realism" that changes short rests to eight hours (i.e., once a day, being equivalent to a night's rest) and long rests to seven days. I've never used that variant but the appeal to me is that it changes the pacing of the game in ways that no longer...
  8. N

    a5e.tools Character Builder?

    My original response (which this replaces) was made before I saw the announcement in another thread. Annoyed with myself that I missed the announcement, but glad to see there is progress.
  9. N

    a5e.tools Character Builder?

    Ah, I see. Fair enough.
  10. N

    a5e.tools Character Builder?

    That matches my recollection as well, except that it was the 250k goal, not the 50k goal. I'm referring specifically to the subject of the third Kickstarter update, the one with the planning and the budget and all that: So.... How's that going?
  11. N

    Black Flag So What's In Kobold Press' BLACK FLAG First Playtest?

    Marc, I am absolutely going to provide this feedback through official channels. But to provoke additional discussion, I'm going to put my early draft here of things I'd like to see: 1. Degrees of success for many/all things. I did not realize how much I liked PFe's over/under by 10 rules...
  12. N

    a5e.tools Character Builder?

    So it's been, what, about fifteen months since the kickstarter ended? What is the status of the Character Builder? Has it begun? Has it been planned and spec'd out? Milestones and schedules? Estimated date of completion? Things like that-- what's the status?
  13. N

    3PP Release (3rd Party Book Release) Paranormal Power: A Psionics Option for 5e and A5e, written by Steampunkette!

    I finally had a chance to sit down and at least skim the PDF from front to back, reading some of the sections in detail. I like what I see in terms of rules and mechanics, especially the psi dice, but I especially like the ideomorphic monsters and the idea of the mindscape, especially in...
  14. N

    It is time to forgive WOTC and get back onboard.

    I don't think any of us have a claim on anyone else's reaction to this news. A week ago, I had resolved never to give WotC another dime of my money, unless something significant changed. Today, I find there has been a significant change in their stance, and I have moved to being comfortable...
  15. N

    Level Up (A5E) Product Idea: Region Anthology

    I would strongly consider buying this, if for no other reason than to see how other people approach this. (I am too controlling to actually drop content into one of my settings, wholesale....)