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Recent content by marimbaguy715

  1. M

    WotC Vecna Eve of Ruin: Everything You Need To Know

    I wanna touch on this point because I think this is a common misconception. Go read the credits of the book and you'll see the names of a ton of WotC staff and people who have worked with WotC on other projects. It isn't like Matt Mercer handed WotC a complete campaign and they published it -...
  2. M

    D&D 5E What are you looking forward to more Vecna: Eve of Ruin or Quests from the Infinite Staircase

    When they both were announced, my answer was Staircase, because I've really enjoyed the anthology books for the most part. But after seeing the adventure list (I'm really not into Barrier Peaks's sci-fi and Tsojcanth is just more of the dungeon crawling we got in Yawning Portal) and hearing Eve...
  3. M

    D&D 5E Where Does The Multiversal Vecna: Eve of Ruin Visit?

    Article from ComicBook.com I'm personally very excited to hear the Eberron portion will be going to the Mournland.
  4. M

    WotC Vecna Eve of Ruin: Everything You Need To Know

    You know, if you doubt their claim you could also do a bit of research. I'm sure they didn't feel the need to provide evidence because it just seemed obviously true to them. But if you want some evidence, here are a few poll results from reddit and the D&D Beyond forums. They are by no means...
  5. M

    WotC Vecna Eve of Ruin: Everything You Need To Know

    Man, I was really hoping they'd leak who the important Eberron NPCs will be, I'm so curious about that. I also wanna know where in Eberron they'll set that part of the adventure - I'm assuming Sharn as Rising has a massive Sharn focus, but I'm hoping for something more interesting.
  6. M

    D&D General How Dungeons & Dragons Started, WotC video.

    This looks like a really cool book that I'd love to have, but I can't really justify spending $100 on it. Maybe it'll go on a Christmas wish list. Love listening to the interview though - Jason Tondro sounds like he really enjoyed making this book.
  7. M

    D&D 5E 5e Players: How often have you been allowed to use 3PP?

    Not sure how to answer this based on the games I run. I generally like my players to stick to official content where possible, for a number of reasons. However, I DM in Eberron a lot, and I allow any and all Keith Baker Publications material, and that's 3PP. So my answer is, "I don't allow most...
  8. M

    D&D 5E Can I use action surge in the middle of another action (between attacks when attacking with extra attack)?

    We don't know for sure what will be printed in the 2024 PHB, but the latest playtest version of Action Surge let you do any action except Magic actions (like casting a spell). However, if you believe you can break up your Attack action to use your Action Surge to cast a spell in the current...
  9. M

    D&D (2024) I wish we'd gotten to see the Bard in UA one more time.

    We saw 2 versions of the Bard, and both of them were during the period where they were still testing the idea of having 3 general spell lists - Arcane/Primal/Divine. The first version had them using the Arcane list but only certain schools of magic, and moved some features around to different...
  10. M

    D&D (2024) D&D 2024 Core Rulebooks: 'We'll Still Be Working On Them In May'

    You're assuming they don't know when they're releasing the books. They probably do, or at least have an internal target date they haven't shared publicly. The only real naughty word-up from WotC was their Social Media department tweeting out an incorrect date. It's an embarassing communication error...
  11. M

    D&D General Allegations of AI Usage Cause unnecessary Controversy

    All of the AI art was from one artist, Ilya Shkipin. The Adze of Annam is by Isabel Gibney - and I'm looking at it right now, and I don't think it's AI art. Unfortunately, a lot of accusations of art being AI generated sounds a lot like people talking about Photoshopped pictures back in the...
  12. M

    D&D 5E How should spells be organized?

    How can it be alphabetical and then by level? No two spells are going to have the same name, so if you have a top level sort by alphabetical, that's it. There is no second or third level sort. Unless you're just talking about adding a list of the spells by level at the end. I personally prefer...
  13. M

    D&D 5E WotC Customer Support on the availability of Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants with updated art

    When D&D Beyond replaced the AI art in Glory of the Giants, it didn't come with an announcement from WotC or any word on if/when the published books would be using the new art. I reached out to customer support to ask, and I thought people might be interested in the response I got. My question...
  14. M

    Planescape Check Out The Planescape Character Options

    I don't think you understood what I was trying to say. I'm well aware WotC typically includes player content in supplements and settings and markets the book to both players and DMs. But this specific set has so little player content that there's basically no value to someone who would only buy...
  15. M

    Planescape Check Out The Planescape Character Options

    I'm surprised they made this video. If you sell a book to DMs and you add some backgrounds and feats, they act as a nice little cherry on top that a DM can share with the players if they're using the setting. But by making a "New Player Options" (and magic items) video, it gives the vibe that...