• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Cryndo

  1. C

    Level Up (A5E) Languages?

    Wow. Thanks! I don't know how I missed it.
  2. C

    Level Up (A5E) Languages?

    I'm sure I'm just overlooking it somewhere in the rulebooks, but where can I find a list of languages in Level Up 5E?
  3. C

    Virtual TableTop

    Thanks guys! I'll check out all 3.
  4. C

    Virtual TableTop

    I'm hoping you guys can help me again. I'm running a face-to-face campaign, but would like to project the map for the players on a screen. I've got the projector and the screen, but I need to know what software is the most intuitive and functional for my purposes. I don't need the software to...
  5. C

    Campaign Help

    Wow, thanks for all the help! There's a lot there to digest. To answer some questions, I don't have to run an AP, but it is my preferred option. Oh, and although I do enjoy a good urban themed adventure, I'm not tied to that theme - it's just that I at one time owned both SCAP and Ptolus and...
  6. C

    Campaign Help

    It's been a few months since I've played any D&D and the bug bit me again to start a new game. I made plans to run Shackled City for some of my buddies only to find out they are going through it right now with another DM. I need an idea for a campaign that is fun, readily available, and won't...
  7. C

    Virtual Table Top

    So what's the latest word on Wizard's Virtual Table Top? Does anyone here run a campaign strictly on the VTT? Does anyone use it occasionally or just for one shots? How useful is the VTT? Have there been improvements since Beta? I'm thinking of resubbing for Insider, but I really only want...
  8. C

    I'm back - sort of

    I guess that's my gripe. If Wizards would shoot straight with us, I'd be satisfied. What we do or don't have isn't really my issue - it's what they say they're going to deliver that they don't. Just do what you tell me you're going to do. I'm reasonable, I can even handle if things aren't...
  9. C

    I'm back - sort of

    I've got no problem with you remaining loyal to WOTC. Trust me nothing would make me happier than Wizards releasing an awesome VTT. I'd be ecstatic. I'm just not holding my breath. If your players were as bad as mine, you'd be drooling for that app too so you could actually play with some...
  10. C

    I'm back - sort of

    I agree with you to a point. Assuming they do release a functional version of VTT, every app that was promised will be delivered with the exception of the character visualizer. To be honest, I feel as you do about the Visualizer - I could care less. I'm sure there was (is?) some segment of...
  11. C

    I'm back - sort of

    Umm, because a) we were supposed to have all of this stuff years ago and b) what they gave us is not what they told us we were going to get. The problem is Wizards promises one thing and does another. Just like with the 3E software.
  12. C

    I'm back - sort of

    When I signed up, I was told that the apps that STILL are not available would be ready in short order. I was told that I'd be able to use my CB offline. I was told that I'd be able to always download the complete Dungeon and Dragon magazines. So what does Wizards do? They release a couple...
  13. C

    I'm back - sort of

    Oops, you forgot c) I'm disillusioned by a company that doesn't do what it says it will. I can see there are some fanbois that support WOTC no matter what. That's fine. There are some that hate everything about WOTC and that's fine too. You're obviously the former. Cool. I'm neither. I...
  14. C

    I'm back - sort of

    Can you run it right now? I heard there were "bugs" again. If you can't run it right now then it doesn't exist. Some version of VTT apparently did exist although I heard the quality was pretty lame.
  15. C

    I'm back - sort of

    Well, all of that stuff was promised from the beginning. We STILL don't have everything they said we'd have. The CB and MB are both worse since they changed them. The amount of new releases has decreased considerably in the magazines. I subscribed to DDI originally BASED on the promised apps...