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Recent content by n0nym

  1. n0nym

    D&D Movie/TV D&D TV Show By John Wick Creator

    I never knew I wanted it but... Now I want a Baldur's Gate live-action series with Dwayne Johnson as Minsc. :|
  2. n0nym

    D&D 5E High level and trivial encounters

    Hi guys, I've been running ToA lately and my players are level 9, in the 5th floor of the Tomb. We've had some fun with this adventure, but a few things really irked me along the way, one of which is how low level ennemies stop to matter after a while. I kept rolling for random encounters...
  3. n0nym

    DMs! Have you ever had a “boss encounter” turn into a cakewalk? What happened?

    I've had at least one BBEG slain too easily. The guy was a powerful elf archmage with a Candle of Invocation. I wanted the PCs to come into the room just before the wizard lit the candle with a patronising speech. Turns out PCs love to interrupt BBEG when they talk and before I could say...
  4. n0nym

    What is your reaction to the Ravnica news?

    Tbh, I voted Disappointed but I just realised that Ravnica was basically a bad copy of Planescape, which means we'll never get Planescape in 5th... So I'm actually Very disappointed.
  5. n0nym

    Dark Sun

    I ran a whole 5th edition Dark Sun campaign two years ago, with "Templar" being a title AND also a class. Most templars had were Paladins (vengeance) and several High Templars were Clerics. My players loved it, even though it was not absolutely canon. I think the spell selection fits a lot...
  6. n0nym

    D&D 5E Keen Weapons in 5th Edition?

    I've given "Keen" weapons (increased critical threat range) in my games and I've had one as a player, and it doesn't seem to be a major issue... Even though I was a Fighter/Rogue abusing Shield Master for Advantage, the GWM Barbarian still outdamaged me most of the time. After all, even if the...
  7. n0nym

    D&D 5E The use of your Familiar's senses

    Just say he can see in Darkness and be done with it. He's got a Scimitar of Quickness, magic item of Riposte, etc... ? Just say he can attack 3 times and forget all this nonsense (unless you want him to die and the PCs to inherit his magic items). It seems to me that you're just trying to...
  8. n0nym

    D&D 5E Making Combat More Mobile

    Trust me on this : you don't want fights to become more mobile. In the group I DM for, there's a Barbarian/Rogue with the Mobile feat and it's utterly ridiculous. He strikes, then retreats 50 feet (or 100 feet if he needs to). Try to picture that seriously, it makes no sense at all. [SPOILER]...
  9. n0nym

    D&D 5E Favourite Tiers of Play?

    I personaly prefer Tier 2 but it's not for want of ideas, it's because D&D still can't do high-level play properly. Bounded accuracy is a lie, because once PCs reach high AC and get the right feats, there's nothing you can do to challenge them with low-level foes. All you can do is try to...
  10. n0nym

    D&D 5E Level 10 Character Ideas

    I think I would go for the gish too. Eldritch Knight 7 / Abjurer 3+ might be some really good fun. Like Ancalagon I never played one because at low levels it kinda sucks. At level 10 you get 3rd level slots to cast 2nd level spells. Then at level 12 you get Haste and stronger cantrips, which...
  11. n0nym

    D&D 5E Request for thoughts on falling damage change

    How many ? What percentage is that ? That's 5 cases out of how many millions ? Falling is usually letal, in the real world AND in fiction. But in D&D, a high level fighter or barbarian could jump off several buildings *consecutively* and survive, which is plain stupid. At this level it's not...
  12. n0nym

    D&D 5E Request for thoughts on falling damage change

    Actually, it should be worse. Hit points are an abstraction, they could represent grazes, light touch, endurance or simply luck. But when you fall, you take raw damage. You can't really avoid or dodge them and luck can't really help you. In my game I've ruled that you take 1d6 / 5 feet when...
  13. n0nym

    D&D 5E Does Anyone Use Hold Monster?

    My players also did that to the Roc in CoS. Really anti-climatic, but they were all very proud. I hope they never see the part about Daern's Instant Fortress though... Might give them too many crazy ideas. :) Hold monster has crazy potentiel, imho, it's one of the best spells in the game.
  14. n0nym

    D&D 5E Berserker Barbarian good or needs fix? What Fix?

    I've made it so that Frenzy costs Hit Dice (instead of causing Exhaustion) and the extra attack is part of the Attack action instead of a Bonus action. My players love it and it still doesn't feel overpowered compared to many other builds.
  15. n0nym

    D&D 5E Invisible murderhobos

    Albeorn is Andropinis, Sorcerer-king of Balic. Nibenay (whom I'm also using in this campaign) was Gallard, Bane of the gnomes. Anyway, this "Albeorn" was indeed meant to be a simulacrum. But I wanted the PCs to win without directly confronting him, because that would certainly end in TPK. So...