• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by EnochSeven

  1. EnochSeven

    Experienced Player/DM looking to play (4E, 3.5E) in Houston/Pearland/Clear Lake Area

    yes please! Also in SE Houston looking for a group. sorry for the 14 year delay on a response. :ROFLMAO:
  2. EnochSeven

    D&D (2024) How excited are you for the new 2024 edition d&d?

    That's too bad. I haven't looked, was hoping the classes would be freshened up.
  3. EnochSeven

    D&D (2024) How excited are you for the new 2024 edition d&d?

    4. I'm excited. I like the current edition but have played it to death. I'll definitely give it a good solid try upon release.
  4. EnochSeven


    I ran Candlekeep with my family and they loved it. Very happy to see another one with a similar hub type of standalone adventures. Sounds wonderful
  5. EnochSeven

    Lankhmar Box Set for Dungeon Crawl Classics!

    I love Goodman Games and am thrilled with this! DCC is my favorite RPG - feels so old school but plays so modern and quirky. Love it!
  6. EnochSeven

    How old is your gaming group?

    About to hit 2 years for me, although my group has been around for 4 or 5 years. I'm pretty lucky; for the most part we are able to meet every week, which is so hard since we all have kids and jobs and all that stuff that gets in the way of regular gaming!
  7. EnochSeven

    Are you in the RPG closet?

    Unfortunately, I am in the closet. I don't like it. I have always been very self conscious. I'm not sure why I care what other people think, and it drives me nuts. I've only been playing for two years after a 25 year break, but I'm beginning to realize this isn't just a hobby phase I'm...
  8. EnochSeven

    Why is it so difficult to find good groups?

    Yeah I think there is truth to this. The good tables are full and people rarely leave them. So there isn't room. Ironically, even the most stable table can sometimes use a dose of fresh blood. I know with my own group I hold onto my seat very tightly. I'm lucky and I know it. There are...
  9. EnochSeven

    New podcast for gaming

    I will check it out. Thanks. Always looking for another podcast to listen to.
  10. EnochSeven

    Advice for recording an actual play podcast?

    The snowball mics are great. I use a program called Levelator The Levelator® from The Conversations Network to level all the audio. It's a fabulous 'normalize' program. You have to record in a raw wave to use Levelator. Then I take the output and drop it into Audacity. Then I remove the...
  11. EnochSeven

    How do you read your players interest during a game session

    This is a really interesting question and am curious to hear responses. I do not want to be a high-maintenance DM. I've had enough of them; always watching you and asking you how things are and if you happen to yawn....OMG you've committed a sin. People yawn sometimes. It happens. You...
  12. EnochSeven

    WotBS 4E - WotBS - Adventure Path - Spoilers

    My party just finished with the encounter that introduces Rantle, and boy did they hate him. I"m not quite sure what it was, but I thought for a bit that it was going to come to blows. He really made them mad. I think I may have to bring him back somehow!
  13. EnochSeven

    PC to PC Banter Help

    Hi Folks I'm getting back into roleplaying after a 25 year break and am quite rusty. Ok actually back when I played 25 years ago there was no roleplay at all....it was just hack and slash. I find that I like the roleplay, but am struggling and could use some advice. I would like to...
  14. EnochSeven

    When will D&D 5e be published?

    I can't speak for the person you are quoting, but for myself, I like stuff that is new and exciting. I really like 4e, but whenever the next thing comes that's where the new energy is and I like that. It's fun to keep up with the current stuff for me. I like to hear about new releases and...