• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by jasynjonz

  1. jasynjonz

    Worlds of Design: The Improv Imbalance

    I am as old school as I can be (Holmes) and I much prefer event and plot based adventures. A site based adventure with no story is boring and prep doesn't seem to help much. A book full of background is what I really crave for an adventure. I'm sure you're right about a lot of DM's however.
  2. jasynjonz

    Worlds of Design: The Improv Imbalance

    I don't know. I'm an improv GM. I've tried to do it the other way but I don't have as much time to do the level of prep necessary for it. The Lazy DM stuff was very helpful, but mostly helped with my improv balance. I think, at least for my players, the freedom that comes from improv gives them...
  3. jasynjonz

    D&D 5E WotC: 5 D&D Settings In Development?

    I was thinking the same thing.
  4. jasynjonz

    Curse of Strahd

    5 out of 5 rating for Curse of Strahd Love what I have read. The continued reliance on interesting characters and their motivations has made especially the last two offerings from WoTC particularly enjoyable for my style of game. Maps are gorgeous and the overall story, along with memorable...
  5. jasynjonz

    OUT OF THE ABYSS Trends At 82%

    To be honest, I don't find the 'whimsy' stuff to be all that silly. It's a little more insane than silly. I think that's the point. Played correctly, some of these NPC's are more sinister and creepy than anything else. Now the extreme sports goblins? Straight outta paizo and pretty silly, but...
  6. jasynjonz

    FORBES: Out of the Abyss preview

  7. jasynjonz

    April's D&D Feedback Survey Results

    Maybe, the thing is, IMO, PF players (and I was one for a few years) seem to want things laid out in front of them and they generally seem to like all the crunchy bits and mini-games etc. PF is also more 'balanced' in terms of what the characters can do and what the GM can do, on paper that is...
  8. jasynjonz

    The Biggest RPG Story of the Year?

    Patrick Rothfuss's Kingkiller Chronicles would be big. Also, I agree that an Assassins Creed game might go well and be big news.
  9. jasynjonz

    Do You Read This News?

    I READ THIS NEWS!!!!!!!!! Let it out. Phew.
  10. jasynjonz

    From 4E to GURPS: D&D and Simulationism

    So, I've played GURPS 4 and A lot of DnD, including 4 and Savage Worlds. My favorite system for everything we have discussed is the Hero System, which is very Gurpslike with a lot less tedious rule set for combat. So much depends on what your group likes that it would be hard to find a real...