• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Goblyns Hoard

  1. Goblyns Hoard

    D&D 5E Specific overrides general: a general rule, or a specific rule?

    As a rule there is an exception to every rule.... so therefore there isn't
  2. Goblyns Hoard

    Gamers in the Workforce

    Other: Scientific Publishing
  3. Goblyns Hoard

    Small Gods: Myriad Puntheons

    Scallops - God of swearing in front of young and impressionable children
  4. Goblyns Hoard

    4E Class Survivor - Round 4

    Kill the bard... I've never liked the bard - just the idea of him standing there singing at his enemies to defeat them. It just doesn't work for me, never has and I dare say never will. Now apparently the 4e version works better than previous incarnations (don't know don't have the PHB2)...
  5. Goblyns Hoard

    Once a Month Sessions - HOW?

    How long are your sessions? I run a game where we meet every few months. 3 or 4 sessions a year. It's a pain, we'd all love it to be more regular but the combination of work, personal lives, travel required to get together and everything else that gets in the way means even monthly sessions...
  6. Goblyns Hoard

    Joke Names you've never used...but want to.

    I'm waiting for the next superheroes game to play Misty Ennay Blonde, buxom and wearing spandex two sizes too small, her powers will basically involve getting into trouble, screaming for help and in doing so maximising the abilities of all 'red blooded men' in the area to come and get her out...
  7. Goblyns Hoard

    New guy, bad choices for character and personality

    I've never experienced quite what you have but have had to deal with similar types of conditions - and some from situations where I know the player isn't a jerk - just that he gets far too stuck in 'what his character would do' and unwilling to bend even a little for the sake of the game. And...
  8. Goblyns Hoard

    Spot the Dragon!

    The biologist in me wants to point out that a lot of diving birds are able to enter the water with a much smaller splash than other animals of similar size. I'm not saying that there's not going to be any noise or splash just that an intelligent creature that spends a lot of time in water is...
  9. Goblyns Hoard

    Our First Game -- What some non-RPG fans Learned that they want to share!

    I did actually have a look at this and created a first template but then abandoned the idea. The issue I had was that there are a number of factors that can affect Defences that it would require the DM to keep track of a range of numbers not only for the NPCs but now also for the PCs as well...
  10. Goblyns Hoard

    How should I pronounce Tiefling?

    For anyone interested - tief (pronounced to rhyme with (coral) reef) is german for deep, so if you use that as the etymology then they are the deeplings.
  11. Goblyns Hoard

    Halfling Staff Wizard . . . impossible?

    Use the stats for a club but change the mace keyword to staff.
  12. Goblyns Hoard

    Divine Power Source

    One development I'd like to see would be a bit more differentiation of different types of priests. The Cleric as we have it is pretty much a Pelor/Bahamut type cleric, with the option of taking feats to get powers that are more in line with the actual deity they worship. I'd like to see...
  13. Goblyns Hoard

    Encounter Design - Single High Level Enemies

    Cheers for the input everyone. TO be clear what I was talking about was nothing to do with DDI - never used it. I'm just going out of the 'Spending you XP budget' section (page 57 of the DMG). I realise it says monsters 7 levels or above are likely to be too hard but what I was looking for...
  14. Goblyns Hoard

    Encounter Design - Single High Level Enemies

    I’m putting together my next game and I’d like some advice from those of you that have run more than my current two games of 4E. I’m curious as to how well the encounter creation calculator works when you start pitting parties against higher level foes. The idea is that the characters are on...
  15. Goblyns Hoard

    Push, Pull, Slide... can you change directions?

    I think that it could also be open to interpretation based on the power in question. With those that are force push effects, e.g. Thunderwave, I think I'd rule that you can't go change the direction dramatically. That doesn't mean no change of direction, so back one square then diagonally back...