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Recent content by Grandpa

  1. Grandpa

    Artistic Ability

    The scenario sounds fun. I'd ask the players what they want to paint, and make three checks (Int/Wis/Cha) to determine the result: Creation Int for detail or novelty. Wis for emotion and purpose. Cha for accessibility. Examples Int (low): "crude," "simple," "crafted with so little care," "a...
  2. Grandpa

    Sucking the Life Out of Skill Challenges

    In my experience, skill challenges too often led to an exercise in reading the DM's mind or fearful player participation, despite the awesome goal of enabling drama and connecting dots between character sheets and character fantasy. My solution was turning skill challenges into a rule of thumb...
  3. Grandpa

    D&D 5E 5E Will Epic Fail If

    5E will epic fail if everything it brings us is something we have seen before.
  4. Grandpa

    How to Flesh out a City

    I also begged for some city help awhile back and you might find something useful buried in the thread. A user named Gilladian was extremely helpful to me there. I like Quickleaf's advice -- divide up the city into districts and throw out some notable features that a tourist is likely to...
  5. Grandpa

    D&D 4E The New Monster Math, Explained and Expanded

    I downloaded and tested it and it was only 84 hp when the caste is "solo." Switching the caste to "standard" made it look good. By default I had it set to a Solo Controller -- maybe that was confusing -- so I'll update the file to be "Standard" caste by default. I tried to make it really basic...
  6. Grandpa

    L&L 3/05 - Save or Die!

    [/zzz] Just a dumb, tired thought that's probably been discussed before: if the purpose of save or die is fear-inducing super-scary monsters that would (should?) be a higher level anyway, why not just make save or die effects apply if a monster is +x levels higher than you? And maybe you save or...
  7. Grandpa

    D&D 4E The New Monster Math, Explained and Expanded

    I also built a spreadsheet because I'm fickle about formatting. It presents information as a simplified stat block that you can print. To aid improvisation, it lists all four damage categories for your monster with notes and example powers from the PDF that adjust dynamically based on your caste...
  8. Grandpa

    My Experience with Karma

    Nice catch. My players haven't brought up this concern (and may never notice) but it's something I'll watch for. Keep in mind that it's still totally up to the DM how to use karma, and that absorbing damage is bragging rights to a good defender. But the point about strikers gives me pause...
  9. Grandpa

    My Experience with Karma

    It's any roll. In the case described above -- where a player "did something cool" to chop off an enemy's hand and I assigned a 19-20 requirement to succeed knowing they'd dump karma into it -- the hand was carrying an unstable magic element the players wanted, but (on a roll) it shattered and...
  10. Grandpa

    My Experience with Karma

    I wanted to share my experience implementing karma points in my homebrew campaign in case it benefits someone else. After a few sessions of experimenting and tuning, I feel enthusiastic about my results. Players get 1 karma point if they miss every target on their turn. At the end of each...
  11. Grandpa


    It's been extremely helpful. Thank you so much. I have another quick question that I hope someone might help me with. How was news usually delivered through a large medieval city? If a medieval building was accosted by demons the night prior, how would word of it get around? Were their ever...
  12. Grandpa

    [Very Long] Combat as Sport vs. Combat as War: a Key Difference in D&D Play Styles...

    Enjoyable thread. When someone mentioned that D&D is often players' first introduction to the hobby, I wondered whether a CAS or CAW system would be a better introductory point. CAS games like 4E seem to curb the negative and positive effects of DMs. I like 4E because it dulls my fear of doing...
  13. Grandpa

    Upset about another edition!

    Thanksgiving at the DeAndy's Why do they want to unite us? When they bring us all together, all we do is fight. :(
  14. Grandpa

    Mountains of Gibberish

    Impressive gibberish! I wish I was better at improvising a language, even mimicking others, but alas. I hoped others in the same predicament had favorite generators like this one for generating handy excerpts from the various D&D tongues.
  15. Grandpa

    Mountains of Gibberish

    Does the community have favorite gibberish generators, to emulate "warlike," "elegant," "militaristic," etc. languages during a gaming session?