• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Krypter

  1. Krypter

    D&D General One Piece of Art VI (Maps)- What is Your Favorite D&D Map?

    Don't know if this counts as a map or a cartographic ideogram or what, but it's my favorite representation of all the planes in Planescape: as slices of a cake and big balls of elemental ice cream with spirals of Spelljammer spheres. The most memorable map, apart from the torus of Sigil itself.
  2. planescape planes cake slices.jpg

    planescape planes cake slices.jpg

  3. Krypter

    RPG Crowdfunding News – Into the Wild, MythCraft, Talislanta, and more

    Talislanta is one of the most unique and exotic fantasy settings ever published. Glad to see it back in print with new art and the old, elegant d20 rule system it had in 2nd edition. Anyone who loved Jack Vance's The Dying Earth, Planet of Adventure, and Cugel et al. stories will likely love...
  4. Krypter

    D&D (2024) D&D Mysteries of the Multiverse Reveal

    Mmmm... Cat Lord...
  5. planescape new diterlizzi cat lord.jpg

    planescape new diterlizzi cat lord.jpg

  6. Krypter

    You Can Play TORMENT: TIDES OF NUMENERA Tomorrow (Sort Of)

    > "more high falutin, however; not as easy to digest as its predecessor." >not as easy to digest as Planescape: Torment Dohohoho! Good one. Having backed both this and bought Numenera, I can't wait for the weirdness. It'll be a Voyage to Arcturus.
  7. Krypter

    Fighting Fantasy: The Warlock of Firetop Mountain Digital Tabletop RPG

    Loved Russ Nicholson's art, this sounds great.
  8. Krypter

    Tyranny of Dragons DM Screen

    1 out of 5 rating for Tyranny of Dragons DM Screen A GM's screen with NPC illustrations on it? With encounters for 1 specific adventure? That's just ridiculous. The tables on this screen are of very limited value and exclude some important stuff from the DMG that would be hard for GMs to...
  9. Krypter

    DRAGON+ #3

    3 out of 5 rating for DRAGON+ #3 It's fine for what it is: advertisements for WOTC and related company products. It doesn't compare to the old Dragon or Dungeon magazines at all. It is obnoxious as an app when it decides that the issue content it downloaded last night isn't really downloaded...
  10. Krypter

    Princes of the Apocalypse

    3 out of 5 rating for Princes of the Apocalypse I really wanted to like this adventure as I generally love elemental-themed things, but the very, very open-ended nature of this particular sandbox threw me off. The dungeons are well-constructed with interesting unique encounters, but the whole...
  11. Krypter

    Out of the Abyss

    4 out of 5 rating for Out of the Abyss I've been following events in the Underdark since the Dungeoneer's Survival Guide from AD&D days, and I've been very happily surprised at the quality of writing and detail in this latest version of the Underdark for 5E. The locations are superbly...
  12. Krypter


    A little late to the party, I'd say. WOTC's already forgotten all about the Tyranny of Dragons (their links to it on the site are already breaking) and anyone who was interested in HOTDQ would have played it months ago. We just finished it two weeks ago.
  13. Krypter

    The 'Wonderland'-Inspired Faces of the RAGE OF DEMONS

    Perkins has been dropping hints about his project since December, he met with Ward in April and the adventure is supposed to come out in September. Seems like the appropriate amount of time for consultations and design work. (but I'm hoping for a D&D cartoon too!)
  14. Krypter

    The 'Wonderland'-Inspired Faces of the RAGE OF DEMONS

    So now we know why Pendleton Ward was visiting WOTC: this is going to the Underdark Adventure Time! story that Perkins was teasing last month. http://www.enworld.org/forum/content.php?2547-Adventure-Time-supplement-or-setting-for-5e I do hope the insanity-inducing faerzress gives us some...