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Recent content by Jeux Fictifs

  1. Jeux Fictifs

    D&D General Welcome Thread

    I am a french Canadian from Montreal ...because i not know english very well I use a translate.google.ca to read many of yours post. ... I start play D&D with bleu box, in 1980. Since 2015, most my time is to build fantastic world and science fiction to play with many role play games. It's days...
  2. Jeux Fictifs

    The Orville - Season 1

    Because this episode of ORVILLE is interesting, because it is close to a reality because we are constantly judged on our actions and our words. By a society that tries to standardize our thinking by the majority. May be that one qet me many dislike ;-)
  3. Jeux Fictifs

    The Orville - Season 1

    I was hesitant in thinking that this will be a parody of next generation star trek ... but as far as I can see, I have several ... yes there is many jokes but it has interesting topics. I have the episode in which a member of the crew almost suffered a lobotomy because the population did not...
  4. Jeux Fictifs

    D&D General Welcome Thread

    Wish all Dungeons masters make many homebrew D&D universe. Not play only with universe of in market.
  5. Jeux Fictifs

    The Orville - Season 1

    May you see new rpg about Orville Play fun character in a game where no one would go ;-)
  6. Jeux Fictifs

    My Star Trek game quest continues: MAPS!

    No map is the good one, because many make they own map. You need many maps , for specific time, for specific univers, like Mirror In a alternative time , all borg in federation space fighting a alliance of klingons ,romulians and cardassians. I see one map in galaxy Andromeda , make by...
  7. Jeux Fictifs

    Yesterday's Enterprise: Talking With Guy McLimore About FASA's Star Trek Roleplaying Game

    I have my FASA Star Trek old box, a day may be i try to get all in French.
  8. Jeux Fictifs

    When role play game become a story telling

    best story Forget me, it's decided, I'm the worst master of role-playing games. But you in your campaigns with your players is perfect because you explain them all about the role play that you will play. They can read everything about your imaginary world in a great book or on your website...
  9. Jeux Fictifs

    When role play game become a story telling

    Forget me, it's decided, I'm the worst master of role-playing games. But you in your campaigns with your players is perfect because you explain them all about the role play that you will play. They can read everything about your imaginary world in a great book or on your website. You take time...
  10. Jeux Fictifs

    When role play game become a story telling

    Oh my God Master of all role-playing games. Just point out that my title is: When the role play becomes a storytelling If playing a role-playing game is like telling a story that will please my daughter because she wants the princess to be in love with the dragon. She imagines that her princess...
  11. Jeux Fictifs

    When role play game become a story telling

    Flexibility for all Why I have to forget my story to complete each player's wish. Most of the time, the player does not come to play with a good story. Because they choose the new original stories for their characters No, they have a story that copies that of a film or manga character...
  12. Jeux Fictifs

    When role play game become a story telling

    Je comprend ce que tu parle par flexibilité mais tes suggestions me prouve juste de les objectifs personnels des personnages-joueurs doivent être intégré dans ton scénario. Sans tenir compte de ton travail en préparation. Oubli les pirates mais suppose que tu dois faire une démonstration d'un...
  13. Jeux Fictifs

    When role play game become a story telling

    May be only me because i am a old master.
  14. Jeux Fictifs

    When role play game become a story telling

    Je les invite à une rencontre de jeu de rôle en ne leur disant pas quel jeu , le thème, la mécanique pour résoudre les actions. Surprise les joueurs , nous allons jouer des pirates. Ce sera bien d'attaquer des navires rempli d'or. Voilà pourquoi ces joueurs avaient leur propre objectif dans...
  15. Jeux Fictifs

    When role play game become a story telling

    Depuis quel que temps , j'ai de plus en plus de joueurs Qui arrive à ma table de jeu de rôle avec leur personnage et incluant deux pages d'histoire sur leur personnage. Ce joueur a décidé qu'il joue un personnage qui va tuer le méchant sorcier qui a tuer ses parents. Cette joueuse va jouer...