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Recent content by DizzyKungFu

  1. D

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Prestige Classes?

    OK, that's great news for my character! But my DM is a stickler for "official rules and eratta". Does anyone know an official source that I can show him? Even a WotC web page or something... any ideas?
  2. D

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Prestige Classes?

    I know that prestige classes did not count towards a multiclassing XP penalty in 3.0, but I can't seem to find any information in the 3.5 rulebooks that says this is still the case. Has this been changed so that now prestige classes must be figured into the multiclassing penalty?
  3. D

    Planescape/Sigil question

    Did anyone play the old 2e Planescape setting? I know that the Lady of Pain didn't like powers/dieties and didn't allow them in Sigil, but how did she feel about clerics of those powers? E.g. what did she do about a priest of Moradin casting spells in Sigil? Was that just ignored, or was that...
  4. D

    Spell Turning

    But if the effect is turned back on the caster, doesn't it generate the resonating thing (because the caster also has a Spell Turning)? Do you see my confusion? Can someone help, please?
  5. D

    Spell Turning

    What happens when a wizard protected by Spell Turning casts a spell (let's say Haste) upon himself?
  6. D

    Telepathy question

    I'm confused about how telepathy works. Telepathy from a demon, devil, pseudodragon, or the Mindbender prestige class, let's say. Does this telepathy allow the subject to respond telepathically, or do they just hear the words in their mind? Can a being with telepathy communicate with someone...
  7. D

    Spring attack & charge?

    I would agree that you couldn't move back after a charge, but you could still use a Spring Attack with the charge. Remember, there is still a benefit from declaring a Spring Attack that you won't provoke an AoO from the target (great for closing in on that big, tough ogre with a 10 ft. reach).
  8. D

    Falling question

    How do you decide when a character that fall whether they are prone or not? I can't find a rule that states this, one way or the other, but I have a hard time believing a PC that falls 200 ft. (and takes 20d6 damage) isn't prone after this.
  9. D

    Dimension Door question

    Why couldn't PC1 simply delay so that he could take a full-round of actions (or attacks) once he's been brought along by the DD? Or more simply, what if PC2 goes first?
  10. D

    Dimension Door question

    The Dimension Door spell description says that "After using this spell, the character can’t take any other actions until the character's next turn." Now what my players have been doing is DDing with another, then that person takes their full turn after the DDer goes. Should this be allowed? I...
  11. D

    Can incorporeal creatures be disintegrated?

    I hate to throw another wrench into the works, but the DMG and MM definitions of incorporeal creatures say that they have a 50% chance to ignore DAMAGE from a corporeal source. I assume that when you are disintegrated, you aren't damaged, you're just turned to dust (unless the creature makes its...
  12. D

    Can incorporeal creatures be disintegrated?

    So does that mean that incorporeal creatures can be disintegrated?
  13. D

    Can incorporeal creatures be disintegrated?

    If a sorcerer hits a wraith with a disintegrate spell, assuming that he makes the ranged touch attack, and that the 50% chance to ignore non-force spells doesn't ruin the spell, and that the wraith doesn't make its Fort save, can the wraith be disintegrated? I can't seem to find anything that...
  14. D

    Falling Stuff

    As a DM, suppose that during combat your PC wizard casts disintegrate on the ceiling of a high, natural cavern 100 ft. up. He or she casts their 10 ft. cube to disintegrate the highest part of the ceiling, leaving low hanging stalagtites and other protrusions unaffected within this 10 ft. area...
  15. D

    Teleport Other?

    I'm converting something to 3e and run into the Teleport Other spell problem. It doesn't exist in 3e. Has anybody ever seen a conversion? Anybody know another way with the core rules to magically transport another with a spell, possibly against their will (a save is fine)? I need a spell that...