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Recent content by Kitsune Inari

  1. Kitsune Inari

    Thread Game: Change/Add/Subtract a Letter, Ruin a D&D Creature

    Peasant -> Peas ant. Those who have suffered the Spanish translation of Fading Suns will remember this one.
  2. Kitsune Inari

    The Warhammer Fantasy Role Play Starter Set Is A Great Gateway Into A Grim Game

    As opposed to its 40K sibling, which is all shades of black.
  3. Kitsune Inari

    D&D General Alignment in D&D

    As a fun aside, my current character in an OSR game happens to be a Muscle Wizard. We rolled ordered for stats and I got an unusual combination; I could have gone for a strategist fighter, but this seemed more fun.
  4. Kitsune Inari

    D&D General Alignment in D&D

    I dislike alignment a bit less when it is literally alignment—i.e.: when it is part of a faction system. When your alignment means who writes your paychecks and who you take orders from. Alignment in Chainmail and the White Box OD&D made sense. Alignment from Supplement I: Greyhawk onwards, not...
  5. Kitsune Inari

    Look, Polish Florentine!

    That reminds me of the "Four-Handed Axe" we did on another LARP. Perhaps surprisingly, it did work the first time.
  6. Kitsune Inari

    Why did I do this? Because I could.

    I'm amazed nobody has said yet "IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAAAAND!!!" EDIT: Sorry, I just noticed Severed Head's link right after posting.