• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by John Desmarais

  1. J

    (Traveller) Central Supply Catalogue Update 2023 - In Stock and Shipping!

    I think my copy arrived today - but I’m on travel so haven‘t been able to open the box 😢
  2. J

    D&D General Which Enworlders do you want to game with?

    I see a lot of posts on EnWorld that lead me to believe that the poster probably has similar gaming philosophies as myself or just be entertaining to be at the table with, but my memory for names is so bad - particularly if I have no faces to mentally associate with them - that I would not be...
  3. J

    Looking for a Cubicle 7 Doctor Who Discord server

    The only one I know of: Join the Doctor Who: Adventures in Time & Space Discord Server!
  4. J

    A "Why Oh Why" RPG Thread [+]

    who says they aren’t? Traveller is basically a game about spacers living out their retirement. 😛
  5. J

    N.K. Jemisin's The Fifth Season RPG: An Interview with Chris Pramas (Green Ronin Publishing)

    There was an rpg based on Dream Park, a book co-written by Steven Barnes.
  6. J

    What Licensed RPG Do You Wish Existed But Doesn't?

    I have Blue Rose, and it does capture a lot of flavor - but I‘m greedy, I want the specific IP.
  7. J

    What Licensed RPG Do You Wish Existed But Doesn't?

    I’ve always thought the world of Mercedes Lackey’s Valdemar novels would make a good rpg setting.
  8. J

    other literary RPGs?

    Best Fantasy Hero campaign I ever did started by combining Mythic Greece and Mythic Egypt.
  9. J

    Generic "Overlay" System

    Who remembers Amazing Engine?
  10. J

    What's yer favorite genre?

    I enjoy playing just about any genre, but my favorite genre’s to run are Golden Age superheroes and pulp-style 1930s adventure (yeah, I have a theme - I like fictional 1930s/40s).
  11. J


    I have several edition, but currently only play Mongoose 2nd edition.
  12. J

    Revisiting Old Modules

    It’s good, solid adventure; with a reusable town built in. I used it several times. The Deus Ex Machina is annoying (I don’t have him join the party but instead give the party some material aid instead. There are also a few errors that I can’t remember the details on (and have to re-research...
  13. J

    OSR I never should have picked up Old School Essentials…

    That is kind of cool looking.
  14. J

    (Traveller) Robot Handbook - It Is Here!

    Man, that just hits my wallet right in the nads. I know I'll never use it - but I want it.
  15. J

    Best universal rpg system?

    It’s a great game, and the Campaign Book is a great genre resource no matter what system you use for that style game.