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Recent content by imurphy943

  1. I

    101 Ways To Stir Up Chaos in a Fantasy Town or City

    62. Tell the GM that instead of going to the dungeon, you want to try your hand at prostitution. When he declares that you now have syphilis, sleep with the mayor.
  2. I

    101 Ways To Stir Up Chaos in a Fantasy Town or City

    I assume that the mayor lives in a vanilla, faux-historic fantasy city, and therefore is most likely male. If you want to accuse me of sexism in general, that's... probably fair? I was focused more on the reaction that the clergy and population would have. 54. Burn down the mayor's house, using...
  3. I

    101 Ways To Stir Up Chaos in a Fantasy Town or City

    42. Give clear proof that the mayor is not only a witch, but also a woman 43. Build a church twice the size of the largest local church, and dedicate it to the mayor. Claim the whole thing was his idea. 44. Open a store in one of the poorer districts. Have a special opening day sale... 97% off...
  4. I

    101 Ways To Stir Up Chaos in a Fantasy Town or City

    26. Tell the GM that instead of visiting the dungeon on the outskirts of town, you want to try your hand at prostitution. You will probably get syphilis. Sleep with the mayor. 27. Start a drug war. 28. Make prized pieces of artwork into cigars, and sell them to peasants. 29. Kill The Batman. 30...
  5. I

    101 Ways To Stir Up Chaos in a Fantasy Town or City

    14. Put ergot in all the oatmeal 15. Put spiny fish in the fountains 16. Go to the graveyard and start digging them up 17. Start a hostage situation in a pub 18. Dig tunnels under the mayor's house and fill them with barrels of gunpowder, then make the entrance extremely conspicuous 19. Pay some...
  6. I

    101 Ways To Stir Up Chaos in a Fantasy Town or City

    1. Poison the mayor 2. Blow up the mayor 3. Feed the mayor to a rabid owlbear 4. Stab, shoot, or bludgeon the mayor 5. Set fire to the mayor's residence 6. Slip Rot Grubs into the mayor's gumbo 7. Send the mayor back to his people by several carrier pigeons 8. Dress up like a dragon and demand...
  7. I

    What Game/Music combo does this picture make you want to play?

    I think it's also the attitude of heavy metal, fantasy influences aside. Ozzy, Iommi, Ward, and Butler came from many of the same musical roots and substances as Jimi Hendrix (I used to have a bootleg of them playing 'spoonful', from before they were Black Sabbath), but then went tougher and...
  8. I

    What Game/Music combo does this picture make you want to play?

    Metal and D&D just seem to go together. In most other situations, I'm a classic rock guy, even a Dead fan, but when I want to get pumped for my game I go to Motorhead, AC/DC, and Pantera.
  9. I

    What Game/Music combo does this picture make you want to play?

    For me, Classic Traveller and AC/DC - Long Way To The Top
  10. I

    Guess the common thread between these names!

    I would appreciate it if you would edit the answer out of your post, though, so that others can try. ;-)
  11. I

    Guess the common thread between these names!

    Wrong. No XP for you just yet.
  12. I

    Guess the common thread between these names!

    I'm going to be playing in a campaign of Chaos-worshipping, power armor-wearing, bolt gun-shooting futuristic warlords. In the course of creating my character for this game, I had to come up with a name. I found several names. Here are some of the best. See if you can guess the common thread...
  13. I

    D&D 5E Do we really need D&D:Next to be the One Edition?

    Looking at the post more-or-less objectively, though admittedly while still on an emotional high *from playing D&D*, I'd say this mirrors my sentiments exactly. We don't need to all change to the new thing, and if people start seriously thinking of Next as the 'one true game', then BAM! That's...
  14. I

    In your opinion, the VERY BEST adventure product to come out in the last two years.

    Dungeon Alphabet is the best that I've read, followed closely by the random dungeon generators in the back of OSRIC. I haven't read Carcosa or Vornheim yet, though, so I'm withholding final judgement.