• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by jboud045

  1. J

    Current campaign setting

    I love all the ins and out like that, even more than the actual stats most of the time.
  2. J

    Current campaign setting

    Hey @Beefermatic this is great, do you plan on posting more info about Shinkokku, maybe a bit more on how they are governed? I would also love to see the stats for the rest of the 8 Deities.
  3. J

    Demiurges of the Universe.

    Those all sound really nice, I can't wait to read more about them and to see their stats if you plan on posting them here.
  4. J

    Interesting Low Epic ideas and campaign hooks.

    Looking forward to reading this.
  5. J

    The pinnacle of hubris! I present to you Thychen, the Supreme Being

    Would you be able to give a bit more information on Xenopactli that you mention in the original entry for Thychen, how powerful is this entity? Where did it come from? Also Gamma and Antithychen, what divine rank would you place them at?
  6. J

    Enemies, Allies, and Ideas for Sidereals, Eternals, and above

    I would love to see stats for your Terran and the armor they use.
  7. J

    The Once and Final Ruler of Hyperborea, THE ULTIMATE!

    What was the base class you used to build The Ultimate?
  8. J

    The pinnacle of hubris! I present to you Thychen, the Supreme Being

    So even Thychen could not do anything against the use of a chaos word unless he had the counter? Their is more than one Supreme Beings in the Akashic Library? I thought one library = one supreme being that oversees his multiverse/omniverse. But multiple libraries do exist each with their own...
  9. J

    The pinnacle of hubris! I present to you Thychen, the Supreme Being

    Glad your back. The Void Lords are very interesting. I’ve been wondering what you see as the big difference for the “Words of Chaos” and “Alter Creation” abilities are, since it appears that you can do anything with either one, doesn’t that make the other redundant?
  10. J

    Sub-Epic Offerings

    Interesting classes, my fav is the mirror Mage, but that's probably because I've always liked spell casting classes over non-spell casting classes.
  11. J

    Insanely high powered entities from my storyline/ Gods and Monsters update

    Hey Beefermatic, planning on posting any of your amazing creations soon?
  12. J

    Post your gods!

    If anyone has any other gods that they stated and would like to share, I would love to see them, as I'm certain others would also.
  13. J

    God Creation - Immortals Ascencion

    A quasi-deity has around 2d6+18 HD or class level or a combination of the two, to have 500HD you would need to create a Demiurge (Stage 2). Outsiders who become immortal advance using HD only and they get integrated class leve equal to half their HD, mortals who become immortal use class level...
  14. J

    Divine ranks of various fictional entities

    For the Q I was thinking about the same thing either First One or Demiurge Stage I. For the Xeelee I was thinking either Elder One or Old One. For the Ancient/Ori I was thinking Greater Deity, maybe Elder One. As for the three Marvel entities I was thinking power wise Demiurge Stage 3 for...