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  1. M

    The Art of Defending Mark 2(D&D 4e)

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  2. M

    The Art of Defending Mark 2(D&D 4e)

    IX. Other Things to Consider Elemental Resistance You're in the thick of things, so you'll regularly be hit not just by enemy carpet bombing, which will often be elemental damage, but also by friendly fire. Wizards are notorious for this. If your group has a trigger-happy fire wizard, make...
  3. M

    The Art of Defending Mark 2(D&D 4e)

    VII. Working with your Allies Other defender - best buddies Few things help you be a better defender than a meat shield buddy. Two defenders can easily block a 6 square corridor. Two defenders can flank. Or one defender jumps into the fray, while the other stays back to build a front line to...
  4. M

    The Art of Defending Mark 2(D&D 4e)

    VI. Dealing with Enemies by Monster Role You can find an introduction to monster roles in the DMG p. 54. The roles ordered by priority: If it's high on the list, it's a monster you will want to concentrate on in most combats. Solos If you face a strong solo, immediately mark it and get...
  5. M

    The Art of Defending Mark 2(D&D 4e)

    IV. Defender "Roles" and Winning Defenders have in a sense, "roles" in how they typically defend. Let's go through them. Lockdown The Fighter is the classic lockdown Defender — you swing at them, they're marked, if they want to get away from you, they're going to take potentially multiple...
  6. M

    The Art of Defending Mark 2(D&D 4e)

    III. Understand your Mark The key class feature of each defender is the marking ability. Each mark has one thing in common: Marked enemies take a -2 penalty to hit when they make an attack that does not include the defender. This does boost the defense of their allies, but alone it is not...
  7. M

    The Art of Defending Mark 2(D&D 4e)

    I. The Defender Catch-22 To reach this goal, all defenders use a powerful tactic: boost up their own defenses and die-hardness, and then put enemies before a choice. Either attack the defender, or be punished. The key ability of every defender class to work this punishment is their mark. Again...
  8. M

    The Art of Defending Mark 2(D&D 4e)

    The Art of Defending -- A beginner's guide to the Defender role -- This is a revision of mkill's The Art of Defending and it aims to take a step back from typical character building handbooks. Instead of focusing on the intricacies of picking feats and powers, it concentrates on how to put...
  9. M

    WotC WotC can, and probably should support multiple editions of D&D.

    I think the thing that WotC could do, instead of printing new material, which is mostly there on dmsguild they could provide a D&DBeyond type experience to older rules sets. Particularly 4e where they've already have the database set up already. This isn't competing with itself, this...
  10. M

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    You might want to get find sources that are not contradicting easily verifiable facts.
  11. M

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    Even if that were true, that's comparing apples and oranges. Total revenue is what counts and DDI was a very large amount of total revenue.
  12. M

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    According to multiple designers who worked at WotC, it outsold 3e. The issue wasn't that it did poorly. The issue was that it was expected to be a $50 million/year revenue game by Hasbro, they thought they were going to have a working virtual game table, and therefore would be able to charge...
  13. M

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    That kind of scene is described as a bad skill challenge in DMG too. Point being, if you have a bad skill challenge to deal with due to an adventure or DM, the point isn't to punish the players, the point is to let the players figure out a way to deal with it. If you have a good skill challenge...
  14. M

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    Yeah, a big problem with skill challenges, which even in DMG are designed to be fast and loose and reward creativity, was that a significant chunk of the adventures didn't understand that in year one. As an easy example, in a skill challenge, you can use any skill you want — roll hard DC and...