Recent content by FuzzyBunny

  1. F

    Level Up (A5E) A5E Treasure Assumptions

    I like that common magical items - thanks for the link! I'll have to play with that. I'd think there would be time to buy magic items if they are simply stocked in a shop.
  2. F

    Level Up (A5E) A5E Treasure Assumptions

    Thanks for the comment. I'm looking at page 176 of T&T. A level 18 character acquires 40k, level 19 acquires 50k, level 20 acquires 60 k, etc. Perhaps I've misinterpreted? You mention magic items, which is what I was getting at: whether the game is expecting you to be buying permanent magic...
  3. F

    Level Up (A5E) A5E Treasure Assumptions

    I'm an O5e player, but I use a lot of A5e material behind the screen because I think it generally superior to WOTC's products. I am starting a new campaign, and trying to figure out treasure. I want to use the T&T role tables. However, I am having trouble understanding what their assumptions...
  4. F

    D&D 5E Combat Encounters Per Dungeon Budget

    I use Advanced 5e encounter rules. In my experience, they line up with my expectation of easy/medium/hard, etc. So 6-8 WOTC "medium" encounters would seem to map nicely to 4-5 A5E "Medium" encounters.
  5. F

    D&D 5E Combat Encounters Per Dungeon Budget

    The second time on this thread someone has recommended page 84...I'll go back and take a look at it. Agreed on the scale/scope question. To my mind, "normal" dungeon is 9-12 rooms. I prefer monsters to traps, so I like my dungeons monster heavy. 4-5 is about what I had in mind for a dungeon of...
  6. F

    D&D 5E Combat Encounters Per Dungeon Budget

    Yeah, the ability to avoid encounters certainly complicates things. The DMG says 6-8 hard or medium encounters a day. In my experience with Tier 1 and Tier 2 parties, that seems far too taxing.
  7. F

    D&D 5E Combat Encounters Per Dungeon Budget

    Does anyone have a good rule of thumb for how many combat encounters should be in a dungeon of a given size for it to be an appropriate challenge? I'm trying my hand at homebrewing and I don't have a great sense of how to stock a dungeon with combat encounters. I'm kind of just feeling it out...
  8. F

    Level Up (A5E) Elite Monster Template

    That's great news! I think elite monsters are a fantastic innovation and would love to learn more about how to make my own.
  9. F

    Level Up (A5E) Damage Costing for Ongoing Conditions

    Sounds like you're agreeing with me, then? After looking over a few more statblocks, I may have to revise my answer to "the guidance is intentionally ambiguous and you can't take the quantification of conditions too seriously" based on some stat blocks I've recently read that conflict with...
  10. F

    Level Up (A5E) Damage Costing for Ongoing Conditions

    Is there guidance for how to cost damage from ongoing conditions when homebrewing monsters? For example, a creature is poisoned but can make a save at the end of each turn, or a creature is grappled and restrained while grappled in this way (I believe the latter example is considered ongoing...
  11. F

    Level Up (A5E) How do I "damage cost" this ability?

    You're right, I do see that now! But strangely, it then gives the firebird example, saying it can do 70% of 32 damage (22 damage) because it's area of effect. Then, in the next section on limited-use abilities, it says in order to bring the damage back up to 32, you have to reduce the damage on...
  12. F

    Level Up (A5E) How do I "damage cost" this ability?

    Haha, yeah it's tricky. I think I just need to eyeball it. Although looking at my copy of MM, I have to quibble because I don't see anything about the AoE penalty not applying to recharge abilities - just that recharge abilities can exceed the budget.
  13. F

    Level Up (A5E) How do I "damage cost" this ability?

    I am only following your first paragraph I didn't consider that the two grappled creatures are effectively making a saving throw automatically, so I think treating it as conditional probably makes sense. One thing I neglected to bring up is that this seems like it should be treated as AoE in...
  14. F

    Level Up (A5E) How do I "damage cost" this ability?

    This is true, but I figured that this was a simplifying assumption that can only be made assuming spell save DCs/attack modifiers are within a given range - which means in reality, we can't make that assumption if the odds of success are significantly higher - and in this case the odds of...
  15. F

    Level Up (A5E) How do I "damage cost" this ability?

    Hi all, I'm looking to scale down a stat block, which I won't reproduce here because it's not part of any SRD. It doesn't easily fit the monster creation guides in the A5E MM, which is what is making it difficult to cost. This is a (Recharge 6) ability, so likely to only be used once per...