• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by HeapThaumaturgist

  1. HeapThaumaturgist

    What Happens If CODENAME: MORNINGSTAR Doesn't Fund?

    I'd be curious to know what sort of issues they ran into working with WotC. I work in software as a project manager doing custom solutions, so 400k doesn't make me blush for something the size of that. 1.2 million, though, would be a fairly significant project but not out of the ordinary for a...
  2. HeapThaumaturgist

    Healing problems? Need Help

    My read of the rules was always that people just miraculously live if the encounter ends while they're still hanging around Death's Door. The monsters go away, a short rest can occur, the fallen are un-fallen'd through a Take 20 or such of a Heal skill, etc. Hit points are, relatively, an...
  3. HeapThaumaturgist

    Green Ronin not signing GSL (Forked Thread: Doing the GSL. Who?)

    If anything, I would think the GSL will encourage producers to BE Fly-By-Night. Get something out fast and dirty and try to sell it before WotC releases something that means you have to burn it. Do Y before WotC changes X. Nobody is going to want to produce attractive hardbound books with...
  4. HeapThaumaturgist

    Fighter Level 2 Utilities

    I ran a 4E-conversion SciFi game and the Defender had Get Over Here. It was intended to pull allies to the back for healing/safety. The Defender was using it every encounter it to haul some NPC Soldiers out from behind him and push them into the fray. I kept hearing R. Lee Ermy shouting...
  5. HeapThaumaturgist

    Art of the Peel

    But the OP's complaint is that this amount is STILL not enough to warrant the monster switching targets to the tank, in his game, because the GM view is that the monster can more easily take down the True Striker (low HP, lower AC) and focus on the Paladin. So even that the Paladin's spikes are...
  6. HeapThaumaturgist

    Art of the Peel

    To be honest, your way lies madness. Essentially, and you see this in PVP, there's absolutely no reason not to play a Striker if that's the methodology that is being employed by the DM. Otherwise you have to overpower the tanks as they overpowered Clerics in the last edition and then, being...
  7. HeapThaumaturgist

    System-unique Feats

    The big effect on Windfall is that bump to profession. A small investiture in profession will quickly begin to churn out Wealth increases that keep their Wealth values up even as they purchase equipment. --fje
  8. HeapThaumaturgist

    Numbers on the Sheet or Foot in the Mouth?

    I'm not a trained thespian. I sucked when I did theater in school (high and collegiate). It's not my natural mode. My group is a little more immersive in role-play than I am. I'm more used to GMing, where I take a narrative approach for the most part. I run out of fun accents and mannerisms...
  9. HeapThaumaturgist

    D&D 4E d20 Modern 4E - I want it!

    Let's see if this attachment works. At any rate, I've been toying with a 4E-inspired Modern conversion system for some time now. My group has been playing it on and off for several months. It started with some elements of SWSE and has grown from there. There's quite a bit different from 4E...
  10. HeapThaumaturgist

    Goodman is clearly going to the GSL.

    Some small minority of the community are so incensed by the GSL as to specifically NOT buy GSL-supported product and would be MORE interested in purchasing non-GSL D&D-compatible products. --fje
  11. HeapThaumaturgist

    What needs to be fixed/improved in d20 Modern?

    I LIKED the classes. A lot. And I wouldn't want to lose what they brought to the table, which was infinite flexibility. I always loved to see people make a concept come alive with different selections from the classes. You might have somebody do a Strong/Fast gunfighter or a Strong/Fast...
  12. HeapThaumaturgist

    Minion Creation Rules?

    I'm sure they'll be available in the DMG 2 or 3 and/or they'll be printed in Dragon in DDI at some point. Value add, baby. --fje
  13. HeapThaumaturgist

    Why the obsession with archer Fighters?

    I think it is because, previously, the Fighter was SEEN as "The Guy Who Fights ... With Weapons". Even if the most EFFECTIVE tactics were, usually, melee builds of various types, it remained that there were feats and such to support the Fighter as the guy as what fights with weapons ... all of...
  14. HeapThaumaturgist

    What CAN'T you do with 4e?

    What can't I do with 4E? CREATE a game that isn't heavily focused on very precise archetypes. I like the rules assumptions, a lot, but I'm working on general-flavored classes and, right now, it just isn't working out well. Everything is very hyper-focused. Every step aside from a current...
  15. HeapThaumaturgist

    (Poll) Will the DDI delay influence your 4e purchases?

    At this point, they took a BIG hit from me. Seriously. Mostly the lack of communication. But I've been around this block with them before, back when 3E was released. There was a grand plan for digital there, too. I have a feeling this is going to get released 6-12 months behind schedule...