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Recent content by kayman

  1. Nantambu.jpg


  2. kayman

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2e: is it RAW or RAI to always take 10 minutes and heal between encounters?

    Sona Jobarteh & Band - Bannaya Fair , ok i will never again visit this site again, it is just bad for the mental health of thoose who like a place to find escapism for the real problems from the real world. It is a shame cause i visit this place since the layout was black and yelow (if my...
  3. kayman

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2e: is it RAW or RAI to always take 10 minutes and heal between encounters?

    I work in different world that you , I am a teacher in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro so please dont try to lecture me about the struggle against autorythy , violence , racism , etc.
  4. kayman

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2e: is it RAW or RAI to always take 10 minutes and heal between encounters?

    I am an Anarcho Syndicalist who base my ideas on Hume Russell and Chomsky , so please let us stay in the RPG realm
  5. kayman

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2e: is it RAW or RAI to always take 10 minutes and heal between encounters?

    Acknowledge experience is completely different than defend authority
  6. kayman

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2e: is it RAW or RAI to always take 10 minutes and heal between encounters?

    I for example dont agree with a single word of you statment. IF the devs allowed i would like to respond in portuguese.
  7. kayman

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2e: is it RAW or RAI to always take 10 minutes and heal between encounters?

    I read you thread and this leaves me with two choices , agreeing with what you said or trust my own experience running it and the professional work of James Jacobs ( James Jacobs - PathfinderWiki) I sincerely choose the latter.
  8. kayman

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2e: is it RAW or RAI to always take 10 minutes and heal between encounters?

    I will never forget the tension on the game session when this happens .... Sorry for my bad english the original was on portuguese.
  9. kayman

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2e: is it RAW or RAI to always take 10 minutes and heal between encounters?

    I ran both , AoA has its problems but it was expected (first AP), but AV , oh my , this was a blast from beggining to end . The Cthulhu vibe , the underdark , the dynamic of the creature inside ( I dispise the idea of roon full of monsters) . My players had to run from the cult of ghouls (chase...
  10. kayman

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2e: is it RAW or RAI to always take 10 minutes and heal between encounters?

    And after vanquishing the serpent folks they hush to the temple of Ydersius ,(no 10 minutes rest) . It will be hard but they are Conservants and must defend the Magaambya and the city of Nantambu whatrever the cost . (Art Gabriel Pickard).
  11. unknown (1).png

    unknown (1).png

  12. kayman

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2e: is it RAW or RAI to always take 10 minutes and heal between encounters?

    Be brave , go to Arkane Mark and vomit all your complains to Mark. I will be there watching.
  13. kayman

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2e: is it RAW or RAI to always take 10 minutes and heal between encounters?

    And PF2 players , please , use Foundry VTT, create diversity on the scenes , give the free archetype and you will see the system works like a dream . Downtime , exploration , encounter , everything works perfect . Try the variant rules , chase , infiltration , etc, The game offer endless...
  14. kayman

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2e: is it RAW or RAI to always take 10 minutes and heal between encounters?

    By the way my games are public , and if this Capzapp want to check please go to the Official Pathfinder Society Brazil (maybe we from the south are to low for his high standart) and check if what i am saying is truth from my last game . PF2 is the most advanced system that i ever gm , and...
  15. kayman

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2e: is it RAW or RAI to always take 10 minutes and heal between encounters?

    Look at the level of arrogance of this statment. We should all listen to the wise words of a nobody.