Recent content by Krachek

  1. K

    D&D (2024) Should Goodberry get improve like Cure and Healing word?

    But stabilizing a pc with a bonus look so cool that it may become the new standard. Drinking a potion with a bonus action become enough popular that the rule change for that.
  2. K

    D&D (2024) The Problem with Healing Powercreep

    Putting pressure on players in a RPG is almost a fake. Players are not at risk, they are seated comfortably with beer and pretzel and have a good time. Players can play along and pretend that their characters are in a life or death situation. Then choose to roleplay an heroic, pragmatic or...
  3. K

    D&D (2024) Buffing Int, Wis, and Cha (Mostly Int and Cha)

    8, 10, 12 don’t matter much. Most characters run 2 or 3 concrete dump stats.
  4. K

    D&D (2024) Buffing Int, Wis, and Cha (Mostly Int and Cha)

    Sometime I think that those dump stat would not be a concern if 8 was having a 0 bonus -1 on initiative, or wis saves is bad, but not not that much compare to a 0 or even +1 bonus.
  5. K

    D&D (2024) Buffing Int, Wis, and Cha (Mostly Int and Cha)

    I see players often dump str or dex. Even dex can be dump if you plan to wear heavy armor. So there is two stat that are not dump to 8 : Wis and Con Can we nerf them instead?
  6. K

    D&D (2024) D&D 2024 PHB errata thread +

    I wonder how many errata they will need to do when most of the games will be run by an AI DM?
  7. K

    Time in Shadowdark

    And ultimately if the DM decide it’s time to make a check or even to spawn a random encounter then so be it.
  8. K

    D&D General D&D 2024 does not deserve to succeed

    I can’t tell about future success of DnD, But DC20 can succeed ( and already have considering the 2M kickstarter) and that won’t change at all the fate of DnD .
  9. K

    D&D General Godless Settings

    The Romans have a cult to the emperor as well as many other cultures.
  10. K

    D&D General D&D 2024 does not deserve to succeed

    For what it cost me to play dnd I don’t care about ideology, management or fair trade concept.
  11. K

    D&D (2024) The Problem with Healing Powercreep

    The DnD designers don’t make that much math!
  12. K

    Worlds of Design: The Sensible Monster

    I agree monsters should make sense, for the game. Otherwise monsters should have a collection of flaws. Jealous and suspicious of each other’s , coward, short view, miss informed, superstitious, and so on.
  13. K

    D&D (2024) How to simply fix Ranger in 2024.

    Remove concentration from hunter’s mark?
  14. K

    D&D General Roleplaying Origins of Early DnD

    Pure players creativity indeed and I will add pure DM fiat!