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Recent content by JLXC

  1. J

    Dave Arneson Death Confirmed

    I also had the pleasure many years ago to have one afternoon at a hobby shop for an "open" game to "test some new things." If I knew who he was at the time, I would have said so much more. Still, we clicked, and I remember him saying "You're the only one who lived, because you used your head."...
  2. J

    Am I an unfair GM?

    OP I think it was a fair ruling, I'm a long long time GM. I would have simply said "You can't see it, so you can't target there." THEN if he still argued he could magically throw the spell into the abyss hoping for an open area, I would have failed the spell. Still, if there's no rules...
  3. J

    Gary Gygax has passed. RIP beloved father of RPG's. (merged)

    This actually makes me sad. He changed my life more than nearly anyone outside of my family. I've been playing for a long, long time and have spend so many thousands of wonderful hours playing D&D, it changed my life. I'm glad he was born, and that's as nice a thing as I can say about another...
  4. J

    Dragon Editorial: Fearless

    Oh I get it, and yeah I'm done because I do see the uselessness in explaining heroism to cowards. No wonder 4e is going to be the way it is if you're the average playtester.
  5. J

    Dragon Editorial: Fearless

    Way to miss the point. Only choosing to dare because you assume you will make it is not heroic, Elf, Robot, Monkey, makes no difference. The very idea of heroism is lost on most of you it seems. heroic adjective 1. very imposing or impressive; surpassing the ordinary (especially in size...
  6. J

    Dragon Editorial: Fearless

    Wow, just wow. :confused: First off, if the majority of you feel that your character can only be "brave" and "do daring things" if most of the danger of death is gone, your characters and your play style is simply cowardly and anti-heroic, you just don't get heroic as a concept which is no...
  7. J

    Seriously? Spellcasters will not be able to have many spell choices?

    Ah, so rituals might take the place of some of the more "non-combat" spells. Well it might not be as severe then. Thanks for that, now to read up on Rituals.
  8. J

    Seriously? Spellcasters will not be able to have many spell choices?

    Heh, that describes the 3.x sorceror completely. Wow. I got blind sided by this one. Talk about extreme change?
  9. J

    Seriously? Spellcasters will not be able to have many spell choices?

    So from what I'm gathering based on posting here, spellcasters will all be Sorcerors now? They'll all have a limited number of spells, and multiple uses of only those spells, and will not be able to choose from the hundreds or even thousands of spells from pervious editions? So wizards will...
  10. J

    If the devils are how monsters will be....I am so happy

    Seriously? Wow, I had no idea that this severe of a change was coming. So the Pit Fiend goes from many options, to a very few. The spellcasters go from hundreds of options, to a very few? And fighters get to kick more butt, which they could have without these kinds of changes, and now it's...
  11. J

    If the devils are how monsters will be....I am so happy

    So, does the evidence so far point towards this in your opinion? Wizards and Clerics will be limited to let's say, a dozen or less spells, by 10th level or so, and at the same time the other classes will have "spells renamed powered skills so they sound different" of about the same amount...
  12. J

    If the devils are how monsters will be....I am so happy

    Lack of any argument? You have to be just baiting for fun, because it's simply not possible you missed my argument, maybe those phrases are overused on these forums, I don't know. I used them because they were exactly appropriate for what I was talking about. One character type outshining all...
  13. J

    If the devils are how monsters will be....I am so happy

    That's not D&D, it has never been D&D, and I really hope 4E is not like that. In a game based on Magic, the magic is important. Without it, it's Anime or WoW. It's pathetic. It kills the very CORE of the whole game. There is no way, no way at all, to make D&D work so that someone without...
  14. J

    If the devils are how monsters will be....I am so happy

    Because magic doesn't work everywhere? Because Wands can be broken, dispelled, or used up. Because if the trap goes off you don't have the uber save? Because Rogues have a ton of useful skills that effect non-combat in radical ways as well? Because in a standard campaign, Fighters and other...
  15. J

    Campaign Length

    With full groups of four or more, I believe 5 years was the longest regular play, even though it still comes back now and then. On a smaller scale I still play in a game with one other guy that has lastest over ten years, and sometimes has included other players, but the two of us have always...