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Recent content by Dark Jezter

  1. Dark Jezter

    Is Heavy Metal "Rebellious"?

    In the radio broadcasting sense of the term, "classic rock" is usually defined as rock that is at least 20 years old. Meaning that this year, Pantera's Cowboys From Hell album achieved classic rock status.
  2. Dark Jezter

    New Design article: Elves

    Bah. Even when elves are ruled by kings, they're still ruled by queens. ;)
  3. Dark Jezter

    An objective, unbiased look at the problem with elves.

    Welcome back, Forrester! And thanks for posting your Elf Rant again. It's hard to believe that it was over 5 years ago when I first read it. :)
  4. Dark Jezter

    "Some" traditional classes to get the axe - Which ones do you reckon?

    I'd put my money on monk and/or bard being eliminated.
  5. Dark Jezter

    1,001 ways they could screw up 4th Edition D&D...

    A fourth core rulebook is added: The Book of Erotic Fantasy 4e.
  6. Dark Jezter

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 is the REAL reason everyone is angry

    Umbran already said it, but I think it just needs to be said again to anybody who is panicking because they think that all their 3.5 books are suddenly going to be useless next year: You can still play 3.5 after 4e comes out. Nobody will be stopping you. You will still be able to keep using...
  7. Dark Jezter

    D&D 4E 4E's announcement left you in what condition? ;)

    Amused: it's gonna be fun watching all of the Chicken Littles on various forums screaming about how the world's coming to an end because a new edition is coming out. :) I'm also excited because what I've read about 4e so far sounds pretty damn cool.
  8. Dark Jezter

    CSI D&D Reference

    Yep, I caught the reference. It gave me a good chuckle.
  9. Dark Jezter

    213 things skippy cant do in the US army

    I read this list a few years back. It's still as hilarious as it used to be. :lol:
  10. Dark Jezter

    Beauty and the D&D Geek!

    If any of you doubt that gaming attracts a fair share of freaks and weirdos, just read this thread. Or this thread if you're not going anywhere for a while. The reason the public thinks that gamer = geek is because it's true a lot of the time.
  11. Dark Jezter

    Going to the movies alone

    I've only gone to a movie alone once in my life. I didn't like it much. The moviegoing experience is most enjoyable when you have others to enjoy it with.
  12. Dark Jezter

    Who Else Thinks This Chick is Hot?

    You say tamato, I say gross smelly hippie chick. I don't see you mentioning anything about the "sammich" remarks earlier. Am I to believe that it's okay to criticize slender women, but not chubby ones?
  13. Dark Jezter

    Who Else Thinks This Dude Is Hot?

    He weighs less than Chevy Silverado Duramax. He's too damn skinny.
  14. Dark Jezter

    Who Else Thinks This Chick is Hot?

    That's true. She does seem a lot like the hippie chicks from the movie Without A Paddle. Thank God that her armpits aren't exposed in the pic, or I just might be giving up the cheeseburger I had for dinner earlier tonight. :D