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Recent content by dbolack

  1. D

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    I mean, we're all our own collection of assumptions that overlap with each other except when they don't. I'm sure he felt it was more than obvious; both within his particular artistic framework and in general.
  2. D

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    I've trying to figure out how to bring this in. This was the first Elmore piece I was exposed to and it was a few years before I caught his general patterns, whereas I presumed female and never really thought about it again until this thread popped up. Had I seen the cover after say, 5 years of...
  3. D

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    No. You cannot conceive of anyone believing the figure is ambiguous. That ain't the same thing by a country mile.
  4. D

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    Okay, you got me. Which identified, non-fictional individual is in the painting. I'll wait.
  5. D

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    Oh, I think they likely did too, even if that was the starting point. Mostly it was a counterpoint to the absurdity of "they did it for the clicks" argument with such an abysmal amount of data to draw a conclusion from.
  6. D

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    Except that it cannot be true. It is art of an unidentified, fictional being.
  7. D

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    I think it is just as likely that the art was snagged by a youngin who didn't know the piece as a suggestion for a female figure when they were collecting pics they thought were suitable for this line as it is they did it for the clicks. That is, unlikely, but not impossible. We can't know...
  8. D

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    The only argument of confusion is from the slightly click-bait articles and the people who absolutely insist that there was no way interpret the figure as not male and therefore there can't be confusion.
  9. D

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    You know, that's fair. I did respond to you though addressing the general sentiment that frankly used much more hyperbolic language than yours. I should have pointed that out more directly, and sooner.
  10. D

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    Mystery or debate? No. Ambiguous enough that not everyone draws the same conclusion? Absolutely. It is unfortunate you can't seem to see that.
  11. D

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    More than one person in the thread has mentioned they interpreted the character as a woman. It is fair to extrapolate we didn't all seem to know the same thing.
  12. D

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    Have a citation for that, by chance? I didn't spot it in earlier discourse and find that idea kinda fascinating.
  13. D

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    Its always better to be nice, but it is ... presumptuous to presume that any other option was pure evil and will turn you into a snail.
  14. D

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    Once the piece has been accepted? No. Not really. Anything else is just being nice.