Recent content by MoFest

  1. MoFest

    WotBS WotBS on Foundry

    Oh, thank you so much for this! (I knew I couldn't be the only one doing this) . I like to think I had be everything prepared before session but I end up missing something... Or more often, even when I lay out options a, b and c, they'll come up with an option Z. Thanks @Salicus
  2. MoFest

    WotBS WotBS on Foundry

    I preferred Foundry to Roll20 because while I played D&D in the '80s, didn't start playing on VTT til late. When I started DMing again, I didn't want to have to re-purchase sourcebooks in Roll20 since I'd already had them in D&DBeyond and found it easier to convert scenes, journals, etc into...
  3. MoFest

    WotBS WotBS on Foundry

    Very aware of Roll20 availability, but has anyone run in Foundry VTT? I plan to run in 5e. I actually have all 3.5, 4e and 5e. May even redo some of the maps. This seems like Herculean task. Talk me out of it.