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Recent content by Elf Witch

  1. E

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    I have been going to cons since the 1970s and the issue of harassment is nothing new. My very first Worldcon I was had just turned 18. The drinking age in Florida was 18 and there was a lot of booze at the con plus it was the mid 70s and sexual mores were different there were no AIDS/HIV so...
  2. E

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    Most have no racial , religious, sexual slurs posted as harassment. I have also seen no touching without permission, no upskirt photographs, no excessive following, and explanations of when someone asks that you leave them alone you leave them alone.
  3. E

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    You mean fathers like the one who wants his rapist son to have a lighter sentence because it is ruining his life after all he was only getting a little action? Or fathers who hold a double standard and high five their sons when they get action but expected their daughters to be virgins? They...
  4. E

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    So a woman goes to an event an a man follows her around stares at her ogling at her because that in your opinion is his right as man until it ruins her ability to enjoy the event that she paid money to attend so she should what leave? Please tell me how that is right or just? Why can't he...
  5. E

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    OH please that is where you think this is going? How about getting rid of rape culture and understanding bodily autonomy and consent. The idea that women can dress as a slave Leia and enjoy themselves at con because they find that fun and that does not mean that they are there to have sex with...
  6. E

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    As someone who has been on concommittes I can answer this one for you and the answer is no. For crying out loud stop worrying about your fragile male self. How every con I have been a part of handles harassment is we investigate if it comes down to he says she says we ask them to stay away from...
  7. E

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    You are right why don't you have women dress in burkas that will just solve everything.
  8. E

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    I read about half the replies and I could not stomach any more. First of all the idea that if women are harassed at a con the police need to be involved and if they are not no harassment took place or that is the only way to get justice is just ludicrous. I have been on the con committee for...
  9. E

    We're All Gamers Together: Why Harassment Has To Stop

    I am 58 and have been dealing with this for a long time and I am exhausted. Everyone of my gaming friends who are female and who are gay have stories. My roommate is DMing right now and a young friend of mine who I met through pagan activities wanted to know how to play so she joined her group...
  10. E

    We're All Gamers Together: Why Harassment Has To Stop

    I would never bring something like romance or sex in the game with guys I don't know. They can get so weird about it. In one game the male PCs went to a brothel and my lone female PC went to dinner with the town's sheriff and spent the night with him. I had to deal with the entire I didn't know...
  11. E

    We're All Gamers Together: Why Harassment Has To Stop

    This is what bothers me is the fact as women we are used to dealing with this because it happens all the time. I know and many of my friends categorize crap like this as well he only said one thing and when I moved away he didn't follow me so it is okay I guess at least he didn't keep it up or...
  12. E

    We're All Gamers Together: Why Harassment Has To Stop

    I started playing on my own not because of a guy. Years later I got the guy I was dating into playing and we joined a group and several of the guys asked him how he got me to play and what advice he could offer to them to get their girl friends to play. He looked at them and said I don't know...
  13. E

    We're All Gamers Together: Why Harassment Has To Stop

    Yes it is not at big cons like Gencon but smaller ones. Last year at local con that has a gaming room the con committee had to step in because five out of the six DMs were refusing to allow women to play. And before anyone brings it up if the situation was reversed it would be as much a problem...
  14. E

    We're All Gamers Together: Why Harassment Has To Stop

    I want to say something about female only tables. I think if there are female DMs to run a few games then they are great idea. Not just because of the issues of feeling safe which is an issue. But as a female gamer with years of experience under my belt I still face certain assumptions when I...