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Recent content by Hriston

  1. Hriston

    D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

    Correct, I didn't say it did. It could also fall under not being told "how the players are supposed to interact with the wider setting and how it might intersect with their PCs' backgrounds".
  2. Hriston

    D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

    Why do you keep asserting things like this as if there's some objective reality to any of it? You're not even correct according to the officially published material for 5E, Curse of Strahd (2016), in which half the adventure hooks, starting on page 18, involve the party encountering Vistani on...
  3. Hriston

    D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

    I just wanted to respond to this. I imagine your second noble would be very interested in granting the first one an audience and hearing what he has to say and learning whether it can be of some benefit to himself. What happens in the meeting might depend on the power dynamic between them. They...
  4. Hriston

    D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

    Because it's only "working" when it actually happens, and you can't extrapolate nonsensical fiction like a personal messenger you know by name waiting in every thorp, hamlet, and hyperspace depot in the multiverse to deliver your messages for you, unless that's the fiction the group wants to...
  5. Hriston

    D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

    I disagree. The rules aren't an excuse for behaving like an ass-hat, and it isn't the job of the rules or houserules to correct such behavior.
  6. Hriston

    D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

    But do you? Does this weirdness happen in your actual games? If not, then why are you complaining about it?
  7. Hriston

    D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

    Well, the feature (Criminal Contact) doesn't say "100% of the time, 24-7". It says you know people who can deliver messages for you with everything knowing people entails, including sometimes you might have to look around to find them depending on circumstance. I don't think there'd be anything...
  8. Hriston

    D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

    Well, I have an existing background feature published by WotC that says I know this person. Is that good enough for you?
  9. Hriston

    D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

    As long as you don’t mind waiting up to two weeks at this point. You seem to be using the rule as a source of potential fiction. I.e. an in-world "physics engine". It wasn’t designed for that purpose. Thus the user error you’re experiencing. There’s no reason to think the rule creates fiction...
  10. Hriston

    The Hunt for Gollum

    Here's an idea of something like what the plot might turn out to be (although I was thinking of a TV series when I wrote it down) from my OP to this thread:
  11. Hriston

    D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

    I didn't say you know the local messengers everywhere/on all planes. I'm pretty sure I've already said this too, but you (meaning your PC) know the local messengers in the places where you (the player) use the feature. That's it, and it isn't nonsensical. Seriously? It makes perfect sense. It's...
  12. Hriston

    D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

    I have 100% chance of knowing my friend in Barcelona whom I've known since we went to high school together. When I visit Barcelona there will be no chance of me not knowing her.
  13. Hriston

    D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

    Are you saying you allow the player to ask if they can use their feature? Wow, that's so generous of you! ;) But seriously, how would it be "extra work" for the DM to scrap the parts of what's been written about the port that contradict what the player asserts and which (obviously) haven't been...
  14. Hriston

    D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

    I don't think we're talking about the same thing. I was talking about the player having to ask the DM questions about details they made up about the port, and my question was why the DM was being coy. Why not share the awesome fiction you've invented with your players, so they can make informed...
  15. Hriston

    (IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 1

    Bible, recovering from her speechlessness, over-awed momentarily by the giant's enormity, steps forward, giving a short, polite bow, and addresses him in the most formal Giant speech she can muster, ::I yam Bible, my lord prinsk, Reeve of the humble village of Steelport which for many a year has...