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Recent content by mrm1138

  1. mrm1138

    What is the Best Licensed RPG?

    FFG Star Wars for me. I really love its dice pool system, funny symbols and all. (Honestly I'd use Genesys more often if it were better supported for VTTs.) I ran an Edge of the Empire campaign for a couple years, and my group and I had a great time with it.
  2. mrm1138

    Not DnD - Shadow of the Weird Wizard with Rob Schwalb

    I preferred the name Shadow of the Mad Wizard, but I get why it's been changed.
  3. mrm1138

    What Licensed RPG Do You Wish Existed But Doesn't?

    I know it's not as good as having the actual thing, but Esper Genesis is very obviously heavily inspired by Mass Effect. The caveat is that it does run on the 5e engine—which I know a lot of people aren't big on—but I think it works really well.
  4. mrm1138

    Cypher System by Monte Cook Games: what do you think about it?

    I like the way XP is used for both, just as I like the way your stat pools are used for both health and as spendable resource. It becomes an interesting resource management system where you have to weigh whether the immediate benefit outweighs the long-term benefit.
  5. mrm1138

    TSR 5 Fun Facts about the 1991 D&D Black Boxed Set

    I remember seeing this advertised is a bunch of the comics I read at the time, and I so wanted a copy of it. Despite not really being religious, my mom was wary of D&D because she thought it might be psychologically harmful. Alas, I didn't get into D&D until 5e.
  6. mrm1138

    Cypher System by Monte Cook Games: what do you think about it?

    That's not entirely accurate. If you want to run monsters as basically as possible, then yes, their stats are virtually identical, but in practice, that's not always the case. For example, let's compare two different monsters from The Ninth World Bestiary for Numenera. Both are level 3. Erulian...
  7. mrm1138

    D&D 5E Beefing up Acererak for 16th level PCs?

    I'm thinking I might want to save Foresight and Wish for the campaign-ending final boss (when all the PCs are level 20). Thanks for the suggestion!
  8. mrm1138

    D&D 5E Beefing up Acererak for 16th level PCs?

    Ah! Thank you so much for pointing that out! I really need to reread all the descriptions for his spells to make sure I've got them down.
  9. mrm1138

    D&D 5E Beefing up Acererak for 16th level PCs?

    Since a couple of the PCs can cast counterspell, do you think it would be a good idea to have Acererak feint with a couple at-will spells first to see if he can get them to use up those spell slots? I'd hate to waste time stop. I understand that they would have to roll successfully to counter a...
  10. mrm1138

    When and what game did you start with.

    I started in 2007 with a home brew rules system created by a friend and some of his gaming buddies. It was a generic system, and we used it for a Victorian-era gothic horror action game. (In retrospect, it was kind of like Rippers for Savage Worlds.) I didn't get super into roleplaying, though...
  11. mrm1138

    Can you name a good fantasy TTRPG that's not D&D?

    That's fair. Heinsoo and Tweet were definitely very overt about their intentions. I just wasn't sure how picky the OP was being about the definition of "not D&D."
  12. mrm1138

    Can you name a good fantasy TTRPG that's not D&D?

    I'm surprised I haven't seen any mention of 13th Age. Is that because it's too similar to D&D for people to consider it, or is it just not that popular? I've personally been wanting to try it out with my group as a possible replacement for 5e because I like a lot of the differences. I think the...
  13. mrm1138

    D&D 5E Beefing up Acererak for 16th level PCs?

    Ooh, that's a cool idea! Thanks!
  14. mrm1138

    D&D 5E Beefing up Acererak for 16th level PCs?

    Holy crap! Thanks!
  15. mrm1138

    D&D 5E Beefing up Acererak for 16th level PCs?

    While I have people's attention, I'm also worried that I'll be having trouble for the very final encounter of the campaign. The way things are set up, the BBEG is yet another lich, in this case Raugilath. That said, the intended final boss is Dendar, The Night Serpent, but the PCs are already...