Recent content by Dausuul

  1. D

    D&D (2024) Hobby Store Exclusive (Special Cover) PHB Pre-Orders Cancelled

    Some folks are going to complain no matter what. Some of them are going to be vile about it. This is the Internet. Trolls gonna troll, bring fire damage. That doesn't mean WotC gets a pass for doing a bad job. I agree that they are not to blame for the printer screwing up*. They are, however...
  2. D

    D&D (2024) Hobby Store Exclusive (Special Cover) PHB Pre-Orders Cancelled

    I try not to get on the "everything WotC does is awful" bandwagon. But jeez, that bandwagon looks like a pretty sweet ride these days. It isn't that they are spectacularly evil. They're just so amazingly bad at engaging with the D&D community. And that's an ominous long-term sign, because this...
  3. D

    D&D (2024) The math of the GWF Fighting Style and why its as good as a +1 (and possibly better than defense)

    That's crossing well over the line into "rules exploit" as far as I'm concerned.
  4. D

    D&D (2024) The math of the GWF Fighting Style and why its as good as a +1 (and possibly better than defense)

    In 2014, dual wielding was straightforward. Pick up two light weapons and you get an off-hand attack with your bonus action, but you can't add your attack stat to the damage. Take TWF and you add your attack stat normally. Take Dual Wielder and you get +1 AC and can use non-light weapons...
  5. D

    D&D (2024) Dual Wielding

    Vex makes a very substantial difference, and significantly complicates the math. Assuming 5th level, Dual Wielder feat, Two-Weapon Fighting Style, 18 Dex, access to all relevant masteries, and an enemy with AC 15 (that is, a 65% chance to hit): Two short swords: 19.2 damage over the first...
  6. D

    WotC Greg Tito On Leaving WotC: 'It feels good to do something that doesn't just line the pockets of *****'

    Exactly. Good managers do a lot more than "get out of the way." They keep their employees aware of business requirements and constraints; resolve interpersonal issues; keep people on the same page so the final product comes together; go to bat to secure the resources their team needs; ensure...
  7. D

    D&D (2024) How Do I Make a Beast Rider?

    Personal gripe here: This problem could be solved without making everything a friggin' Pokemon. Due to the very generous death-and-dying rules, PCs are notoriously difficult to kill by accident in 5E*. You could use similar rules to improve the survival rate of animal companions; then they could...
  8. D

    D&D (2024) Agonizing Blast and Green Flame Blade

    It says "damage rolls," not "one damage roll." I would rule that it works on both primary and secondary targets starting at 5th level. Technically it shouldn't work at all below 5th, since the spell doesn't trigger any damage roll. I'd be inclined to house rule that it boosts damage to the...
  9. D

    WotC Greg Tito On Leaving WotC: 'It feels good to do something that doesn't just line the pockets of *****'

    What Tito said was unprofessional, yes. Social media tries to convince us we're having a private chat, but it's more like writing an op-ed in a worldwide newspaper. Nor was it particularly constructive -- it didn't shed any new light on anything or tell us something we didn't already know. I...
  10. D

    D&D General Dragonborn Physical Features

    If one of my players wants dragonborn, and I decide to allow it, then they have the physical features that player wants them to have. Otherwise, ain't no such animal.
  11. D

    D&D (2024) Greatweapon fighting style? Is this another joke? Did everyone at WotC failed elementary school math classes?

    On top of that, unless you have a Strength of 10, you're going to have to do addition anyway.
  12. D

    Geek Confessional Thread 2024

    I like the Lovecraft vibe, but his actual writing does nothing for me. Other writers have done much better with his ideas than Lovecraft himself could. (My favorite is by Stephen King. King does a lot of hat tips to Lovecraft, but it's rare for him to embrace the absolute existential despair at...
  13. D

    D&D General Not the Wicked Witch: Revisiting the Legacy of Lorraine Williams

    <Off-topic rant incoming.> I used to have a lot of sympathy for GRRM. "Song of Ice and Fire" currently stands at 1.7 million words. Outside of epic fantasy with its tolerance for giant doorstoppers, a typical novel runs about 100,000 -- ASoIaF is already the length of 17 normal-sized novels...