• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by demoss

  1. demoss

    What Mechanics or Systems Do You NEED?

    - An unambiguous way to describe things getting worse. Eg. hit points, conditions, etc. There needs to be clarity on "how much more do you have left in the tank". (As a GM. I'm ok playing without this, or having eg. HP hidden from me.) - Support for my kind of fiction first. ie. rules don't...
  2. demoss

    Our Physical Fitness

    While suffering from depression I exceeded 105kg (230lbs) ... a decade ago? I managed to drop near ~90kg (200lbs) with relative ease several times, but always ended up bouncing back. That bounce always happened within ~6 months of getting there, usually when seasons turned. My goal was always...
  3. demoss

    Hugo Awards controversy

    There is a huge risk of falling into a "technological fixes for social issue" fallacy here, but I would go for something like: Require use of specific vote tallying software, including a voting website. No more DIY, or at the very least require it to be open source and available. Require...
  4. demoss

    D&D 5E Players, would you play in a multi-year campaign that used only the 5.1 SRD?

    If that was what a friend wanted to run and asked me to play, and the campaign carried for multiple years? Of course. I cannot imagine a someone pitching a multi-year D&D campaign to me, though. I can image a campaign lasting for multiple years easily. I think we spent like... 4 years on Curse...
  5. demoss

    Hugo Awards controversy

    There are ways to host events in problematic countries that are less problematic. These ways center around listening to the voices of the locally disempowered, and asking how such an event can make their lives better. An international event in China has way more freedom than a national one...
  6. demoss

    D&D (2024) Out with the old, in with the new?

    I think the way Mongoose is handling updates to their 2e Traveller books is nice. They're just sticking "UPDATE YEAR" after the title. Wizards could just call it "2024 Update".
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  8. demoss

    D&D (2024) Out with the old, in with the new?

    Saying "we're using the this stuff, not that stuff" is IMO the most common thing in the world, so I'm not sure what you mean? Seeing something published doesn't mean (1) I've bought it and (2) read it (3) liked it and (4) decided to using it is worth the effort required to change things. Money...
  9. demoss

    D&D (2024) Out with the old, in with the new?

    This is missing the option "I'll keep using the old books, probably incorporating new stuff gradually"
  10. demoss

    D&D 5E Would you require a roll for this?

    Are you going to tell a low int fighter they can't use common sense tactics without making an int roll? If that's your playstyle, then yeah, to be consistent you should require an int roll. I would not personally find such a game very fun, though.
  11. demoss

    SORA AI Technology Preview: We are Entering a Golden Age of Chaos

    Technology is always a force multiplier. This is just more of the same, but admittedly things are coming to a head; the multipliers are getting pretty big. We need to build societies and systems that are robust in face of such force multipliers. The only reason anyone does anything, is...
  12. demoss

    Hugo Awards controversy

    I clearly missed your point, and despite going back I can't seem to manage to unread my previous reading, so help me out?
  13. demoss

    What are you reading in 2024?

    Murderbot & Traveller books now, Babel & Ptolus later, I think.
  14. demoss

    Hugo Awards controversy

    Lots of people made that case, and there was such a campaign. Turns out most fans dont't give a f*ck Uighurs, rule of law, due process, or universal suffrage.