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Recent content by Mr. Draco

  1. M

    Snap-together, desktop trebuchets!

    No limit on orders. The way Kickstarter works, as long as the project raises a minimum of its $48k goal, we'll get the money pledged, and we'll make trebuchets for everyone who ordered one. If we don't raise at least $48k, then nobody gets charged anything.
  2. M

    Snap-together, desktop trebuchets!

    Wow, it's been a long time since I was active on this forum; I'm glad to see that it's still lively! Anyway, a friend and I have been working on a side project for a few months now to perfect a design for laser-cut, snap-together (no glue required!) desktop trebuchets. After a lot of long hours...
  3. M

    How does Stephen Hawking talk?

    Actually, I had a discussion with Stephen Hawking over lunch in Cambridge back in the summer of 2002. At least, at that time he still used a finger control. The way it works is that he had a single button which he could depress. The computer screen attached to his computer scrolls through the...
  4. M

    Why wouldn't Someone Learn Magic...

    Take the case of small units as an example. On side A, you have 10 1st level fighters. On side B, you have 9 1st level fighters and a 1st level wizard. Which side wins in a conflict? This is really a tossup. It depends which spells the wizard has. If the wizard has sleep, side B has the...
  5. M

    Jogging Question

    I've done distance running for quite a few years, so I'll pitch in my 2 cents. If you're intending on continuing jogging for some time (even if it's only as much as a month or so), you'll almost certainly want to move up your milage. I would recommend running once a day, in the morning. It's...
  6. M

    EN World Jerseys!?!

    I'd be in in a heartbeat! Mr. Draco and 42 on the back. :-D Fantastic idea!
  7. M

    Metropolis - The Weight of the World (and Found Wanting)

    Is this game still recruiting? I read the first page, and found it interesting, so I could work up a character concept if there's still space.
  8. M


    Oooh, very, very cool. I like it!
  9. M

    Place GenCon photos here!

    We want photos!
  10. M

    Why do you homebrew? or Hombrew blues

    Homebrewing is a creative release for me. I'm always getting these "what if..." ideas, and homebrewing allows me to put them all together, add a pinch of PCs, and see what I end up with. I homebrew to the exclusion of published settings because there's a level of intimacy that homebrewing...
  11. M

    DMing: How do I setup philosophical in-character discussions?

    Good question. From my own experience gaming, I'm inclined to say that this isn't entirely possible to set up. On one hand, there's only so much you can do as a GM that can help foster philosophical discussions. On the other hand, there certainly are things that you can do. Firstly, make...
  12. M

    Ptolus - Six Days Early!

    I had a dream about Ptolus arriving last night. Does that count? :confused:
  13. M

    The Gaming Table!

    Me too!
  14. M

    Ptolus Preorders - Did anyone get their free Player's Guides?

    I preordered the last day possible, so I'm not surprised that I haven't gotten either yet.
  15. M

    Again I raid ENworld for its ideas!

    The fortress is underground. This is key. From an architectural standpoint, an underground fortress can be easily made into a twisting three dimensional maze of tunnels and hallways. Think about anthills--they aren't separated by floors or levels, their tunnels go wherever they're supposed to...